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Lea diagrammea suivanta iiluatrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 MIOOCOrY tlSOlUTKm IKt CNAIT lANSI ond ISO TEST CH*«T No 7, I.I y£ 1^ 1^ I. l£ L£ 12.0 il.8 125 iu 1.6 A -APPLIED IM^GE In '653 Eo« Mo.n ■it'*** "ocl^ittf. H9m Vorii '4609 ("6) 482 - 0300 - Pfior>« (M6} 288- i9e« - Fo. UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO STUDIES PHVSIOLOGICAI. SERIES No. t ( ;. KlLHORN ^^"'^ ^ "-^XTMAN and U>ut (KiPKlNIKD »KUM THE AMiru ^^ J, MI..NAI.,,, f*HV-,ot....v. V„l, 4-„ THB LToSx.^vr"" ^-'-^ - J < H i few fnii II «?ii Vntfcriitf of tCoronto mxM^ COMMiTTIB OP IIANAOmBirr PAUomm IX.D., tLCMG. PimMmI of tlM Uahwnilf W. J. AumAisn. rm.D. W. H. Bixn, M.A., M.D. J. J. M»aaumB, B.A.. M.B. J. P. McMtnuucH. P1I.D. G. H. NnBLM, Pk-D. Gmmm M. Wm»io. M.A. H. H. Lmwtoh. ILA. LOmtf^B of Ui« UaHwraHy tt^,„„|„| (r.„n Tmi \>..p,i,.» I,„ ,,„ „,|. „,.,,,, ,1 \..l r. N., ADin.NAI.IN \ \,>o|,|,,.vin|; \|i:. H.vmsms ,n yWlrW \ T nil I iiii \ I IIIWK \ H\l(i\rv\ ■•' •-n.ral M..rv .han-m W.. a,.,.,.|..nfallv .|,s..„v,.,..,hl.a. a.l,..,,.,!,,. fa.N „. ,,,,„|.„... a fall .„ t'l'-l Pr.-..n. in y-,„n« k,t,..,.. u„h any ,|„.s,, |,„«,.v..r s,„all Tl„. .mlyn.:.w...n„,v,.,, .an-.., Fna. h a> ,!..- fall i„ |.|..,„, ,„...„,., ':;':'""■ ". ""^ ""■'•'--' '" ■'•-■■'1. .- .m .' iWy a«,. ,„U, a. ,.,.n,.r tut ttif rcaciK.ii in viaiim kitten,-. Will. t|„. hn,„. .,f ,h,.„„,„« ,„„r,. 1,^,., .,„ „„. „„,„,,, „f „^,. ,,,,,,,,,,„, VM> ,n..,.|uu,i.s,„ u,. have nm.!.. a ,-l,.,|,^ ..f ,.a,- at .lirtn-nit a«,.. Iho -n.-tlMMls ,.,n,.l,.y...| in thi.n r,..,.anh uvr.. sn„ilar to th.^. ,,-,..1 .n ,.r..v.n.,s r..s,.a,.,.|„.. , ,, |.„t with the f,.ll„wir« n.Mlifi.-ations; M,.,.h .nanc.,. I...„..v. , „.,. „..,.. ,....] .„ a.lwlt eats ,v..,.. n,nn.| a.ivanta^ n r..K,st,,n,K volnn.- ..hanK,.. "f .!..•, „r intostinc „f kiifn- MH- Ws a l.a>.. 2.i nwn. I.y V.i , „,,.,• ,.s,.,| ,„ a tnajorit v ,.f tl„. .v- ponnu-nts. w ul.- .,..,.a....,nally ,.. .1... y.,n„«,.s, k.ttn. a MnMlN-r l...||..vv.s Tnf^ L? "T V. """• ■ '" """ " •'' "■'"''■ •^" ""'""''^ "<■■•<• '""I"-' •>.<• influence of eljiec. When the a^e of the kitte,,. was unknown, it was ..e.-essarv to n.ake u" -s nnate fron. the atntnal's weight. .,s,i„.at..s ^ve,■e . IM.n the uetghts o. hve k.ttens. whose a^es were known. ran..n« fron. 0.3 kKin to 1,3 kK.n. in weisht. Th.' age- -o ,|eten„i.,e.