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what a wonderful fever dream of a trip! it all oozes with Joel's charm.

After going through this game from start to the finish and getting every little achievement. I feel like it is a perfect time to really give my over all opinion on Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii. With the general pirate-genre getting dry after the release of such things like Ubisoft's recent attempt. It leaves a lot of plenty of room for the Gaiden-style of a game that acts much of a filler chapter for it's story taking place after last year's wonderful Infinite Wealth with the other GOAT of the franchise Goro Majima, and how he goes through his silly trails and tribulations of being a pirate. There were so many things overall I had a damn enjoyable time with the combat on land and water, the collectables spread through every corner of the open world. after i got through a third of collecting I had ultimately decided to truly do something I never really had done before and like I had mentioned prior was 100% complete it. Were there some bumps in the road to that, hell yeah there was. The actual rocket launcher that you're given is truly not even worth spending time using outside of the achievement, outside of that. I used it maybe twice. In the actual competition of which some of the attacks they fire back at you, you can get some effects were they ultimately poison or set your ship on fire for instance. I tend to really not find useless 90% of the time to tend to taking care of it as I really wish the First Mate that ultimately adds as the sidekick to your ventures doesn't do much as you step out of the wheel, if it had done something like that to assist you to tend to your crew, ship, or even to fire a shot with the rocket launcher mentioned prior. that'd make it a lot easier to handle than to overwhelm you with so much to watch over. The pacing in this game is truly something that annoys the hell out of me, especially by the time I started to get into Chapter 2, it just tosses at you left right and center a consistent demand of your attention to the side content, much like how Infinite Wealth with it's Dondoko Island and it's plethora of content it had. It repeats much of the same of have moments where it derails you from the story to do this. I really appreciate that it does have the surplus of it, but you really have to draw a line somewhere and at least give me the option of not engaging with it rather than pulling my leg demanding to play along with what was and is SIDE QUESTS. One thing that I found that completely irked me as i played as Majima was the heat bar is a singular one in comparison to the multiple ones that stacked up from prior games and even taunting at enemies doesn't raise your heat (unless you were to add a mod that applies that). To go back to the story, It could be summarized in a couple of sentences. It is easily one of the more of the weaker entries on that front.

tl;dr fun gameplay as per usual with the franchise, but not as perfect as their other games. easily one of the more weaker stories in a while.

Can’t recommend this enough, especially if you’re into 3D platformers. GoodFeel with the better part of their previous titles heavily being associated with Nintendo are able to pull off something on the caliber of some of their recent releases like kirby and the forgotten land or odyssey on with their own unique flair. Every level you play as the Tanuki protagonist is entirely based off every prefecture in Japan. The design put into each one is incredible! Every level is unique with each place being entirely different from one another. Whether you are going from a level in the beaches by the sun or to the freezing cold. During the beginning of the game you earn some power ups that’ll further diversify your playstyle on attacking others. But they all feel ultimately useless if you’re monkey-brained like me and barely touch it until you get into the few moments where you’re surrounded by enemies. It’s very much a hidden gem through and through with some glaring flaws that could make it easy to blaze through the entire game by cheesing around the boss fights exclusively using certain power ups and only the same weapon you start with. Even with the small amount nitpicks i can think of i still have a lot of fun through it that takes me back to my younger years of playing 5th & 6th generation 3D Platformers with a stupid little smirk on my face. Give it a go if you’re at all remotely interested in it, especially if you have special place for games like the earlier PS2 era of platformers or just craving for something extra after tearing through the recently released Astrobot.