feel good inc.
Founder of Two Good Co, an initiative that started out as a roadside barbecue for the less fortunate and has grown to provide meals, support and paid employment to female domestic violence survivors. Twogood.com.au
with tongs on a barbecue or helping to prepare a long lunch. Last year I was gifted dinner at Blue Hill at Stone Barns in New York. I don’t need anything and the thought of experiencing an amazing meal with someone close to me had me excited for a very long time. Being woken up way too early by my nieces to start unwrapping presents. Ham for sure. Often marinated and often for breakfast the morning after with way too much Skordalia [a Greek dip]. that my family have their best year yet. I’m really not much of a choosing where to spend their dollar, or simply by spending with local farmers and producers. I’m keeping mum on this one. I love the surprise and once changed a gift after my partner guessed what it was. Watching someone start to believe in themselves is what drives me. Two Good employs women who have experienced domestic violence, many of which have had their self-worth stripped away. All we do is believe in the person; once they start to believe in themselves again, the magic happens. It’s nothing short of awesome to be a small part of their journey.
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