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BY 4.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter Open Access December 20, 2019

Effect of gas adsorption-induced pore radius and effective stress on shale gas permeability in slip flow: New Insights

  • Asadullah Memon , Aifen Li EMAIL logo , Wencheng Han and Weibing Tian
From the journal Open Geosciences


Shale, a heterogeneous and extremely complex gas reservoir, contains low porosity and ultra-Low permeability properties at different pore scales. Its flow behaviors are more complicated due to different forms of flow regimes under laboratory conditions. Flow regimes change with respect to pore scale variation resulting in change in gas permeability. This work presents new insights regarding the change of pore radius due to gas adsorption, effective stress and impact of both on shale gas permeability measurements in flow regimes. From this study, it was revealed that the value of Klinkenberg coefficient has been affected due to gas adsorption-induced pore radius thickness impacts and resulting change in gas permeability. The gas permeability measured from new proposed equation is provides better results as compare to existing equation. Adsorption parameters are the key factors that affect radius of shale pore. Both adsorption and effective stress have an effect on the pore radius and result gas permeability change. It was found that slip effect enhances the apparent gas permeability and also changes with effective stress; therefore, combine impact of slip flow and effective stress is very important as provides understanding in evolution of apparent permeability during shale gas production.

1 Introduction

Shale gas reservoirs are important source of energy after discovery of huge reserves of such reservoir around the world. Flow regime is a key parameter of shale flow mechanisms and is a function of three important parameters such as pressure, fluid type and pore size. Pore size/radius may be affected due to multiple parameters such as adsorption/desorption, water saturation (multiphase flow), fractures, and creep. These parameters are potentially impact on flow regimes and affiliated parameters such as porosity and permeability [1].

In shale, the gas flow is affected by the pore scales such as macroscale, mesoscale, microscale and nanoscale and due to this reason the various flow regimes are identified in pore network models. Generally, gas is first desorbing from the pore wall of the kerogen and move towards matrix system and secondly, flux transfer arises among the matrix and fracture system due to pressure gradient and at the end gas is being reached at the well bore and eventually produced. The kerogen contains micropores and mesopores (<4-5 nm average pore size) and interconnected nanopores that provide active sites for gas adsorptions [2]. Diffusion type (molecular) and slip flow are the main components in the microscale whereas the Knudsen or slip flow and Darcy flow are predominant in mesoscale; hence Knudsen is significant in the scale and cannot be ignored [3]. At the macroscale (fractures), Darcy flow dominates but there exist some Knudsen flow. Further, storage mediums in these pores network models are also different such as on a micro level, adsorption dominates both in organic and inorganic matter, on a meso and macro level, free gas in the pores dominates; however, adsorption is still present in a limited amount [4].

Many researchers have been presented the permeability models such as Javadpour, 2009 [5] proposed that two mechanism such as slip flow and diffusion that are exist together, at the same time from matrix to fracture system for gas migration. Civan et al., 2011 [6] and Sakhaee-Pour and Bryant, 2011 [7] presented an apparent permeability model by considering slippage factor in Knudsen diffusion for shale gas reservoirs. Shi et al., 2013 [8] has presented permeability model that describes the all flow regimes simultaneously. Zhang et al., 2015 [9] investigated the influence factors and transport mechanisms for shale gas reservoirs by using Lattice Boltzmann method (LBM). He revealed that net desorption, slippage and diffusion flow are highly sensitive to the pore scale. Later, many researchers had thought that flow regimes play a vital part in gas apparent permeability and due to this reason; they classified the various flow regimes by adopting Knudsen number. On this concept, so many Kn-corrected permeability models have been made to examine the transient behaviors of shale gas reservoirs [10, 11]. Furthermore, some researchers have presented another apparent permeability models which is based as slip flow and diffusion flow exist together and connect to the apparent permeability with nanoscales. It has found from this study that slip flow may be appeared separately without diffusion flow consideration [12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17]. Further, the study of flow mechanisms is very sensitive and complicated in shale gas reservoirs. Flow regimes are changes with respect to pore scale variation and resulting change in gas permeability. Hence, flow regimes are a key parameter that affects the gas permeability of the shale gas reservoirs. Further, the mineralogical composition perform key part in gas permeability change specially clay which includes many components such as smectite, illite, chlorite and kaolinite [18]. It was also found from literature that due to effective stress, the shale gas permeability is mainly influenced by mineralogical composition i.e. as increases of clay content the permeability becomes more reactive in respect to effective stress [19]. Based on above literature, this study has focused on how the gas permeability has altered due to gas adsorption-induced pore radius in slip flow region and how the pore size, slip flow and effective stress impact on gas apparent permeability.

