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El Nuevo Olimpo fue una representación y mascarada en honor del cumpleaños de Mariana de Austria, sobrina de Felipe IV y su flamante nueva esposa. Con este matrimonio se debía obtener la descendencia que legitimaba al monarca, aunque ya... more
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      History of CostumeFashion HistoryCostume and IdentityBaroque art and architecture
Earth Perfect? Nature, Utopia and the Garden is an eclectic, yet rigorous reflection on the relationship--historical, present and future--between humanity and the garden. Through the lens of Utopian Studies--the interdisciplinary field... more
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      Cultural StudiesGeographyLawPhilosophy
In 1755, the Marquise de Pompadour commissioned a marble statue of Eros-Harpocrates, the right index finger resting on the lips, to decorate the hôtel d’Évreux, the future Palais de l’Élysée. This gesture of the little Horus, who is... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionEgyptologyReception StudiesFrench history and politics
The contributions of Korean and Taiwanese authors to the many and varied formulations of interwar pan-Asianism have so far remained a relatively unexplored subject of scholarly research, despite an unbroken interest in the trajectory of... more
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      HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural HistoryJapanese Studies
This article, drawn from my forthcoming 1668: The Year of the Animal in France (September 2017, Zone Books, N.Y.), studies the animal fountain sculptures of the Royal Labyrinth built by Louis XIV in 1674, in the context of a broad and... more
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      Human-Animal RelationsAbsolutismGardensEarly Modern France
""Il contributo indaga l'eredità ideologica di Bisanzio negli Stati dell'età moderna e contemporanea. Naufragato il progetto – promosso da Bessarione e da Pio II e imperniato sulla figura di Tommaso Paleologo – di una rifondazione della... more
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      History of ScholarshipJean DomatVersaillesBessarion
This paper will seek to introduce the first historically never ending revolutions which is the French revolution. The French revolution is considered a never ending revolution for the purposes of this paper as a never ending revolution... more
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      HistoryFrench RevolutionVersaillesMarie Antoinette
After the collapse of the November Uprising (1831), a great patriotic and political exodus began. Several thousand Polish insurgents fled to Western Europe, primarily to France. The diplomatic and cultural centre of the Great Emigration... more
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      VersaillesPowstanie ListopadoweChateau De VersaillesWielka Emigracja
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      Art HistoryEarly Modern HistoryFrench art17th Century Dutch Republic
There are a lot of doors in the world of the court, many of them shut. He who holds the keys controls access to the treasure within-in the case of the Chambre du Roi, the monarch himself. Entrusting a set of keys to someone... more
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      FranceLorraineVersaillesCourt Studies
The legacy of Versailles is a rather well-defined and thoroughly researched area in the discipline of History. But what did the Treaty of Versailles and the events surrounding the peace conference give to the discipline of International... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryInternational RelationsIR TheoryVersailles
Alexandre Benois, the founder of The World of Art (Mir Iskusstva) movement, a brilliant graphic designer, a prominent art critic and historian renowned for his writings on art history , and a distinguished theatre artist who worked for... more
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      Modernism (Art History)EuropeanizationTheatricalityVersailles
À partir de 1670-1680, la fable/le fabuleux, cible de critiques de plus en plus virulentes, sert de moins en moins de sujet allégorique. Que se passe-t-il quand le sujet fabuleux n'est plus compris comme allégorique ou mal compris ? À... more
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For a long time, historians – especially French ones – considered that Versailles “a servi de modèle à toutes les cours de l'Europe” [“served as a model for all European courts”] (Louis Réau, “Le rayonnement de Versailles”, Revue... more
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      HistoriographyTransnational HistoryFranceDenmark
Avec son incroyable agilité, son étonnante dextérité et ses capacités mimétiques qui lui donnent parfois l’air d’un humain bouffon et moqueur, le singe n’en finit pas de fasciner. Dans l’Europe des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles, l’engouement... more
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      VersaillesRétif de la BretonneJean Simeon ChardinBuffon
Drawing on an unusual group of letters written in the wake of a terrorist attack that targeted the Palace of Versailles in 1978, this article analyzes social reactions and solidarity practices following this type of event. Complementing... more
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      Political SociologyTerrorismMemory StudiesVersailles
À travers cette histoire environnementale du domaine de Versailles, Grégory Quenet illustre une « autre histoire », loin du stéréotype d'une nature rationalisée et contrôlée que laisse supposer le fantasme de l'« absolutisme... more
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      HistoryEnvironmental HistoryVersaillesHuman nature
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      Art HistoryRepresentation TheoryVersaillesLouis XIV
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      VersaillesLouis XIVMarblesThe Use of Marble and Other Stones
If we want to understand how the propaganda machinery of the Versailles court of Louis XIV worked, and what unintended consequences of what causes contributed to the progress of the practice of the fine arts and their theories, and later... more
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      HistoryIntellectual HistoryFrench LiteraturePhilosophy
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      Art Theory and PoliticsVersaillesThe 17th Century French PaintingHall of Mirrors
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      Decorative ArtsVersaillesArchaeological Faunal Analysis, Shell Artifacts, FisheriesMalacology (Archaeology)
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      French HistoryEarly Modern HistoryNobilityKingship and systems of rule