Muriuki has extensive experience as a thought leader in ICT4D consulting in Africa, providing policy, regulatory, strategy and market solutions. He is passionate about e-transformation, inclusivity, responsible AI, cyberspace domain and digital society. He has published on ICT4D issues and was Adjunct Faculty at the Strathmore University Business School – Cyberspace Policy and Strategy. In terms of advocacy for development and relevant memberships, he is a member of The Future Society, which works to advance the responsible adoption of artificial intelligence and other emerging technologies for the benefit of humanity (2021-2022). He was an affiliate, expert and co-chair of the Working Group on Enablers Framework, Guiding Principles for Artificial Intelligence in Cities (ITU 2020 and ongoing), as well as vice-chair of the Africa Strategy Working Group 2020 on the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), and responsible for the geopolitics pillar in the 2020-2025 Strategic Plan in 2020. He was an expert at the High-level Working Group on ICTs in Africa – Africa’s Information Society Initiative, 1995. He was also a founding member of KICTANet and the East Africa Internet Governance Forum (EAIGF). More information at Muriuki Mureithi | LinkedIn.