The work flow used to conduct this study is shown in Figure 1. First, slip flow mechanism has been considered and investigated the impact of change in pore radius due to gas adsorption on shale gas permeability measurements. Results obtained from Klinkenberg gas permeability model (equation 1) and new proposed gas permeability model (equation 20) was compared at different shale samples and gases (such as helium and methane). The Gas adsorption model presented by Dubinin-Radushkevich (DR) was adopted to measure the adsorbed layer thickness which impacts pore radius and gas permeability. This model was used generally because it considers the capillary condensation. Second, eight shale samples data were taken from literature and the effective role of key gas adsorption parameters such as total organic content (TOC), methane sorption capacity (Wo) and specific surface area (SSA) in pore radius variation was analyzed and also the relation of these parameters was observed at different shale samples containing high and low kerogen quality. Third, the impact of effective stress changes on pore radius was investigated. At the end, impacts of slip flow and effective stresses were combined for the development of shale gas apparent permeability.

Figure 1 Work flow of present study.
Figure 1

Work flow of present study.

2 Sample and experimental descriptions

The data of two samples of tight rocks such as shales were obtained from Sinha et al. (2013) [21] to conduct this study. Both samples have low porosity and organic content <2% by weight. The gas permeability of these samples were measured through steady-state method at constant temperature, constant confining pressure and varying pore pressure. The experimental measured gas permeability and fitting parameters of shale samples are shown in Table 1.

Table 1

Experimental measured gas permeability and fitting parameters of shale sample [21].

Sample #Gas typeTemp, FTOC, %Pmean, PsiaGas permeability (Kg), nD from experimentAbsolute gas Permeability (Ko), nD from fittingPore radius (r), nm from fitting

3 Model descriptions

3.1 Gas slippage permeability model

Klinkenberg observed the occurrence of Knudsen flow in porous media which is so called Klinkenberg effect [22]. He showed that observed gas permeability is the function of mean gas pressure and proposed relation in between the measured gas permeability and absolute permeability of the porous medium is linearly on the basis of following equation:


where Kg and Ko is measured and absolute gas permeability in nD, Pm is the mean gas pressure in psia and bk is the Klinkenberg coefficient, can be calculated through curve fitting technique and assumed as a constant. But bk generally is not constant, and may be defined as [23]:


where λ is the mean free path of gas molecules (MFPG) in m, c is the proportionally factor and r is the pore radius in m. Value of bk is significant parameter, it influence the difference of K g and Ko and may be changed with Knudsen number. Klinkenberg effect is also significant in fine grained, low porosity and extremely low permeability tight gas reservoirs such as shales [24]. Various Klinkenberg coefficient correlations are described by many researchers and are available in the literature [25]. Equation 3 is describing the Knudsen number (Kn) and has widely utilized to define the flow regimes as shown in Table 2 especially for shale porous media that contents small pore scales [5].

Table 2

Identification of Knudsen number associated with flow regimes for shale.

Kn range
Regime type<0.001 Darcy0.001-0.1 Slip0.1-10 Transition> 10 Free molecular
Model to be applieda. Darcy’s equationa. Corrected Klinkenberg equationCorrected Darcy’s with Knudsen’s equationsa. Knudsen’s diffusion equation
b. Forchheimer’s equationb. Knudsen’s Darcy’s equation.b. DSMC and Lattice Boltzmann methods

Mean free path of gas molecules is mostly changes in respect to gas pressure, temperature and gas type and it may define as [26]:


where Kb is the Boltzmann constant (1.38E−23J/K), δm is the gas molecule collision diameter in meter, T is the temperature in Kelvin, and p is the gas pressure in Pascal. Table 3 describing the gas molecule collision diameter of different gases [27] and it may be calculated from gas viscosity

Table 3

Collision diameter of gas molecules of different gases.

