This coop is a converted playhouse. It is 4x5x5. One bantam buff brahma rooster and three silkies will be in this coop. The coop will be in a 10x13 by 7 feet tall run covered top, sides and apron with half inch hardware cloth.
What Happens When the Chicken Keeper is Sick?
January 2023
It is early summer and the new chicks arrive. The family is excited, everyone making promises of the duties they will take to make sure everything is taken care of for the flock. 9-weeks later, out of the brooder and into their coops...
An article I believe all chicken keepers should read. While the article is attached, I have summarized below:
Dr. Fudge has been an Avian Vet for 42-years, first in California and then South Carolina. During his 42-years of practice, he has never seen a confirmed case of Syngamus Trachea...