This is the zettelgarten of Spencer Saar Cavanaugh, an experimental knowledge graph blending the zettelkasten method with the spirit of digital gardening. The primary purpose of this zettelgarten is cultivate knowledge in a public and auditable manner, and to provide an intellectual substrate for published discourse (see Writing).
Reading Notes
- Common Sense by Thomas Paine
- The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli
- Discourses on Livy by Niccolo Machiavelli
- The Art of War by Niccolo Machiavelli
- The Road to Serfdom by Friedrich Hayek
- The Constitution of Liberty by Friedrich Hayek
- The Use of Knowledge in Society by Friedrich Hayek
- Progress and Poverty by Henry George
- On the Nature of Things by Lucretius
- The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money by John Maynard Keynes
- Discourse on the Origin and Basis of Inequality Among Men by Jean-Jacques Rousseau
- The Federalist Papers by Publius
Canvas Foreword
The following content is a discursive “canvassing” exercise intended to: process ideas and prime them for more formal publication; foreground thought processes in the spirit of auto-discourse (see A Primer on Auto-Discourse); garner feedback from peers; establish conceptual provenance for ideonomic archiving purposes.
Link to original
- Notes on Active Discursive Efforts
- Notes on the Distinction between Theoretical and Applied Governance
- Notes on Extitutional Theory and Progressive Protocolization
- Notes on Keynes, Hayek, and Fiscal Protocols
- Notes on Experimental Zettelkasten Methodology
- Notes on Methodology for Communities of Practice
- Notes on an Ethical Hermeneutics of Machiavelli
- Notes on Experimental Zettelkasten Methodology, Part 2
- Intimations of a Post-Machiavellian Moral-Tactical Calculus
- Considerations on Delegate Agents
Psychocartography Notes
The following notes were taken by hand in 2019 as an inquiry into how ideas and values can be mapped. For more information about the nature of this inquiry, see A Rhapsody on Neurodiversity. In 2024, they were scanned and uploaded to Arweave, and PDF links are listed below.
- 2019-??-?? Evacuative Reorientation of Ideology
- 2019-??-?? Ontological Duplicity
- 2019-??-?? Pretextual & Textual Activity
- 2019-??-?? Structure as the Interior of Extremes
- 2019-??-?? Untitled Diagram of Arbitrary Measurement
- 2019-??-?? Untitled Diagram of Linear and Circular Placement
- 2019-??-?? Untitled Notes on Horizontal Integration
- 2019-??-?? Untitled Partial Inventory A
- 2019-??-?? Untitled Partial Inventory B
- 2019-??-?? Comment on The Dialectical Method and My Identity
- 2019-04-21 Psychocartography Brain Dump
- 2019-05-04 Dialectical Metabinaries
- 2019-06-01 Intended & Actual Movement
- 2019-06-02 Ideological Plasticity and Elasticity
- 2019-06-06 Positive & Negative Information
- 2019-06-09 Untitled Notes on Dispersion
- 2019-06-29 Perpetually Recalibrating Relativity of Value
- 2019-07-09 A Treatise on the Intersubjective Economy of Morality
- 2019-07-09 Topography of Ideology
- 2019-07-30 Binary/Triadic Orientation of Object/Subject
- 2019-08-?? Subjective Matrix
- 2019-08-06 Partiality and Entirety in the Eligibility of Binary Distinctions
- 2019-08-08 The Three Axes of Striation
- 2019-08-15 Reform and Revolution
- 2019-08-18 Intentional/Effecual Difference
- 2019-08-18 Relevant Vocabulary
- 2019-09-15 Holistic Dichotomization
- 2019-09-24 The Approximation of the Goal
- 2019-10-01 Fringe Acumen
- 2019-10-13 Archive Series 0001 Content
File Naming
Reference Note Format
“r-AuthorInitials-TitleInitials-1” or “r-JK-GT-1”
For example, the first note made primarily in reference to John Maynard Keynes’ General Theory would be r-JK-GT-1, the second would be r-JK-GT-2, etc. See this Reddit post for more information.
This method permits the interstitial inclusion of recursive reference notes, along the lines of folgezettel. For example, note r-JK-GT-1a could be made in reference to r-JK-GT-1, perhaps as a correction or an elaboration.
File Storage
Arweave is the primary storage solution for this zettelkasten. Arweave hashes function as the primary URIs for inline images, videos, and other media.