Gas typeCollision diameter (σm), m
Helium0.26 × 10−9
Methane0.38 × 10−9
Carbon Dioxide0.33 × 10−9
Nitrogen0.36 × 10−9

(μ) using the following equation [28].


where m is the molecule mass and other requisite fluid parameters can be obtained by using NIST Standard Reference data base 23.

3.2 Gas apparent permeability model

Gas apparent permeability is very important parameter for understanding of shale mechanisms and it mostly depends on Knudsen number and intrinsic or absolute permeability [29]. In shale gas reservoir, the apparent permeability variation may causes of different flow regimes and availability of small pore scales especially in shale matrix [30]. Different flow regimes such are identified based on this relationship. Knudsen number is also affected by gas adsorption-induced pore radius; therefore it would be better to correct the Knudsen number before measurement of shale gas apparent permeability. B-K is the most common apparent permeability model presented by Beskok [10], based on a unified Hagen-Poiseuille-type equation for shale. It can be expressed as:


where Kaap is the apparent permeability and f (Kn) is the term that shows slippage incremental and it may be defined as:


where ζ is the dimensionless rarefaction coefficient and b is the slip coefficient. It has found from literature that the b is empirical parameter, does not depend on gas type and it value is −1 suggested by Beskok and Karniadakis. Further, he also suggested dimensionless rarefaction coefficient values and its varies as 0 < ζ < ζo for 0 < Kn <∞where ζo is an asymptotic limit value. Civan et al. [6] is presented the following correlation for dimensionless rarefaction coefficient determination.


where A = 0.17, B = 0.4348 and ζo = 1.358.

Alteration in shale matrix permeability may be causes of two difference effect i.e. effective stress and flow regimes that may occur when pressure declines as gas production starts. Alter the intrinsic or absolute gas permeability and pores network structure may cause of effective stress effects while alter the gas apparent permeability because of slippage factor may cause of flow regimes effects [31, 32]. The effective stress equation can be defined as [33]:


where, σeff is the effective stress; Pc is the confining pressure, Pp is the pore pressure and α is the effective stress coefficient. The Stress dependence of gas permeability may be defined as:


where K is the Klinkenberg-corrected gas permeability coefficient at zero effective stress (σ = 0) and αk an adjustable parameter (related to pore compressibility) indicating stress sensitivity. Combining equation 9 and 10 with equation 1 and new proposed equation, the new gas apparent permeability becomes as:


3.3 Gas adsorption models

In shale gas reservoirs, a network of pore scales and transport processes are providing a path to gas flow [34] and usually small size pores make the SSA large; therefore, transport processes are very important that depending on SSA where adsorption, desorption and diffusion occur. Various shale gas adsorption models have been developed and used for the measurement of gas sorption capacity such as Langmuir, Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET), Dubinin–Astakhov (D–A), Dubinin and Radushkevich (D– R) and Freundlich model [35, 36]. In this study D–A model was used because it provides better outcomes as compare to other adsorption models. Dubinin and his coworkers developed following two equations for measurement of gas sorption capacity:

(13)D-A model:V=VOexpDlnρaρgn
(14)D-R model:V=VOexpDlnPOP2

where V is absolute adsorption, V0 is maximum gas sorption capacity, n and D is structural heterogeneity (varies between 1 and 4) and pore structure parameter, P0 and P is the saturation and equilibrium vapor pressure respectively. Equation 13 is known as D–A equation whereas equation 14 is known as D–R equation. The Langmuir model is the most common model that is used to measure gas adsorption. It can be used to fit excess adsorption data expressed by equation 15.


