Recent papers in Webservices
Authentication and session management in an AngularJS Single Page Application is implemented to harness the power of the framework in ensuring secure interactions by the user. This would normally be a combination of authentication... more
'But I don't know how to work with [name of tool or resource]' is something one o en hears when researchers in Human and Social Sciences (HSS) are confronted with language technology, be it written or spoken, tools or resources. The TTNWW... more
SIMS instrumentation has improved dramatically over the last decade; however our understanding of the data is yet to catch up. High mass resolution coupled with enhanced transmission and increases in duty cycle have revealed subtle detail... more
Current communication technologies permit to implement new cooperative work models in which most complex task may be achieved by dividing work among several participants, where communication gets much easier, process are automatized the... more
SIMS instrumentation has improved dramatically over the last decade; however our understanding of the data is yet to catch up. High mass resolution coupled with enhanced transmission and increases in duty cycle have revealed subtle detail... more
In this article we present a website that offers snippets that we used for our web development project. The snippets are created using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. When creating complex designs like skeuomorphism, flat design, glass... more
Peneliti Indonesia mengalami kesulitan dalam mencari referensi untuk jurnal atau paper yang ditulis oleh peneliti Indonesia sendiri. Hal ini disebabkan oleh kurangnya website yang menyediakan kutipan untuk paper Indonesia. Kurangnya... more
also des Verbindens arbiträrer Objekte mit dem Internet, liegt im Aufschließen und in der nutzenstiftenden Verarbeitung der circa 80 Zettabyte (1 ZB = 10 21 Bytes) an Daten, die von den voraussichtlich 40 Milliarden IoT-Endpunkten... more
The Web is the preferred interface for the new generation of applications. Web services are an ubiquitous concept for both, developers and managers. These Web applications require distribution systems of web requests that allow and... more
Die Arbeitsberichte aus dem Fachbereich Informatik dienen der Darstellung vorläufiger Ergebnisse, die in der Regel noch für spätere Veröffentlichungen überarbeitet werden. Die Autoren sind deshalb für kritische Hinweise dankbar. Alle... more
Data curation comprises activities such as digitizing data (where necessary), converting the data so as to conform to accepted standard formats, (re)shaping metadata and adding documentation. In this contribution we present the motivation... more
Web Services' discovery is a very important issue related to Web Services. From Syntax and using match-making words to semantic web and taking QoS parameters into account for selecting between Web Services having the same functionality... more
This paper presents the description of an open architecture for the management of environmental content using Web Services. The Web Services technology can be effectively exploited for integrating on one hand the needs for dissemination... more
The following full text is a publisher's version. For additional information about this publication click this link.
To achieve scalability and high availability of the service offered by web server clusters, an efficient server load balancing policy is required. A critical part of the load balancing policy is to find the best available server to assign... more
Viele Anwendungen des Web 2.0 werden mit einem Framework namens Ruby on Rails entwickelt. Der Artikel gibt einenÜberblicküber Merkmale und Potenziale dieses neuartigen Open Source-Entwicklungsframeworks. 1 Einordnung Gängige... more
A necessidade de prever eventos extremos (como tempestades, inundações e galgamentos costeiros) e de antecipar os impactos de acidentes (como derrames de hidrocarbonetos e descargas ilegais) motivou o desenvolvimento pelo LNEC de um... more
Resumo-Neste artigo descreve-se de forma breve o protótipo vertical de um Sistema de Gestão de Informação Clínica na área da Hemofilia (SGICH) e todo o processo que conduziu à sua implementação. O principal objectivo deste trabalho... more
We propose a flexible way to enact collaborative tasks. For a more intelligent assistance in selecting an execution strategy for a collaborative task, we are investigating : - A language of definition of context elements - An algorithm of... more
This paper describes a new approach to implement Web Services in embedded devices connected to Wireless Sensor Networks. The sensor/actuator node is able to process standard requests (XML-RPC and SOAP), perform an action and generate a... more
Sem energia eléctrica, não seriam possíveis os avanços que se verificam nas diversas áreas que constituem o habitat da raça humana,como sejam a agricultura,a indústria e os serviços.No entanto, há que reconhecer que o maior volume de... more
'But I don't know how to work with [name of tool or resource]' is something one o en hears when researchers in Human and Social Sciences (HSS) are confronted with language technology, be it written or spoken, tools or resources. The TTNWW... more
A relative humidity index (IHR-LST), estimated using the difference between the temperature LST (Land Surface Temperature), one hour after sunrise and one hour after solar noon, divided by the number of hours mediate these two periods, is... more
Programmatic access to data and tools through the web using so-called web services has an important role to play in bioinformatics. In this article, we discuss the most popular approaches based on SOAP/WS-I and REST and describe our, a... more
Resumo-Os dados são uma das ciências mais importantes e essenciais para a visualização de gráficos. As análises e técnicas de visualização são muito utilizadas para se criar métricas e previsões a respeito do contexto inserido. O presente... more
A relative humidity index (IHR-LST), estimated using the difference between the temperature LST (Land Surface Temperature), one hour after sunrise and one hour after solar noon, divided by the number of hours mediate these two periods, is... more
'But I don't know how to work with [name of tool or resource]' is something one o en hears when researchers in Human and Social Sciences (HSS) are confronted with language technology, be it written or spoken, tools or resources. The TTNWW... more
SIMS instrumentation has improved dramatically over the last decade; however our understanding of the data is yet to catch up. High mass resolution coupled with enhanced transmission and increases in duty cycle have revealed subtle detail... more
The Web is the preferred interface for the new generation of applications. Web services are an ubiquitous concept for both, developers and managers. These Web applications require distribution systems of web requests that allow and... more
GPS (Global Positioning System) has been around for many years and becomes currently the most widely used system in determining position and measuring distance of objects on earth. Integration of GPS receivers in mobile phones and other... more
The world today is witnessing a growing interest in conducting supply chain business processes electronically. Different supporting technologies are emerging, and many are already available on the market.. The adoption of these... more
Peneliti Indonesia mengalami kesulitan dalam mencari referensi untuk jurnal atau paper yang ditulis oleh peneliti Indonesia sendiri. Hal ini disebabkan oleh kurangnya website yang menyediakan kutipan untuk paper Indonesia. Kurangnya... more
∗ Hamdard Institute of Management Sciences, Hamdard University, Karachi. Abstract: Business Integration has become a key issue for many companies to extend business market by integrating and streamlining processes both internally and with... more
Resumo Neste documento apresenta-se o conceito de memórias de tradução distribuídas, discutindo-se o seu interesse naárea da tradução, bem como as vantagens que uma ferramenta de tradução pode tirar do seu uso. E apresentada uma possível... more
Resumo-O presente artigo apresenta as vantagens da utilização de WebServices para a transmissão de imagens médicas, o modo de funcionamento do serviço, e a método utilizado para a realização deste trabalho. Começa por uma abordagem aos... more
Rough set theory is relativly new to area of soft computing to handle the uncertain big data efficiently. It also provides a powerful way to calculate the importance degree of vague and uncertain big data to help in decision making. Risk... more
Actualmente, com o crescente avanço da informática, é de suma importância que todos os sectores de serviço, sejam eles públicos ou privados, sejam informatizados, pois a informatização nos proporciona tomar decisões rápidas com... more
In this work, we focus on the SOPL approach (Service Oriented Product Line) which can be used in various domains where SOA based applications are needed such as e/m government, e-business, e-learning and so on. This approach is a... more
The BioMoby project was initiated in 2001 from within the model organism database community. It aimed to standardize methodologies to facilitate information exchange and access to analytical resources, using a consensus driven approach.... more
Nos dias de hoje tecnologias de diversos tipos tem vindo a ganhar cada vez mais espaço na nossa sociedade. Há cada vez mais procura por novas tecnologias que visam facilitar cada vez mais a vida das pessoas. O presente trabalho tem como... more
Counterfeit production is a threat for every genuine business causing damage to their brand image and stealing their revenues. The aim of this paper is topresenta novel method to prevent counterfeit products using cryptography, QR code... more