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"Quello che esiste è Uno senza un secondo. Uno ed Uno soltanto, e non duale è quella grande Realtà, eternamente esistente, sempre presente, infinita. Non c’è nessun secondo, c’è Uno ed Uno soltanto. Qualsiasi cosa esiste è in quell’Uno... more
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      HinduismYoga PhilosophyYoga MeditationOral Traditions
Nel panorama degli ultimi due secoli Śrī Svāmī Sivananda si colloca tra coloro che hanno fornito un contributo significativo rispetto al tentativo di giungere alla comprensione della sostanziale unitarietà della Tradizione Vedica, ponendo... more
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      HinduismYogaYoga PhilosophyYoga Meditation
In this chapter of my book on the Gospel of Thomas, I examine saying 8, the parable of the Net. If we compare this parable to the parables of the Merchant (76) and the Lost Sheep (107), we find that they resemble each other in significant... more
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      ChristianityHistory of ChristianityEarly ChristianityContemporary Christianity
De Broglie Law of Phase Harmony explains the secret of the Om of Light to create the Golden Yang Shen Immortal Body, by absorbing blue light of the future, observed internally as a subharmonic reverse time energy.
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      Music TheoryMusical acousticsVedanta and NondualismNoncommutative Geometry
In answer to the notion that spiritual experiences are unpredictable and irregular, voiced in not only one specific paper but rather generally assumed by Western scholars, I present the evidence of my own life. Both in visual and... more
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      Early Childhood EducationMaterialismVisions And DreamsMatrix Theory
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      MetaphysicsOntologyPhilosophy Of LanguageEpistemology
" We must create a history of India in living terms. Up to the present, that history, as written by the English, practically begins with Warren Hastings, and crams in certain unavoidable preliminaries, which cover a few thousand years…The... more
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      ReligionChristianityHinduismComparative Religion
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      VaishnavismAdvaita VedantaVedanta and NondualismNonduality
This article examines commentaries on the Prayer at the hour of death traditionally attributed to Śaṅkara, which appear in the same form as Īśā-Upaniṣad 15–18 and Bṛhadāraṇyaka-Upaniṣad 5,15.1 in the Kāṇva recension. A comparison of these... more
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      Indian PhilosophyAdvaita VedantaVedanta and NondualismAdvaita
One Knower: Different Modes of Knowing In all philosophical and psychological traditions knowing has many different meanings. In Tibetan Buddhism there is nondual Dzogchen and in Hinduism there is nondual Kashmir Shaivism. In both these... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionGnosticismBuddhism
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      HinduismOntologyIndian PhilosophyYoga
La figura di Śrī Kṛṣnamācārya ha un rilievo del tutto particolare, essendo stato uno dei precursori del rilancio dello Yoga e della sua diffusione in occidente. Nel suo testo ―Yoga Makaranda or Yoga Saram (The Essence of Yoga), che... more
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      HinduismYogaYoga PhilosophyYoga Meditation
The noncommutative secret to Pythagorean Music philosophy is also the secret to nonlocal quantum nondualism as nonwestern meditation of qigong and the "three gunas" of India and nonwestern shamanism, as per the work of Dr. Victor Grauer.... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringMathematicsMusic
Tässä artikkelissani valotan William Blaken ”anti-swedenborgilaisten” teosten eli The Marriage of Heaven and Hell-teoksen ja The Songs of Innocence and Experience-runokokoelman tematiikkaa ja jäljitän samalla sitä, millaisia... more
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      Comparative LiteratureComparative PhilosophyBritish RomanticismFriedrich Nietzsche
author tries to convey that the practice and listening of music has many psychosomatic, therapeutic and sociocultural benefits
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      ManagementPsychologyClinical PsychologyCognitive Psychology
"Adorabili omaggi alla Suprema imponderabile, trascendente Assoluta Realtà, il cui manifesto aspetto personale è un oceano di compassione e perdono, un infinito oceano di giustizia, amore e misericordia. Il personale Spirito Cosmico... more
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      HinduismMetaphysicsYoga PhilosophyYoga Meditation
The institutional and ideological relation recognized by the Ramakrishna Order of monks and the Sarada Order of nuns, between their respective order and the Shankarite Vedantic tradition.
