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Creating a game based on JRR Tolkien's beloved epic high fantasy books is like stepping into the ring of a championship fight. The pressure is so high, you'll either choke, leading to a terrible game, or you'll bring your A-game and knock... more
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      J. R. R. TolkienGamingTolkienJRR Tolkien
Bu yazıda, Pisagor’un müziğin armonik düzeni ve Heraklitos’un karşıtlıkların süreçselliği düşüncesi temel alınarak Tolkien’in kurgusal-fantastik mekanı olan Orta Dünya evreninde, belirleyici karakterlerinin etkinliklerine göre... more
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      J. R. R. TolkienFelsefeHerakleitosTolkien's Histories of Middle-earth
Anárion is one of the characters that acts as a direct link between J.R.R. Tolkien’s histories of The Silmarillion and The Lord of the Rings. This biography considers his role in Tolkien's larger themes, his place in the legendarium, and... more
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      J. R. R. TolkienFantasy LiteratureTolkien, medievalismLord of the Rings
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      Fantastik EdebiyatTolkien's Histories of Middle-earth