For example, the following markdown code renders the subsequent image in the browser:

Arweave hashes are also used as URIs in frontmatter for page metadata. For example, page banners are expressed as:
bannerURI: https://arweave.net/1OCpB8IN7kO8LiEOoutCLSSyGbHLHfhoJSQoloN_Y5g
Below is the full annotated frontmatter for the pages on this site. Not all pages will use all of the fields, and many of the fields are not required. Additionally, some of the fields are specific to this particular Quartz site(such as the ‘quartzShowGraph’ field). Some field are still in development.
Arweave is the preferred permanent storage solution for this site’s static assets, with content accessible via Arweave-based URIs.
## Page Metadata
title: A Rhapsody on Neurodiversity # Title of the page (visualized by 'ArticleTitle.tsx', 'LicenseInfo.tsx', and 'CitationGenerator.tsx'; converted into HTML 'title' tag by 'Head.tsx')
subtitle: Reflections on auto-didacticism and neurodiversity # Subtitle of the page (visualized by 'ArticleSubtitle.tsx')
author: Spencer Saar Cavanaugh # Author of the page (visualized by 'AuthorName.tsx', 'LicenseInfo.tsx', and 'CitationGenerator.tsx')
authorURL: https://www.clinamenic.com # URL of the author (visualized by 'LicenseInfo.tsx')
date: 2023-01-01 # Date of the page (visualized by 'Date.tsx', 'LicenseInfo.tsx', and 'CitationGenerator.tsx')
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## Academic Publication Metadata
abstract: Reflections on auto-didacticism and neurodiversity. # Abstract of the publication
keywords: # Keywords of the publication
- auto-didacticism
- neurodiversity
- psychoanalysis
journal: Journal of Imaginary Discourse # Journal of the publication (visualized by 'CitationGenerator.tsx')
volume: 1 # Volume of the publication (visualized by 'CitationGenerator.tsx')
issue: 1 # Issue of the publication (visualized by 'CitationGenerator.tsx')
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publisher: Clinamenic Publishing # Publisher of the publication (visualized by 'CitationGenerator.tsx')
publisherLocation: New York, NY # Publisher location of the publication (visualized by 'CitationGenerator.tsx')
edition: 1 # Edition of the publication
institution: Clinamenic Institute for Really Cool and Unusual Studies # Institution of the publication
department: Department of Psychodynamics # Department of the publication
degree: PhD # Degree of the publication
## License and Identification Metadata
license: CC-BY-SA 4.0 # License of the publication (visualized by 'LicenseInfo.tsx')
doi: 10.1234/1234567890 # DOI of the publication (visualized by 'CitationGenerator.tsx')
url: https://www.clinamenic.com/publications/a-rhapsody-on-neurodiversity # URL of the page (visualized by 'CitationGenerator.tsx')
uuid: 245497b4-8ced-46b3-a841-d8e683c09373 # UUID of the page
## Arweave Metadata
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## Quartz Metadata
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Frontmatter (Clean)
Feel free to copy and paste the following template into your new page.
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- Add AuthorName.ts component.
- Add PublishDate.ts component.
- Add LicenseInfo.ts component.
- Add ArticleSubtitle component
- Configure Arweave sync functionality via Github workflows using protocol.land (docs).
- Add CitationGenerator component
- Support MLA, APA, IEEE, Harvard, Chicago citation styles
- Add FlexContainer component to hold LicenseInfo and CitationGenerator components
- Configure
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- SEO keyword
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- Configure custom global graph layout
- Tags in a fixed ring around the border of the rest of the graph.
- Monogram logo on background
- Add ImageModal component (This is a component that allows for the display of images in a modal window, with a caption and a link to the source.)
- [ ]
- [ ]
Articles & Resources
- https://strengejacke.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/introduction-into-luhmanns-zettelkasten-thinking.pdf
- Zettelkasten: Hypertext, Linearity and Sequentiality
- https://writing.bobdoto.computer/folgezettel-is-not-an-outline-luhmanns-playful-appreciation-of-disfunction/
- The Process of Writing World History of Design, 2015. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kxyy0THLfuI.
- Example of querying Arweave for version history of articles.
Article/Resource Lists
- ‘Function thinking’ framework / The Multipotentialite Kit
- https://web.archive.org/web/20150919121615/http://www.abolish.me/blog/semantic-notes
- Kepano’s web clipper bookmark: https://stephango.com/obsidian-web-clipper