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      ReligionHinduismPhilosophy Of ReligionVedanta and Nondualism
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsSelf and IdentityIndian Philosophy
How exactly can world peace be established? How do we bring about harmony among the various religions in the world? What lessons does Hinduism have to share with other religions in this respect? What is the global duty, global... more
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      HinduismPhilosophy Of ReligionHistory of ReligionReligious Pluralism
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      Indian PhilosophySanskrit language and literatureAdvaita VedantaVedanta and Nondualism
Uno solo esiste che è immutabile ed è il supporto di tutto. Chi è quell’Essere? Quell’Essere è la vostra vera identità. Il vostro vero Sé. Voi siete l’immutabile testimone di tutte le mutevoli cose. Siete l’immutabile conoscitore di tutti... more
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      HinduismYoga PhilosophyYoga MeditationAdvaita Vedanta
Discussion on the nature of Brahman, the Real Self, according to Advaita Vedanta philosophy.
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      HinduismPhilosophy Of ReligionIndian PhilosophyAdvaita Vedanta
Which Religion is real? Is it Hinduism? Islam? Christianity? Judaism? Which is the real one? This articles explores Swami Vivekananda's ideas on this important question.
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      ReligionHinduismComparative ReligionHistory of Religion
This essay elaborates a constructive, comparative, nondual theodicy for the Christian tradition based on the Hindu Vaiṣṇava tradition. According to the Indologist Heinrich Zimmer, in Vaiṣṇavism everything is an emanation of Viṣṇu,... more
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      ChristianityHinduismComparative ReligionTheology
Il tema dell’inscindibile unitarietà del Sanātana Dharma, quindi della complementarietà di Yoga e Vedānta è di grande importanza in quest’epoca di Kali-yuga. Grandi Maestri, quali Sri Svami Sivananada, ci hanno lasciato in eredità un... more
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      HinduismYoga PhilosophyAdvaita VedantaVedanta and Nondualism
Ādi Śaṅkaracārya Vivekacūḍāmaṇi Il gran gioiello della discriminazione aforismi 37-45 Testo originale in Sanscrito, traslitterazione IAST, traduzione e note in lingua italiana. Il trattato è uno strumento operativo da utilizzare... more
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      HinduismAsceticismAdvaita VedantaVedanta and Nondualism
Proponiamo, per la riflessione, meditazione e soprattutto operatività, la bozza di alcuni brani tratti dal testo Śrī Svāmī Cidananda, Special insights into Sadhana, 1-8 , The Divine Life Society, Śivanandanagar, 1996-97 A fronte offriamo... more
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      HinduismYogaYoga PhilosophyYoga Meditation
The 25th April 2018, marks the auspicious 96th birthday anniversary of Revered Sri Swami Krishnanandaji Maharaj. There are several new uploads to Sri Swamiji's website on this holy occasion. Here you can read his words: "Why Do We Have... more
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      HinduismYogaYoga PhilosophyYoga Meditation
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      Sigmund FreudLiminalityVedanta and NondualismVictor Turner
The monist school of Advaita Vedānta, the "official" philosophy of Hinduism, when dealing with the relation between man and Universe, takes a stand totally opposite to the one of the realistic common sense. Man is not just a part of the... more
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      ReligionHinduismIndian PhilosophyHistory of Religion
Venkatesananda Sarasvatī è stato, tra i più stretti discepoli di Śrī Svāmī Sivananda Sarasvatī, quello che maggiormente ha espresso un pensiero anticonformista, profondamente ancorato all’operatività della pratica quotidiana. Poco... more
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      HinduismYogaYoga PhilosophyYoga Meditation
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      ReligionHinduismComparative ReligionHistory
Questo è uno dei rari scritti di Adi Śaṅkara dove, identificandosi con il Signore Śiva, sintetizza in pochi aforismi tutta la teoria del non-dualismo: l’Advaita–Vedanta. Secondo tale interpretazione dei Veda esiste un’unica Entità... more
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      HinduismAsceticismYoga PhilosophyAdvaita Vedanta
Der Weg zur Befreiung. Das Fünfte Buch. Das Buch über das Zurruhekommen. Übersetzung von Roland Steiner. (Anonymus Casmiriensis: Mokṣopāya. Historisch-kritische Gesamtausgabe. Herausgegeben unter der Leitung von Walter Slaje.... more
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      Sanskrit language and literatureAdvaita VedantaVedanta and NondualismVedanta
Un problema aperto, di grande rilevanza, è costituito dalle interpretazioni e traduzioni dei termini simbolici originali, scritti nell’originale lingua Sacra del Sanscrito, da parte di commentatori moderni o contemporanei. An open... more
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      YogaYoga PhilosophyYoga MeditationAdvaita Vedanta
Ādi Śaṅkarācārya Jayantī is observed on the 5th day during waxing of moon in the month of Vaisakha (April – May). It is the birth anniversary day of Ādi Śaṅkarācārya. In 2021, the date of Ādi Śaṅkarācārya Jayantī is May 17. 1233th Birth... more
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      HinduismOral TraditionsOral TraditionOral Traditions (Culture)
Originally published in Yoga Therapy Today summer 2019, pgg. 44-47, a publication of the International Association of Yoga Therapists ( Shared with permission. La Yoga-terapia è l’applicazione professionale dei principi e... more
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      HinduismYogaYoga MedicineYoga Philosophy
Oito versos atribuídos a Shankara. Tradução de P. R. Ramachander.
