Toaster-Typewriter – An investigation of humor in design

Toaster-Typewriter is the first iteration of what technology made with humor can do. A custom made machine that lets one burn letters onto bread, this hybrid appliance nudges users to exercise their imaginations while performing a mundane task like making toast in the morning.

Round About Four Dimensions – Exploring the Unknown

Created by Julius von Bismarck & Benjamin Maus, Round About Four Dimensions sculpture represents a “hypercube”, “four-cube” or “tesseract”, often cited in mathematical and physical theories to illustrate concepts beyond three spatial dimensions.

61.4223 – Technomass and Nature

61.4223 invites viewers to experience the moment of contemplative observation of a transformed landscape. Comprised of sculptural representations of German open pit mines inside a 1m³ cube, and alongside mechanisms that mimic the movement of (counterpart) excavators, the installation visualizes exactly how many cubic meters of earth have been moved since the installation started.

[Sinusoidal Noise] – A study of movement in sinusoidal chaos

Sinusoidal Noise is a modular light installation that uses random oscillating patterns to create a larger sense of movement. The work comprises 98 pixels each of which fades on and off at a unique frequency. These slow, detuned oscillations create the illusion of shapes emerging, where light appears to pass between pixels as they move…

Spirotrope – Stirling Engine powered Spirograph animation

Created by Witaya Junma. ‘Spirotrope’ is a device developed from the hypothesis that an interactive artwork can be created from unrelated objects in a way such that each object is still visible in its essence, whether in its form or its function. The criteria is that the viewer must experience this by interacting with the artwork directly.

Objectifier – Device to train domestic objects

Created by Bjørn Karmann at CIID, Objectifier empowers people to train objects in their daily environment to respond to their unique behaviours. Interacting with Objectifier is much like training a dog – you teach it only what you want it to care about. Just like a dog, it sees and understands its environment.

Looks Like Music – Yuri Suzuki at Mudam 2013

For its summer project in 2013, Mudam’s Publics Department invited Yuri Suzuki to conceive Looks Like Music, an audiovisual installation based on his work with Colour Chaser – beautifully designed but minimal vehicle that detects and follows a black line whilst it reads crossing coloured lines and translates them as RGB data into sound.

Listening to the Ocean on a Shore of Gypsum Sand

Algorithmically generating 3d printed forms created for the sole purpose of listening to the “ocean”. In this process, the project attempts to address the role of experience in the mediation of the virtual world to the real world and visa versa.



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