Based on Langmuir and D-A model, V can be substituted by mole number n, and then equation 13 can be rewritten as [37]:


where nex is the excess adsorption capacity in mmol/g, n L and n0 is the maximum absolute gas adsorption capacity of monolayer adsorption and micropore- filling capacity in mmol/g, P and PL is the equilibrium pressure and Langmuir pressure in MPa and ρg and ρa is the density of free and adsorbed gas in g/cm3. Adsorbed layer thickness is mostly affects the pore radius. Pore radius can be expressed as:


where r, ro and ᐃr is the average pore radius, initial pore radius and adsorbed layer thickness in m. Based on equation 16, the adsorbed layer thickness may be expressed as [36]:


where Wo is the maximum gas sorption capacity in mol/g and S is the specific surface area, m2/g and ρa is the adsorbed gas density in mol/m3. It may be taken from the adsorption isotherms. Hence equation 17 can be re-written as:


where r_cor represents gas adsorption-induced pore radius. Further, based on this equation, the equation 1 can be modifying as:


where b k_cor is the klinkenberg coefficient gas adsorption-induced pore radius.

4 Results and discussion

4.1 Impact of gas pressure and temperature on mean free path of gas molecules

The temperature impact on mean free path of gas molecule in shale is very little as compare to gas pressure. But on other end, gas pressure has great influence on the MFPG.

For helium gas when the pressure is less than 30MPa, MFPG increases sharply as pressure decreases and when the pressure is greater than 30MPa, MFPG is less than 0.002, and decreases slightly with the increase of pressure that can be seen in Figure 2. Gas molecule collision diameter of various gases has also great influence on the MFPG for shale sample as observed in Figure 3.

Figure 2 MFPG of Helium gas molecules under different temperature and pressure.
Figure 2

MFPG of Helium gas molecules under different temperature and pressure.

Figure 3 MFPG under same temperature and different pressure and gas types.
Figure 3

MFPG under same temperature and different pressure and gas types.

4.2 Impact of gas adsorption induced pore radius on shale gas permeability

It has been observed that equation 1 does not show the impact of gas adsorption-induced pore radius, therefore, addition term is required to modify such equation. Hence, based on equation 16 and 17 the new equation has been developed (i.e. equation 20). This equation contains the additional term which shows the pore thickness impacts and has providing good gas permeability results as compare equation 2 (Table 4). Further, Helium gas is a non-adsorbed gas and cannot be suitable for gas adsorption measurements. So, it would be better to use adsorbed gas such as methane when combine the study of gas adsorption and gas permeability. The use of same adsorbed gas for both measurements may provide a better description for shale gas characterization and in such case the new proposed equation may be appropriated.

Table 4

Corrected value of pore radius, Klinkenberg coefficient and gas permeability.

Sample #&Gas typePmean, Psiar, nmr_cor, nm (Eq-19)bk (Eq-1)bk (Eq-2)bk_cor (Eq-21)Kg, nd (Exp)Kg, nd (Eq-1)Kg, nd (Eq-2)Kg_cor, nd (Eq-20)

From the Table 4, it was also observed that value of b k has affected due to gas adsorption-induced pore radius and gas permeability decreases as pore radius decreases. However, this value may be more affected as its changes with increase or decrease of gas adsorption and specific surface area of samples. Further, two views of bk were obtained when it was assumed as a constant and variable (Figure 4).

Figure 4 Views of constant and variable Klinkenberg coefficient at methane gas for sample 2.
Figure 4

Views of constant and variable Klinkenberg coefficient at methane gas for sample 2.

4.3 Impact of gas adsorption capacity on pore radius

Gas adsorption capacity is a function of TOC as well as SSA [38]. TOC is interrelated with gas adsorption capacity and SSA. The shale pore radius is affected due to gas adsorption capacity as observed in literature. For example, at the same initial pore size i.e. 2nm, average pore radius effects are varied at different shale samples and this is may be existence of organic matter and mineral components. Table 5 describes the gas adsorption data of shale samples and same data were used to investigate the impact of gas adsorption on pore radius. The result of gas adsorption-induced pore radius at different pressure can be seen in Figure 5. It was observed from figure that the pore radius is deceases as pressure increases and the behavior of gas adsorption-induced pore radius reduction was found different as each sample has different characteristics. Hence,it is cleared from this outcome that gas adsorption capacity is a key factor that affects pore radius of shale.

Figure 5 Impacts of gas adsorption- induced pore radius on gas adsorption capacity at various pressures.
Figure 5

Impacts of gas adsorption- induced pore radius on gas adsorption capacity at various pressures.