| ate elose vasodilator is iin(|iiestional)ly variul)le. Ill U2 MANK \. IIAHTMAN AMI l.»>|,|»; u KIMlnllV iii. pH»:i»ii HK NrAiTioN AT |iirr»;n»Nt \>. \ -liiily .if rhi' lt|.M.i| prr»Hiiri< ri-»|M>ii>t<. iiiikIiI («■ i\|n'.(..| r>> gn.- II- Mh iili-u i>( Ihi- iiKc 111 Hhirh tlir- a.lniiitliri vii....|ilMt..r iii.-. Iiuiimi, U'Kifi- l.>rip|N':ir \Vitlii.r.f..ri-..imh» (.. (m».w.r ..iti |.r..l.l.iii \,\ iif tdf IiIihdI |iri"- an.' WHS .'V.M' (>.■.• /.. fi^, 1 1. Kitt.'ii- . v.ii ..l.j.r faili.l |.. Kivc a fall ill III. .{ pi,.,,.(ir.. with'iialiii. Scv.ti iii.liv i.liials w.inhiim ri--|HTtiv..|y (I . kKtii,, 0.7:. kKi.i., Il.!l kKiii.. 0.!l k|{m,, II.!!.-. k»jin. ami IM kniii. (I'^iiiiiialc.l mcvs, tiiiii' t.i .1, v.n \v.-.k«). ijavf a ri»<> witli.mi a full ill cviTv iiij.-cti.iti. Imwi'vcr ^«. altlmiiKh rcptat.-.l itijcc- fit.tix in thr same aniiiml miuht not aiway;* il.i ■.« ic and ./. (in. I). It tiiinh* Im- MiKK<'Mff.l that th.' failiiro .if a ...Mir r.a.ti.m in lli.w ,a>.s wii.- dii.- l<. the .'a^y fatiKii." "f an inc..nipl<.t..|y di.v.'l..p.>.| in.-.haniMii. KiltriiH i.f th<' ftillowiiiK w.'iKhts nn\f th.- d.-pn-.^'sor rcaition; 1.0 kKtii lOkutn.. I.I kjtiii.. l.;UKni. Am th.' animals iMTainr .ild.-r the pr.'s.Hor .■(Ti-i-t.s fr.itii .^niall d..f.ois ,if udr. iialin iKM-aiiic gradually I.-hs and Iv^h whiU- the full in hi.....! pr.wiir.. I««caiii.' Krcafcr and m.-r." j.r..l.inK<-d. Finally in tin- a.liilt animal th.' ri.s«' hcamciiMKiiificanf <.r in sumc <:, .'s a pure full rcMillcd (s.-.. lig. 1 1. A study iif the I.I.Mid pres.surc roattion has shown that the di-prossur to adrenalin Iw-KitiH to apjH'ar at the- iifLv i.f t'loveii or twolvc wet'kM. From that aRc onward the dcprcs.sor cniroathcs mort' and more uiw.ii the prcs.sor ctTcct until finally the latter may almost disHjipfur, i.rovid.'d small doses of adrenalin are injected. This Rraded incrcawof tin- depressor response withthe growthof the animal indicates a gradual development of th.' adn-nalin vasodilator me> ' .misni. m '^mji^i^.atm ^ ,m ^^■ r,^ I 1111 «^ i;¥.n.„;';::::"' '^ ' • ••"- — ^-"'-•" -y ..< «..„ *„ «... o ;«) tL' 1 II I :< I K ■J H ••"•► or T I ,»,»■„ „,,.,mt ..r .» II u adult ll.'i ' ' ftrr k^m „} 1 67 16 -M (I 07« 0.17 0.071 •HI •17 no 170 ifiO IM I «N J"'l HS«| Ol (MtmOl.l.l., v,u 4.1. I!!. J. IN riUNK ^ IIANrMA^ AVn LRMMR <(. RII.IIOI|!