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Niniejsza praca ma na celu przedstawienie teorii mitotwórczej J. R. R. Tolkiena, z perspektywy jej wymiaru duchowego. Od czasów antycznych teorie, tudzież filozofie, opierały się na myśleniu abstrakcyjnym i miały za zadanie wyjaśnienie... more
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryBritish LiteratureMythology And Folklore
According to which ideas does the human being manage her/his relationship with the world in which s/he lives? Is this relationship shaped by psychic invariable structures influencing the interaction between the subject and the objective... more
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      PhilosophyKarl JaspersPhilosophy and World View (Weltanschauung)Weltanschauung
In Malaysia, Kayans are of minority indigenous group and they are well known to have extensive traditional tattoos. Anthropologists credited the Kayans as the pioneer of exquisite tattoos from which other tribes in Borneo got inspirations... more
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      Heritage ConservationVisual ArtsSocial SemioticsScience for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage
Este número contém um artigo de minha co-autoria:
"O bestiário medieval e os livros de monstros do RPG"

E uma entrevista sobre RPG:
"Entrevista com Rafael Carneiro Vasques".
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      SociologyMedieval BestiaryRole Playing Game (RPG)Weltanschauung
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      ReligionCultural HistorySocial PsychologySocial Sciences
Etwas am Wort Weltanschauung ist bekenntnishaft, es transportiert einen suggestiven Mehrwert, der nicht leicht zu erfassen ist. Adorno konstatiert in der Philosophischen Terminologie, dass es häufig mit einem Possessivpronomen versehen... more
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      German StudiesSigmund FreudTheodor W. AdornoParanoia
Mémoire de master 1 de philosophie. Que recouvre l'expression de "conception scientifique du monde" (Wissenschaftliche Weltauffassung) au sein du Cercle de Vienne et selon Otto Neurath en particulier ? Quelles en sont ses... more
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      Vienna CircleOtto NeurathWeltanschauung
Die Problematik der Emergenz, der Entfaltung und des Wiederfindens des Selbst kehrt in dem ganzen Werk (und Biografie) Hesses wieder. Vielleicht deshalb konnte die exegetische Gemeinschaft, jenseits der zahlreichen Dispute in Bezug auf... more
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      Friedrich NietzscheIndividuationHermann HessePhilosophie
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      SchopenhauerArthur SchopenhauerK. W. Friedrich SchlegelRamón del Valle-Inclán
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      Language and IdentitySpanglishWeltanschauung
Human being, World, and Philosophy in Karl Jaspers Article published on “Humana.Mente”, n. 18, pp. 69-86, September 2011 According to which ideas does the human being manage her/his1 relationship with the world... more
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      Karl JaspersPhilosophy and World View (Weltanschauung)Weltanschauung
Ich berufe mich auf die Ansätze des iranischen Indologen und komparativen Philosophen Daryush Shayegan (1935–2018), der sich in seinen früheren Schriften mit der kulturellen Ich-Spaltung unter dem Begriff »kultureller Schizophrenie«... more
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      PhilosophieKulturphilosophieKulturwissenschaftenKulturelle Identität
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      GenrePoetryBiblical TheologyMetaphor
Questo libro si interessa alla teoria dei neuroni specchio. All’origine c’è un dato: un fascio di neuroni, presso l’area motoria del cervello, si mette all’opera non solo quando preparo una azione ma anche quando la osservo. Al dato si... more
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      NeuroscienceMetaphysicsMirror NeuronsRadical empiricism
According to which ideas does the human being manage her/his 1 relationship with the world in which s/he lives? Is this relationship shaped by psychic invariable structures influencing the interaction between the subject and the objective... more
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      PhilosophyKarl JaspersPhilosophy and World View (Weltanschauung)Weltanschauung
Heidegger non ha mai praticato la filosofia a partire dalla sua ripartizione in discipline specialistiche. Secondo il filosofo, la distinzione in logica, morale ed estetica – per menzionare solo tre “settori” tradizionali – pertiene... more
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      EthicsValuesMartin HeideggerHumanism
Contemporary approaches to integrating "self" and the "other"—such as multiculturalism, cultural diversity, race relations, inclusiveness strategies, or identity politics—are flawed from the perspective of traditional thought. At their... more
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      ReligionBuddhismNative American ReligionsComparative Religion
