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“Cevami İlm en‐Nucûm ve Usûl el‐Harekât es‐Semâvîyye (Astronominin Özeti ve Göğün Hareketlerinin Esasları)” ve “Şerhu’l‐Mülahhas fi İlmi’l‐Hey’e (Astronomiye Girişi)” ortaçağda İslam dünyasında yetişen en büyük astronomi âlimlerinden... more
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      Middle East StudiesIslamic StudiesHistory of Turkish pressTurkish Literature
Elinizdeki kitabın temel iddiası da, en eski tarihî devirlerden ortaçağlara ve modern döneme, Türkler ve İskitlerin aynı halklar olduğudur. Bu iddia, atlı-savaşçı Türk-İskitlerin konar-göçer yaşam tarzı unsurları ve eklemeli dilleri... more
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      Turkish HistoryScythiansTurksih Traditions and CustomsScythian History
Turkish melodramas present some intriguing gender relations and representation. In some cases, characters in melodrama break away from traditional gender roles. In this paper I would like to investigate why certain melodramas film... more
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      Gender StudiesFilm StudiesTurkish CinemaTurkish and Middle East Studies
Der Austritt der Türkei aus der Istanbul-Konvention rief bei türkischen Frauenorganisationen Entsetzen hervor. Treibende Faktoren hinter der Abkehr von der Istanbul-Konvention sind jedoch vor allem realpolitische Überlegungen: Damit... more
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      Gender StudiesWomen's HistoryTurkish and Middle East StudiesWomen and Gender Issues in Islam
The Cumans settled in Pannonia (Hungary) with the condition of going to Christianity in the firt half of the XIII th century, and over time they forgot their native tongue. However, they kept to traditions they saw from their ancestors.... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesTraditionCumans