2023 results

Lea Bridge Library Extension
by Studio Weave

Lea Bridge Library Extension by Studio Weave
Photo by Jim Stephenson

Studio Weave has extended the Lea Bridge Library in London, United Kingdom.

This project is an extension to the Grade-II listed Lea Bridge Library in East London, adding a cafe and adaptable community space with an improved connection to the library’s gardens.

The aim of the Lea Bridge Library extension was to deliver a revived civic heart for the Borough of Waltham Forest.

The project addresses the changing role of a library in modern civic infrastructure, conceiving a new wing that offers a place to work, learn, socialise, and gather.

This project has been shortlisted in the civic project category of Dezeen Awards 2023.

Studio: Studio Weave
Project: Lea Bridge Library Extension
Credits: Sebastian Cox, Timberwright, NPS London and Jim Stephenson Photography

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