The Christian faith conditions an esoteric world view, since it speaks of what is behind sensual perception and what can be researched scientifically. It is all the more surprising that this is missing. This deficiency makes religion... more
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Wir wollen uns im folgenden weitgehend auf die Beschreibung der religiös-weltanschaulischen Intention der New Age-Bewegung beschränken, um dann zum Schluß den Vergleich zum christlichen Gottes- und Menschenbild möglichst genau klar... more
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      Holistic ApproachesBewusstseinNew AgeMenschenbild
Dieses Buch bezieht sich u.a. in starkem Maße auf die Werke von Carl Jung, Wilhelm Reich und Gregory Bateson, aber ich bin mir nicht bewußt, dem begrifflichen Bezugsrahmen irgendeiner besonderen philosophischen Schule gefolgt zu sein. Es... more
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      EpistemologyCarl G. JungGregory BatesonHolism
In this paper, I describe the hermeneutics of perceiving and picturing a world in Wilhelm Dilthey's works. I examine some of the issues facing Dilthey's approach to picturing a world [Weltbild] and the conflict [Streit] of... more
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      HermeneuticsWilhelm DiltheyMartin HeideggerPhilosophy of History
Different forms of methodological and ontological naturalism constitute the current near-orthodoxy in analytic philosophy. Many prominent figures have called naturalism a (scientific) image (
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      MetaphysicsWilhelm DiltheyNaturalismKarl Jaspers
Konrad Lorenz sagt: "Ich halte den Durchbruch und die rasche Verbreitung der Evolutionären Erkenntnistheorie für das wichtigste geistesgeschichtliche Ereignis der letzten Jahre." Konrad Lorenz hat ja schon in seinem 1941 erschienen... more
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      EpistemologyEvolutionKarl PopperErnst Bloch
Pasolini, in uno scritto dal titolo "Libertà stilistica" (apparso su Officina nel 1957), indicava come a dominare la «nostra vita politica» fosse lo spirito di Gramsci: del Gramsci carcerato, «tanto più libero quanto più segregato dal... more
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      Critical TheoryMarxismLanguage and IdeologyGramsci
Versione ITA in appendice. Abstract: In the present essay is discussed the necessity of philosophy as critical Weltanschauung i.e. a critical vision of the world. A philosophical error is much more dangerous than a mistake made in other... more
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      Filosofía PolíticaFilosofíaFilosofia y Derechos Humanos en America LatinaWeltanschauung
EDITION 19-3 Psychologie der Weltanschauungen / Karl Jaspers.-Basel : Schwabe, 2019.-XCI, 509 S. ; 25 cm.-(Gesamtausgabe / Karl Jaspers : Abt. 1, Werke ; 6).-ISBN 978-3-7965-3832-2 : SFr. 148.00, EUR 148.00 [#6621] Der Philosoph Karl... more
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      PsychologyKarl Jaspers20th-century German philosophyPhilosophy and World View (Weltanschauung)
Más que un "choque de civilizaciones", el actual conflicto entre el extremismo islámico y el Occidente liberal parece producido por la siguiente díada de axiomas contrapuestos: "Si el Corán es la única Escritura increada y el medio... more
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      IslamismWestern CivilizationClash of CivilizationsWeltanschauung
Wittgenstein's first book, a bilingual publication in 1922 entitled Tractatus logico-philosophicus, was an attempt to achieve maximal clarity in the notoriously unclear field of competing worldviews. He characterized his method as... more
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      EthicsLogicEzra PoundJohann Wolfgang von Goethe
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In this special issue of "psychosozial", the aim is to elaborate on the concept of "indigeneity" and its relevance for the social and cultural sciences. This seems to be particularly necessary because within psychology, topics such as... more
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      Indigenous StudiesIndigenous KnowledgeIndigenous PeoplesWissenschaftstheorie
In this paper, I describe the hermeneutics of perceiving and picturing a world in Wilhelm Dilthey’s works. I examine some of the issues facing Dilthey’s approach to picturing a world [Weltbild] and the conflict [Streit] of world-pictures,... more
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      HermeneuticsWilhelm DiltheyMartin HeideggerPhilosophy of History
A Weltanschauung, ou cosmovisão, é um conceito que traduz a visão de mundo de um indivíduo ou grupo. Este artigo demonstra como ela pode ser aplicada dentro da redação publicitária na construção de estratégias de comunicação, sobretudo... more
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      Creative WritingComunicaçãoComunicação SocialPhilosophy and World View (Weltanschauung)
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      IdeologyNational SocialismThe Third ReichNazi Germany
In the later Fichte the reflection splits the world into a fivefoldness of its possible view. To get through all the a priori arranged levels from sensuality to the Doctrine of Science means to use up all the possibilities of the views of... more
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      Johann Gottlieb FichteFichtePhilosophy and World View (Weltanschauung)Skeptizismus
Introduction to the research interests and projects of Theo Verlaan
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      ImageryLate NeolithicEarly Helladic GreeceMiddle helladic Greece
Der Band Sozialisationen: Individuum – Gruppe – Gesellschaft umfasst 15 Beiträge internationaler Referenten, die im Rahmen der ersten Tagung des „Münchner Arbeitskreises Junge Aegyptologie“ (MAJA) im Dezember 2010 vorgestellt und... more
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      EgyptologySociology of the IndividualWeltanschauungSozialisation
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      PsychologySocial PsychologySocial SciencesConspiracy Theories
O objetivo principal deste trabalho é apresentar a distinção entre ciência e cientificismo e, com base no trabalho de van Fraassen, intitulado A imagem científica (2006), discutir sobre as circunstâncias em que o cientificismo poderia ser... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceContemporary PhilosophyScientismEpistemology of natural sciences
- Die Entwicklungsgeschichte der synthetischen Methode von Platon bis Augustinus leitete die Wahrnehmung der Menschen in die Literatur, die Kunst und die Mystik. - Die moderne Welt der Wissenschaft und Technik ruht seit... more
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This paper explores Otto Muck's metaphysical concept of Weltanschauung (world‐view). My objective is to argue that world‐views can be rational. To this end, I will first explain the notion of Weltanschauung and illustrate its relation to... more
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      MetaphysicsRationalityPhilosophy and World View (Weltanschauung)World Views
The fourth response is to James Callahan’s 2019 draft essay, “On the Happy End to Theology”. The prior models, abducted using the category-based nested form, are briefly reviewed and assessed. Callahan is a subject matter expert. These... more
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      ReligionSociology of ReligionPhilosophy of ScienceTheology
Die Ansteckung von Gedanken durch Memes des Millennialismus, das erwartete Ende der Welt durch apokalyptische Glaubensvorstellungen und religiöser Fundamentalismus haben in den letzten Jahren und in jüngster Zeit viele Massen-Selbstmorde... more
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      9/11 LiteratureMillenarianismChristian PlatonismApokalypse
Vue d’aujourd’hui, la « querelle du matérialisme » ferait aisément figure d’un moment oublié de la vie intellectuelle européenne. Or une enquête historique dans les témoignages des acteurs de l’époque restitue une perspective tout autre :... more
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      History of MaterialismBase MaterialismLotzeMaterialisme
Die vier Epochen der philosophischen Gedankenentwicklung aus den «Rätseln der Philosophie», vom Erleben des Gedankens über das Erfühlen sowie das bewusste Erleben der Denkaktivität bis hin zum selbstbewussten Denken lassen sich in einen... more
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      Science and SpiritualitySpirituality, science and developmentSpiritual ScienceHistory of Philosophy
According to which ideas does the human being manage her/his relationship with the world in which s/he lives? Is this relationship shaped by psychic invariable structures inf luencing the interaction between the subject and the objective... more
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      PhilosophyKarl JaspersPhilosophy and World View (Weltanschauung)Weltanschauung
Die Sapir-Whorf Hypothese
Indoeuropäische Sprachen unterstreichen die Zeit
Die Biologische Relativität der Kategorien - Jacob von Uexkülls Umwelt-Lehre
Erlebte Zeit ist Nicht-Newtonisch
Die perspektivistische Sicht
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      Sapir-Whorf StudiesSapir-WhorfHopi studies (Anthropology)Sein und Zeit
Literature extract from V. V. Nalimov: Faces of Science, ISI Press 1981 Disclaimer: The literaure extract was gathered purely and subjective... more
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      EpistemologyPhilosophy of ScienceCyberneticsForecasting
Contents 1. Foreword (by R. G. Colodny)………..……………………………………… Page 2  1.1 Science is an ongoing enterprise ……………………...……. Page 2  1.2 Scientific creativity as a Manifestation of Intellectual Rebellion: A Bayesian Approach... more
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      EpistemologyPhilosophy of ScienceCyberneticsForecasting
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      ReligionSociologySociology of ReligionReligionswissenschaft
Postmodernizm jest jednym z najważniejszych fenomenów charakteryzujących współczesny klimat kulturowy. Wielu myślicieli określa czasy współczesne mianem epoki postmodernistycznej. Filozofia postmodernizmu stanowi poważne wyzwanie dla... more
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      Wilhelm DiltheyRomano GuardiniPostmodernizmWeltanschauung