Title: Historical Miscellany, Author: Aelian
Title: Roman History, Volume I: Books 1-11, Author: Dio Cassius
Title: History of the Peloponnesian War, Volume IV: Books 7-8, Author: Thucydides
Title: Aeneas Tacticus. Asclepiodotus. Onasander, Author: Aeneas Tacticus
Title: Roman History, Volume IV: Books 41-45, Author: Dio Cassius
Title: Roman History, Volume II: Books 12-35, Author: Dio Cassius
Title: Roman History, Volume III: Books 36-40, Author: Dio Cassius
Title: The Histories, Volume I: Books 1-2 / Edition 2, Author: Polybius
Title: Description of Greece, Volume II: Books 3-5, Author: Pausanias
Title: History of the Peloponnesian War, Volume III: Books 5-6, Author: Thucydides
Title: Library of History, Volume II: Books 2.35-4.58, Author: Diodorus Siculus
Title: Library of History, Volume III: Books 4.59-8, Author: Diodorus Siculus
Title: Roman History, Volume VI: Books 51-55, Author: Dio Cassius
Title: History of the Wars, Volume III: Books 5-6.15, Author: Procopius
Title: Lives, Volume VIII: Sertorius and Eumenes. Phocion and Cato, Author: Plutarch
Title: Lives, Volume X: Agis and Cleomenes. Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus. Philopoemen and Flamininus, Author: Plutarch
Title: Lives, Volume IX: Demetrius and Antony. Pyrrhus and Gaius Marius, Author: Plutarch
Title: History of the Wars, Volume II: Books 3-4, Author: Procopius
Title: Oedipus rex, Author: Sophocles
Title: Novum Testamentum Graece et Latine. Tom 1, Author: Karl Lachmann

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