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      Advaita VedantaVedanta and NondualismVedantaShankara
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      Critical TheoryReligionGnosticismBuddhism
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      HinduismContemporary SpiritualitySpiritualityVedic Language and Classical Sanskrit
Dall’Uno della Tradizione ai Sistemi Aperti
Ādi Śaṅkaracārya  आदि शंकराचार्य
Vivekacūḍāmaṇi विवेकचूडामणि
Il gran gioiello della discriminazione
aforismi 10-18
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      HinduismAsceticismAdvaita VedantaVedanta and Nondualism
Nell’ambito della Tradizione Hindū, il Vedānta (letteralmente ‘la fine dei Veda’) costituisce una delle sei ‘visioni’ (darśana) ortodosse (āstika), fondate sulle Upaniṣad. Esistono diverse ramificazioni del Vedānta, che condividono... more
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      HinduismAdvaita VedantaVedanta and NondualismVedanta
Oito versos atribuídos a Shankara. Tradução de S. N. Sastri.
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      Advaita VedantaVedanta and NondualismVedantaShankara
Con questo intervento, destinato soprattutto ai lettori italiani, riportiamo uno stralcio in bozza tratta dal testo, in corso di redazione: Dall’Uno della Tradizione ai Sistemi Aperti, Patañjali Yogasūtra. Il “punto di vista” dello Yoga... more
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      HinduismAsceticismYogaYoga Philosophy
Immaginate un grande, possente Albero . Per la Tradizione Occidentale potrebbe essere una Quercia o forse un’Acacia; per la Tradizione Orientale un Pippala…… Un albero con le radici nel Cielo, irrigate dalle Acque superiori, ed il... more
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      HinduismAlchemyAdvaita VedantaKabbalah
Die philosophische Unterredung zwischen dem Weisen Vasiṣṭha und dem Königssohn Rāma (vasiṣṭharāmasaṃvāda), die vor allem unter dem Namen „Yogavāsiṣṭha“ bekannt geworden ist, liegt in verschiedenen Fassungen vor, die teilweise... more
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      Sanskrit language and literatureAdvaita VedantaVedanta and NondualismVedanta
Dualitatea si Nondualitatea Yin 陰[阴] si Yang 陽[阳]
Duality and Non-Duality of Yin 陰[阴] & Yang 陽[阳]
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      ZhuangziLieziWave Structure InteractionVedanta and Nondualism
NON-PHILOSOPHY OF THE ONE Turning away from Philosophy of Being Turning away from the tradition of philosophy of being, towards the Non-Philosophy of The One, The Real Self.
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      BuddhismMetaphilosophyContemporary SpiritualityMysticism
Testo originale in Sanscrito, traslitterazione IAST, traduzione e note in lingua italiana. Il trattato è uno strumento operativo da utilizzare fattivamente sul piano Esistenziale del percorso iniziatico: solo con una tale qualificata... more
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      HinduismAdvaita VedantaVedanta and NondualismSamkhya and Yoga
The great Hindu Srivaisnava theologian Ramanuja remains relevant one thousand years after his birth. This continuing relevance results from his successful synthesis of foregoing theologies into a systematic, devotional interpretation of... more
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      Advaita VedantaVedanta and NondualismVedantaSankara