« 1^1 It MMfMlKxt At Ami ihM wo hlt tl( which U»«. ttilnnitlin vtnuMhlnlor ttitn hitniMiii ftmt npiwitni h\ n •tiiily itf thp IiIihmI |>rtwaiiri< rimctioH. Hul in Wfttk nn n<|i|lt cut*, whirh w In l'«» iiutiliahfii iMHin. *«• foiirul Infrr Ihul mi niln*niihti vnMHtilutttr iiiiN'hn- ni*m iniiht Im< injM< wnn a rwr. 'rUf'rrf.irt« Mitttntit n •hulv of lb- vuhim*' I'hiinKfM in th# orgnit wdjt'pnM'fl, »•• <'j|itii*>t lir ifrtuin nf mir wihilum For rrAMin* givfn in iinotticr rfwnnh (I, p. 3«Mli »•• iin» h-il to ln»iit Mimrnlrly Ih*" iiiln-ntthn vrnuwhlrtlor ttii'< hnnimti for Ihf liiiili hihI lhi» inti>Niinnl H\\ to hrii!<|M*nt thoiw n*niM>m*. Fir»l, thrrr in n ilifrprrnrr of thriohold, i r., th<> iniH-hnntoni for th«« inliwtint* n hi|ht>r thri"irri| ).) ■Rp thiin thill for thr limh. .S'roml, ii dilTi'n'nrf in rfvpr?niilin v«>r rhitnKCM intofttittnl ihlatation to cimMlrirtion wh«>n oner th«' liiliitnlion thrf>Mhold ih inimviI, whiln niirh an incri'iiM- (I«t uifTi-rfnt tyjHw of incfluiniMinM. WV will thiTc'fori* flixciiiM fhi'iii H4'|mriit«> 'y. THK ADHK.NAI.I.V VArtoniLATilH MRCHANIMM r«)H THK l-IMH AlthoiiKh we hiivr (•iii|>loyi' i'fT«>ft« arc ni-g- ligiliif) riprc'Mcnts tin- ri-.'i. lion for the ski'li-tul iiiii.t«lc throiighoui llif organism. We have therefore ((^"(idered aetive adrenalin dilatation of the hind liml> aH proof of the presence of the adrenalin vasodilator mechanism for skeletal iiniseli-. . v,.r>„,„ ...... n« II..., ,.. , ,..„,„..., .,^,.,,.„... . ;; ;;• "•'"■""■•' ••"•"""" • • •'••"1- .1 • I..I ^av. ,.r.,.| ... V. , .r ..f .»„. .|.,.r..,.,r „.,.„.. .„ ,.u .1 ,.r.-..Mr. ... k „, „,., , . Z,^^. r.'«.'.H.n I ,u. V, M..K.r k,...„, f,. „, .I.,.- i . ..,„|„ «„.k, ..l.i „,.! «H.v.. .I,l„h.„.,„ . f ,1... |,„.|, ,M..,. ,,« 2 . Twu k.ft.,,. „Ih.,I ,.|..v..„ H...k. .,1.1 , I kuiM . r ....I |,^ |„„|, .,,,„„. lfr..H .,1.1,., ,1... „,,,,i..„ «,., ,.,i..,„..| «i,|. Kr..,„..r ,.„u.f..„,..v. \t -ix ni..nt|i, rlH' r.-».,h..i.«. r...«.t„l,|,.,| ,„,„,. ,|„„ , f ,i,„ ,„,„|, In K,.n,.ral w.. ,„,,v .,.v .(..•.. .1... I„..l. „..■. l...„n.,n Ih-k.,.. , , f,.„,,;..„ Ul,.,al ,„„.,.,., «... ,,,.,„,., ,i,.,, „„„ „„, ,,„j,^ ^ ^^ ^ With... .1... |,„.„ ..f ..x,H.r„„..„...,l,.,,, w.. hHv.. f,H,„.l , ,„ hp Tllf: IMKVriVM. VAH,,|.|I.AI.iu \U;.„AN„^, .