Table 5

TOC, SSA and fitted parameters based on Langmuir and DR model for eight shale samples [39].

Sample #TOC (%)SSA* (m2/g)Langmuir-based excess adsorption (Eq-15)DR-based excess adsorption (Eq-16)
nL, mmol/gPL, MPaρa, g/cm3no, mmol/gρa, g/cm3D
  1. *Specific surface area (SSA) is measured by using BET equation [21].

Further, it was also observed in Figure 5 that pore radius is more affected at low pressure (1-10MPa) as compare to high Pressure (above 10MPa) at different shale samples. The D-R model provides the better results as compare with Langmuir adsorption model (Figure 6) because D-R model is built based on the micropore-filling mechanism whereas Langmuir model assumes monomolecular layer adsorption on pore surfaces [40].

Figure 6 Comparison of Langmuir and DR model at various pressures and different Shale samples.
Figure 6

Comparison of Langmuir and DR model at various pressures and different Shale samples.

The relation in between gas adsorption capacity with TOC and SSA can be seen in Figure 7. It was observed from this figure that both TOC and SSA is varies with kerogen quality. For example sample 1-3 and 8 content very good kerogen quality (4 to 12%) but high TOC and low SSA has found in sample 1-3 whereas high TOC and high SSA has found in sample 8. Similarly, sample 4 and 5-7 content low kerogen quality (<4%) but low TOC and high SSA has found in sample 4 whereas low TOC and low SSA has found in sample 5-7. Hence, it is observed from results that TOC and SSA are the controlling factors of methane gas adsorption capacity and provides useful information for shale gas measurement and development. From the literature, it was also found that the methane gas adsorption capacities of the organic matter such as kerogen and mineral components are important for evaluating the methane gas adsorption capacity for shales [41]. Further, different shale samples have contains different SSA and gas adsorption capacity whereas parameters may vary due to presence of kerogen type and mineral components in shale sample. For example, SSA of Kerogen-isolated has found in Long-maxi Formation shales is 193.1 m2/g [42] whereas 161.23 m2/g has found in Niutitang Formation shales [43]. Similarly, SSA of mineral components has found different in different shale samples [44, 45].

Figure 7 Relation between VL, TOC and SSA at different shale samples.
Figure 7

Relation between VL, TOC and SSA at different shale samples.

4.4 Impact of effective stress changes on pore radius

As discussed above that the gas adsorption have an effect on the pore radius but on other end the effective stress is also effect on pore radius as observed in literature [24, 29]. The variation in effective stress is influenced on pore radius and result gas permeability change. Figure 8 describe that the effect of effective stress changes on gas permeability and pore radius [29]. It has been observed from this figure that pore radius is deceases as effective stress increases and due to this effect the gas permeability is decreases and also relation in between the effective stress and pore size is linearly found.

Figure 8 Effect of effective stress on pore radius and gas permeability.
Figure 8

Effect of effective stress on pore radius and gas permeability.

4.5 Impact of pore size and flow regimes on gas apparent permeability

The relation between gas permeability and apparent permeability at different gases such as helium and methane is shown in Figure 9. Further, it was noted that gas apparent permeability is always higher than gas permeability and its value may vary with intrinsic permeability and flow regimes as well.

Figure 9 Gas permeability and apparent permeability at different gases for sample 2.
Figure 9

Gas permeability and apparent permeability at different gases for sample 2.

4.6 Impact of slip flow and effective stress on gas apparent permeability

As discussed above that when effective stress increases, the pore radius and gas permeability is decreases. But on other hand, due to increase of effective stress, the slip-flow parameters also change and result slip effect that enhances the gas apparent permeability. Figure 10 shows the same effect as described above and further changes in Klinkenberg coefficient due to gas adsorption-induced pore radius may cause of increases Klinkenberg gas permeability. Hence, combine impact of slip flow and effective stress with Klinkenberg coefficient gas adsorption-induced pore radius is very important and provides understanding in evolution of gas apparent permeability during shale gas production.

