Die Sossuluer
Die Sossuluer
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What a disappointing sequel to the first game, it starts out fine and you think it's a good game and it feels better than the first one.
Then once you start getting into it you assume the combat is gonna gradually increase in difficulty or variety throughout the game but it regressed since the first one, the enemies don't grab you, so you don't have to think about grab cancel, you don't have the dodging into attacking there is only countering which a lot of times only works after you button mash attack to get them lower hp (really hard). The weapon selecting is done so bad, completely forgot about the dagger which was my favorite weapon to use in the first game. The healing also makes it impossible to die when it already is really difficult.
Now for the story, I liked Ezio's character it was a nice change from Altair, and the start of the story was good (the missions sucked but I'll get to that later) it gets you excited for what's to come and makes you want to play, however after the first 2 hours it just becomes boring and redundant. Once you near the end it becomes enjoyable again and captured how the first assassin's creed game felt (storywise).
Now for the mission's. I want to play assassin's creed, not errand boy or paper collector. The first few missions it was fine, since it introduces Ezio and sets up what's ahead. But after that, it was just a terrible experience, leap of faith bugs 50% of the time. The missions are either, insanely hard (albeit mostly because of bugs) and just horribly designed, or really easy and simple plain boring.
The hard missions make no sense either, like a race to who gets the flag first, the only way you can win that bullshit is if you camp at the opponents flag return spot and this is supposed to be a mission you do in one try. The mission where you have to fly the piece of shit plane that Leonardo da pinky made has terrible instructions.
The easier missions like escorting people or saving someone on a boat? (?) made no sense and felt like it was just added to stretch out the game just like most missions halfway through.
Although I had a lot negative to say about the game the start does it job with a good introduction and making you want to play, and the end does it's job in making you want to play the sequel and try and find out the mystery that gets introduced.
Definitely insanely overrated and an overall horrid experience
Then once you start getting into it you assume the combat is gonna gradually increase in difficulty or variety throughout the game but it regressed since the first one, the enemies don't grab you, so you don't have to think about grab cancel, you don't have the dodging into attacking there is only countering which a lot of times only works after you button mash attack to get them lower hp (really hard). The weapon selecting is done so bad, completely forgot about the dagger which was my favorite weapon to use in the first game. The healing also makes it impossible to die when it already is really difficult.
Now for the story, I liked Ezio's character it was a nice change from Altair, and the start of the story was good (the missions sucked but I'll get to that later) it gets you excited for what's to come and makes you want to play, however after the first 2 hours it just becomes boring and redundant. Once you near the end it becomes enjoyable again and captured how the first assassin's creed game felt (storywise).
Now for the mission's. I want to play assassin's creed, not errand boy or paper collector. The first few missions it was fine, since it introduces Ezio and sets up what's ahead. But after that, it was just a terrible experience, leap of faith bugs 50% of the time. The missions are either, insanely hard (albeit mostly because of bugs) and just horribly designed, or really easy and simple plain boring.
The hard missions make no sense either, like a race to who gets the flag first, the only way you can win that bullshit is if you camp at the opponents flag return spot and this is supposed to be a mission you do in one try. The mission where you have to fly the piece of shit plane that Leonardo da pinky made has terrible instructions.
The easier missions like escorting people or saving someone on a boat? (?) made no sense and felt like it was just added to stretch out the game just like most missions halfway through.
Although I had a lot negative to say about the game the start does it job with a good introduction and making you want to play, and the end does it's job in making you want to play the sequel and try and find out the mystery that gets introduced.
Definitely insanely overrated and an overall horrid experience