\I.I.H,Kl. ,1... „„..„„.;.! va.n.|,h.,ah.,n fr,.,n a-ir-nahn .nav ' •»... fall .,. I,|.„,| ,„,.„„r.. „.„, .I..M.. ,1.., .1,, „,., p,.,.|,„,,. ,,„„„,,.,.,,. n,..r..|y -uhtr:,.-,> fr..,„ ,h.. ,,r.....,r ..fT..,-,. .,f ,h.. ,..,n- :!^L&1 ^x;^'f^:*:^m'mF^-^£m I IK lUWK \. MUtlMW \M> I.KM.IK <;. Ml.lKtK.V I Mn.l.lm A..|..tMl IM.l^rlr. Tlu-rrlnrc «<• .'i.niiut .-xprrt tn tl.n.w iniirh liKliI .m Ih. I.I.....I piv^Mir.. iciciin,, |,v ,(u,lv „( thv v ii m.,.,„.s , ,MM.f a .liff.-mH ly|H' ur wore inixioiiN f(i conipiirc itH (lovi-lopimTit wiMi that of the liinh mcclmiiisin. Th«' voliiiiic ihiiiiKi's ill tlu' intrs- tiiii'. rcwiltinn from tin- injection of luln'imlin info the k<'ii;,.» ,,r lu,, ,||||, •'^•-wi.,..h..rii.,.i,M.i,a„.i....,...;n:.i,,i;,:,;:;i "Wii to fiiiiclii.n at lilt '■"■'" '.V|».> II lli,M>lni,.. tl • III l'''l'l''"'liMl .III, • ■^••"ix' .'«'•. Till- i'..iil,| l,..,t |„. '•Ill.'lhll I I l.'l)ll>l||« -k.nKf..r.h,.„.,ni, .:]v..| ;:;• "'"^"'' > w.MKht(U;rkKn,, ."I,;.;.,, J /''''''" "'"'•■ IHVV.ousHKMr... AK,...i«hl w....k.s, Wcvci. weeks „|- ;,«.- ^avc active limh ,!ila tation with adiviialiii liul »»:-. 11;: .™;:;r;:;r™i;, :-,'■;::!::;.;•';;:■;: v"'^t'i ;:::l:;::::„.:.;::7,;;!;:;:;:';;-. -' ■■ '"- i?~:":r5;;i:T,:r-j:-;:,,:::::;-^^ V^^ *.ltt. li^^ _ \ . ■r'_*^€lM> i.*»» 118 THANK A. MAK-niA.N AM) I.KiSl.lK (i. KIMIOKN »*»^*l."/.« . ... .A j-.^iMByrT.- ADKENAMN VAHODILATOK MKCHAXrHMH IN CAT 119 only in the n.miv.,r«. (Tfu-ir pmsonco has hern pr..v..„ i„ ,h.. ,l„g) A .y.s,..,Maf... survey of the verfehratos f„r the presence .,f thes. , 3 anwms is u. ,)r(.Kress in this lahoratc-ry. Ml MMAHV 1. The smallest effective .loses „f adrenalin produce only a ri«e in hlood pressure in y„ung kittens. 2. The threshold for a.lrenahn blood pressure effects is high in y<.unK kittens, (leereasinK as they >tr..w older. ^ 3 The response to adrenalu. of a fall in blood pressure begins to ap- pear at uboiif eleven w. eks. is •- ' "p- 4 The increasing of the d.-jm-ssor effects from tl. ■ slight fall sue- ceedmg a in younger animals to a marked almost pure full in mechiin^tr*" '" "■"'""' ''^^■^•''"""-' "^ ♦»>« adrenalin vanodlla J 5 This fall in blood pressure seems to be due t<. vasodilatation in Saml"""" ' "■ '^" **" ^*'" **• '^^'' simultaneously in 1st l,.f!;TK' '"ir*'"."' "1''"''''" v«.sodilator mechanism often develops