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closest thing to a john wick game with some max payne elements. the set pieces look incredible and feel amazing to glide through while shooting enemies. really short game in length but that can be extended if you play it in harder difficulties. The music is solid and the sfx for certain guns is satisfying when you headshot an enemy. minus half a star cus you get stuck sometimes on ledges or stairs which kills the momentum. overall this is a fun game you can just finish in one sitting

There's not much for me to say that hasn't already been said by multiple people already, so I'd rather keep this brief.

Nier automata is as good as everybody claims it is. Just like any other game ever, it's not perfect but it's undeniably one of the greatest games we've gotten in the last decade. The experience this game provides is something I genuinely think everyone should get. You'd be missing out on something really beautiful if you don't play it. I'll do my best to articulate my feelings towards this and why I think it deserves every praise it gets.

Nier automata's story is very philosophical, there's lots of references to the real life philosopher Nietzsche and of course his ideas and philosophy. The game also has a ton of symbolism on not only philosophy but also religion, and humanity. The story is so deeply written that you'd actually have to sit and thoroughly dig through it and as deeper you go into its themes the more you are impressed with its writing. It's a very thought provoking game and in all honestly I'm not really capable of properly analyzing it. There's already lots of videos online you can find which probably do a better job than I ever could.

Before playing automata i played replicant and I didn't have a very great experience with that game, mostly cus of its gameplay loop and how incredibly simple and boring it is. So i got a bit skeptical about automata's gameplay too, but that only lasted till i actually started playing it. Automata's gameplay is a significant improvement over replicant. There's lots of variet and beautiful animations that go really well with the gameplay. It is fun to use different weapons and all the different pod programs. It's very engaging and it feels rewarding anytime you get a new weapon or program.

Automata takes place in the same world as replicant but a few thousand years later, so naturally you'd see civilisations fall and being overtaken by nature or machines and such. It's a gorgeous game and all the locations that are available are great to explore. The game provides a fast travel option but I mostly just ran everywhere because of how pretty everything is.

The way the game is presented is very unique and not something I've seen in other games. The way it's split into different routes and endings that give more story and context and add more lore to the game is very cool. Even the design of the game is amazing. From the ui design to sfx and the character designs, everything is great and make the game feel and play brilliantly.

To no one's surprise nier automata has one of the best soundtracks ever. I think that's something obvious and i don't need to go much deep into that.

My only criticisms would be that the bosses are not very memorable. There are some exceptions like simone and grun who were also my fav bosses. But most of them are pretty okay to downright garbage like hegel in route c. The hacking sections are just fucking infuriating and annoying.

But apart from that I don't think the game has any other problems and is easily a 5/5. I enjoyed it a lot and i will definitely replay the game again sometime.

banger soundtrack, great cars, great driving, night city japan
hoping the full game is even better