'Game of Thrones' Star Says the Show Is Nothing But "T*ts and Dragons"

Former 'Deadwood' star Ian McShane recently joined 'Game of Thrones' and has wasted no time angering fans.

March 14, 2016
Not Available Lead
Image via Complex Original
Complex Original

When you’re the new guy at the Game of Thrones office, it’s probably best not to publicly summarize the HBO blockbuster as merely a marathon of breasts and dragons. However, in the case of freshGame of Thrones recruit (and former Deadwood legend) Ian McShane, giving a damn simply isn't on the agenda.

"You say the slightest thing and the internet goes ape," McShane told the Telegraph in a recent interview, following fans’ anger surrounding his apparent habit of dropping mad spoilers all over the place. "I was accused of giving the plot away, but I just think 'Get a fucking life.' It’s only tits and dragons." Damn, Ian McShane. Troll much?

To properly frame his controversial comment, McShane then wrapped it in a potential spoiler for swift delivery. "I wasn’t sure whether I could commit," McShane remembers of being approached to hop into the Thrones action for a one-episode arc. "But then they said it would only be for one episode, so I said, 'So that means I must die at the end of it. Great. I’m in.'"

Though remarkable in his candidness, McShane certainly isn't the first Game of Thrones star to make public remarks regarding the series' heavily discussed approach to matters of nudity. Jack Gleeson (a.k.a. Joffrey) told the Daily Beast back in July that, since his departure, he hasn’t really kept up with the show. Gleeson does, however, have plenty of thoughts on the nudity. "I have heard that there is male nudity," Gleeson said. "So I think that is one good thing—to not just objectify women but also objectify the beauty of the male genitalia!"

Peter Dinklage, presumably while entirely clothed, is set to host Saturday Night Live at the top of next month. Hopefully, this means we'll get to see Tyrion Lannister addressing McShane's "t*ts and dragons" remark as only he can.