later than the adrenalin vasodilator mechanism for the limb Thu. supports the view that the two mechanisms are of different types. BIBLIOGRAPHY (1) Canno.v A.VD Lvman: This Journal, 1913, xxxi, 376. (2) Hartman: Ibid., 1915, xxxviii, 438. (3) HosKiNs, Glnm.vo and Behky: Ibid.. 1916, xli 513 (4) Haktman a.nd Fbaser; Ibid., 1917, xliv, 354 mT mmkMM»^hJi.i^^u mi 1% I M K-^ ' imxikniin iM lOKOMo >iri)ii;s l'il\ »iiii .14,11 M Si Mil V Nil I I lu- stru.Iiire, iiiu i ^'-v lu'ritiNlt v .itul ili-wlopiiicnt «l i\er\ I'-. elU, nitli -piiiil u t. rfiui- U' ihi'ir iiiu li'in com- p>Mllul<.. In I I I *>. .' I I I), y. \o . Oil tlu- v-li'l.v,') ot niiii-nui. liMli'il .'ri;.inisiiis, In A. U. M \i Mil \i n.;^ No, i l">li»<. I \ .iluMi ~ iMi li i i"' "j No. ) 11k- ihi:mi«tr\ ol i;liili!i. In d U N\»Mllll. 0.5(1 No 5 . I'll' p,il.ii.>u hiiiiisit V ol I'lu oi,.'.iii, hv \ I! Ma> Ai.i.i M i'.-'3 Nil I, riiv; .i|i-->iipiiiMi I'l 111 til- iiite^lirK'. h> li. \: W'll.sON '1.50 No ' ■ I lie ili^l I I'lii ii'ii ol 1,1 1 . > lilof -ill's, pti.'spli. Ill's. piit,i'~suini ,intl 11 iiii '11 si I Mil ,1 iii;isi li'. In M \i ii I M I \ 1 1 s n. i^ ,N'iV M Siiil.uf ti-iisuni ,iik1 \ plK'iu.iiii.'iri. In \ I! \I vi m 1 i \i imi No • I : Ou tin ilisii ibir ion ol poi.issiiuii in ii' iclls, b\ C r likowN I.. J, No. 10; 1^11 llu' proli.iiiK' '.If ol til' Milist^iiu'i' piomolin); f,'i ou ill III \ oiiiii; .111' M.\i Mil M In I. A.i\nK I' I Mx ,iiid .\. Hm I K N> I'lc , onip.ii .11 u i- v.ilui' ol laul iiul oiilli 1 III uro will, hv I' \si\iiii j-'i \k ,11-1 \. I! M x> M I r\l . I ill' .nil. Ill ol v.M'.t li.ut'oiis o'l till.' I'lou til ol rals, hv I' \s' MIK I' il .\. |!k No, 1^. .\ iK'i.v ^iiii^cplioii ol llu- ;;!■ I. ..TuLir liiiu-'ii'ii, h\ r, (i, !'iKo|i|i kill Mm On ili,iii';i's 111 ilii' y! iii'\ .ii'i oii'p,':iviiiL; ;i ill iiiul t llilllll'S ol lllc 1.11(1 IiMlv , In 1 . (■ II Koiiii- am 1 I I No. I ). I 'iilliiT I'lisi 1 \ .11 ,11 lliL' ilill>'i fill ial av'lion ol | .iilion.iliii, !■'. I'l; wis .\. 1 1 '. ;; 1 \l \\ .iiiJ l.ri ■ M' r'lMii;,\.s , I .No, 15 rii'.' nil . li.iti'.ir loi \ I >oilii.ii oiiin .iilu'ii.ilm, h_\ j I''k \M, .A, f!\Ki\i\\ .iiiil I. .Ms Mil'irnuw l-i: xskk ,. I •';,''■■' ,\Llr.'ii.ili in I''k \ I I \K 1 M W I'Isiiis ill I lie t .it ,il ilitlclillt iiiil I. IS! ii I,. Kii lams , . -^^.%M V \c, ^.dM^:...