
  1. ShrekDawg

    Caged Bird and Parrot Thread!!!!

    This thread is for all caged birds and parrots!!!! I think there might already be one but it’s long dead and we were starting to hijack the dog thread so I figured I’d make a new one so we can continue the discussion here :lau I used to have parakeets (budgies) but had to rehome them last year...
  2. E


    Hello, I am from Azerbaijan. I am intended to buy macaws and cockatoos and create my own small aviary in Azerbaijan. I kindly ask experienced users to help me find reliable suppliers. I want find a parrot breeding company/aviary that can ship birds to Azerbaijan. I will ask for certain proofs...
  3. peacockfeather

    Cockatoo Bite Advice?

    I've had a U2 for about 6 years. He is a rescue and I am not his first owner. Overall, he's a good bird, but sometimes he will bite that (seems) so come out of nowhere. He is very playful and typically in very good spirits, but every 4-6 months, I'll get a very aggressive bite. I don't react...
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