Unintended Consequences
Recent papers in Unintended Consequences
The main aim of the text is to discuss the expected consequences of the reform of education and of higher education from the perspective of implementing the welfare state. The welfare state is the main promise of the Law and Justice... more
Future energy technologies must be based on renewable sources of energy and they must be sustainable. This workshop will provide insight into unintended impacts of renewable energy and how they can be avoided. In order to steer away from... more
This is a very old paper, dating from 1983 when I was actively involved in the in the long-defunct Social Democratic Party (SDP) in the UK. (Indeed I stood for parliament in the 1983 General Election.) Nevertheless, although it is... more
Società del controllo o società allo sbando? Nessuna società e nessun individuo può vivere e prosperare se non riesce a integrare forme di controllo e di non-controllo. Oggi però assistiamo a una divaricazione crescente tra questi due... more
Dans ce qui suit, je vais exposer cette analyse du double effet développée par Anscombe en rappelant quelques éléments de sa conception de l’action intentionnelle dans Intention et la distinction conceptuelle entre conséquence prévue et... more
Bernard Ramm's influence on the science / faith dialogue continues to this day. His 1954 book, The Christian View of Science and Scripture, was critical of what he termed "hyper-orthodox" Christians who adopted an adversarial relationship... more
Turbulence is usually considered a negative property of an organization’s environment. Yet turbulence is also a feature of an organization’s internal dynamics and may be useful for productivity. This article argues that interactions... more
sex-doll-case-and-the-p Broad child pornography laws do not protect children from pedophiles. When child pornography laws are both vague and broad, they have the unintended consequence of saturating our culture with the spectacle of the... more
Viele DenkerInnen befassten sich in unterschiedlichen Zusammenhängen mit nichtantizipierten Konsequenzen absichtsgeleiteten Handelns, doch kommt Robert K. Merton das Verdienst zu, diese als erster systematisiert und damit in der Tradition... more
This paper analyses the implementation of the decentralisation policy in Peru from 2002 to 2008. The focus is on four key dimensions: transference of responsibilities (devolution), economic decentralisation, fiscal decentralisation, and... more
A central pillar of contemporary conspiracy theories is the notion that all modern wars were secretely plotted and instigated by the Federal Reserve Bank. In these circles, the founding of the so called "Creature from Jekyll Island" in... more
Abstract: Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are highly efficient, durable, and long lasting lighting devices. Since a fifth of electrical generation goes toward lighting, LEDs hold the potential to greatly reduce energy use. However, energy... more
This article analyzes Jewish and Arab national formations by exploring dynamics surrounding their border-zone community of Arabized-Jews during the first half of the 20th century. As the internal composition of the Arab and Zionist-Jewish... more
Wenn es um so scheinbar einfache Phänomene in der Geschichte geht, wie Ereignisse, die Wandel herbeigeführt haben, dann fehlen dem Historiker oftmals die Worte dafür, wie ein solcher historischer Bruch zu erklären ist. Denn Wandel ist auf... more
Purpose-We introduce the key concepts, issues and theoretical foundations of this special issue on "The hidden side of sustainable operations and supply chain management (OSCM): Unanticipated outcomes, trade-offs and tensions". We explore... more
According to Searle's theory of collective intentionality, the fundamental structure of any society can be accounted for in terms of cooperative mechanisms that create deontic relations. This paper criticizes Searle's standpoint on the... more
The Endangered Species Act (ESA), passed in 1973, was designed to recover species to a level at which they are no longer considered endangered and therefore do not require the Act's protection. Unfortunately, the law has had the opposite... more
Dieser Artikel entwickelt eine allgemeine Theorie der Transparenz. Er vergleicht die normativen Ansätze und die empirischen Forschungen zur Trans-parenz und führt sie zusammen. So legt der Beitrag systematisch die politische Rationalität... more
Background: Telehealth initiatives have bloomed around the globe, but their integration and diffusion remain challenging because of the complex issues they raise. Available evidence around telehealth usually deals with its... more
This paper examines the unintended consequences of multilateral targeted sanctions in Libya from 2011 until today. It relies on two sets of theories: the generic complexity theory and the security governance theory as well as on specific... more
