Muse: The magazine of science, culture, and smart laughs for kids and children


WHAT IF ONE DAY YOU WOKE UP AT THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA? You’d face some serious survival challenges. Challenges like navigating pitch-black waters, hunting for scarce food, enduring extreme cold, and withstanding crushing pressure. What adaptations might you need to survive?

Try on the adaptations below to see what life might be like as a deep-sea dweller. Then match each adaptation with a real deep-sea animal. Many creatures use these features to

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Muse: The magazine of science, culture, and smart laughs for kids and children6 min read
Little Creatures Among Us
When you think you’re alone, you’re actually not. In the ground, the air, your room, and even your body are trillions and trillions of creatures so tiny you can’t see them. They’re microbes, and they’re everywhere. You’ve probably heard people call t
Muse: The magazine of science, culture, and smart laughs for kids and children2 min read
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