Figure 10 Impact of Slip flow and effective stress on Permeability due to Klinkenberg coefficient gas adsorption-induced pore radius at different gases.
Figure 10

Impact of Slip flow and effective stress on Permeability due to Klinkenberg coefficient gas adsorption-induced pore radius at different gases.

Effective stress coefficient is equal to one according to the statement of Terzaghi’s principle [46] but in shale gas, the gas apparent permeability is more sensitive to confining pressure variation than pore pressure.Hence, this principle is not likely to be valid in evaluation of shale gas permeability. Figure 11 shows the effective stress coefficient increases as gas apparent permeability decreases when slip is considered. Further, it was observed that no effective stress coefficient impact was found at gas apparent permeability when slip flow is not considered. Hence, it has been cleared from this outcome that the impact of effective stress coefficient is larger at gas apparent permeability when slip flow is considered and smaller when slip flow is not considered.

Figure 11 Impact of effective stress coefficient on gas apparent permeability at with/without slip flow.
Figure 11

Impact of effective stress coefficient on gas apparent permeability at with/without slip flow.

5 Conclusion

Based on above study, it is concluded that:

  1. Klinkenberg cofficient value is affected due to gas adsorption-induced pore radius impacts and resulted in a change in gas permeability.However, this value may be more affected as it changes with increase or decrease of gas adsorption capacity and specific surface area of shale samples.

  2. Gas permeability measured from new proposed model is provide good results in slip flow region as compare to existing equation.

  3. Gas adsorption parameters such as sorption capacity, total organic content and specific surface area are the major factors that affect the pore radius of shale. Different shale samples contain different specific surface area and gas adsorption capacity; therefore, values of these parameters may vary due to presence of kerogen type and mineral components.

  4. Knudsen number is affecting due to gas adsorption-induced pore radius; therefore it is better to correct the Knudsen number before measurement of shale gas apparent permeability.

  5. Pore radius is affected due to change of effective stress and result change in gas permeability.

  6. Slip effect enhances the gas apparent permeability and also change with effective stress; therefore, combine impact of slip flow and effective stress is very important and provides understanding in evolution of gas apparent permeability during shale gas production.

  7. Both organic and inorganic materials are present and play a key role for shale gas characterization; therefore, impact of organic and inorganic material on shale gas properties and gas adsorption capacity will be investigated in future work.

Tel.: +86-15154289972


This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NO.51774308) and the National Science and Technology Major Project of China (2016ZX05014-003-002).





Dubinin– Astakhov


Dubinin and Radushkevich


Lattice Boltzmann method



Slip coefficient, MPa


Klinkenberg coefficient


Proportionally factor


Parameter related to the pore structure


Gas apparent permeability, nd


Boltzmann constant, J/K


Gas permeability, nd


Absolute permeability, nd


Knudsen number, dimensionless


Molecule mass


Excess gas adsorption capacity, mmol/g


Maximum absolute gas adsorption capacity of monolayer adsorption, mmol/g


Maximum absolute gas adsorption capacity of micropore- filling, mmol/g


Equilibrium pressure, MPa


Gas pressure, Pascal


Confining pressure, MPa


Langmuir pressure, MPa


Mean gas pressure, MPa


Saturation vapor pressure, MPa


Pore pressure, MPa


Pore radius, m


Gas adsorption-induced pore radius, m


Specific surface area, m2/g


Total organic carbon, %


Amount of adsorbed gas or absolute gas adsorption


Volume of micro-pores or maximum sorption capacity


Gas sorption capacity, mmol/g


Density of adsorbed gas, g/cm3


Density of free gas, g/cm3


Gas viscosity, cp

Greek symbols


Adjustable parameter related to pore compressibility


An asymptotic limit value


Collision diameter, m


Dimensionless rarefaction coefficient


Effective stress coefficient, MPa


Gas molecule collision diameter, m


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Unit conversion

For volume and mass of methane: 1gcm3×mol16.04×g×cm31E6×m3×62344.140molm3

For temperature conversion between Celsius and Kelvin: K = 273.15 + C.

Received: 2019-04-02
Accepted: 2019-11-05
Published Online: 2019-12-20

© 2019 A. Memon et al., published by De Gruyter

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Public License.

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