Following Hume and Hayek, a variety of contemporary theorists have used evolutionary models of social interaction to assert the idea of an inevitable trade off between State and Society. On my interpretation this amounts to the definition... more
We explore how doctors, psychotherapists and counsellors in the UK react to regulatory transparency, drawing on qualitative research involving 51 semi-structured interviews conducted during 2008-10. We use the concept of ‘reactivity... more
Cet article analyse les rapports entre individualisme méthodologique (IM) et réductionnisme, tels qu'ils sont traités dans la littérature contemporaine en langue anglaise. Il s'articule autour de trois points clés. Premièrement, il montre... more
This article examines the unpredictable consequences of escalated repression on the dynamics of contention. By examining sequences of interactions among contenders in the course of one conflict, analysis traces pathways through which the... more
Social predictions (as well as social classifications, regulations, and criteria), due to their inner characteristic of being published, may have an influence on their own subject matter and, in return, on themselves. On the basis of this... more
Pakistan"s reactive foreign policy attitudes and actions negate (or seem contradictory to) the core principle of realist paradigm, which says that intentions may vary independently without having any influential peer-pressure.... more
Unintended Consequences of Multilateral Targeted Sanctions in Libya, 2011 – 2017 (Second Edition)
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The purpose of this study was to analyze television ads in the truth® campaign using the Extended Parallel Process Model (EPPM) as a framework. Among the ads (n = 86) ana- lyzed, results revealed a heavy reliance on severity messages,... more
Using extensive interviews and a wealth of statistical information, Bankston and Caldas examine the failed desegregation efforts in Louisiana as a case study to show how desegregation has followed the same unsuccessful pattern across the... more
Several evaluation models exist for investigating unintended outcomes, including goal-free and systems evaluation. Yet methods for collecting and analyzing data on unintended outcomes remain under-utilized. Ripple Effects Mapping (REM) is... more
In the last few years of economic crisis, European Union has witnessed several institutional changes. Though national governments seemed to play a major role in managing the crisis, to a certain extent supranational institutions have seen... more
Este trabajo muestra que la realidad supuestamente más indiscutible e innegociable de la naturaleza es interpretada de manera muy distinta por los múltiples actores individuales y colectivos que conforman las sociedades occidentales... more
Tittelen på boken er "Utilsiktede konsekvenser av fornybar energi ". Denne tittelen er valgt fordi boka favner om en del aspekter ved energiteknologier som det til daglig ikke snakkes mye om. En av intensjonene med boka er å formidle... more
The following collection of essays are linked by one theme, uncertainty. The dynamic nature of financial markets and trading, as with the rest of social sciences, where changes can be observed and decisions can be taken by participants to... more
In der vorliegenden Seminararbeit untersuche ich den Wandel der sozialen Institution Tageszeitung im Lichte individualistischer Sozialtheorie. Dazu gebe ich in Grundzügen zunächst einen Überblick über die Theorie, stelle anschließend das... more
Energy technologies in the future must be based on renewable sources of energy and they must be sustainable. This book provides insight into unintended negative impacts and how they can be avoided. In order to steer away from the pitfalls... more
During COVID-19, UK local authorities increased emergency active travel interventions. This study aimed to understand what aspects of temporary Streetspace for London schemes representbarriers or enablers to walking and cycling for short... more
In this dissertation, I am in conversation with the small but influential gendered tradeoffs literature. First, multidimensional, disaggregated, and precise policy measures were developed for two of the most widely studied work-family... more
Countersurveillance has been acknowledged as an empowering act of civil society that can keep the government in check. With its increasing popularity in academic and popular circles comes a need to better understand when... more
A former environmental regulator, Robin Ingenthron describes how enforcement of environmental regulation is dictated by property values. This has the unintended consequence of driving very environmentally costly activities - such as lead... more