Linux Format

Configure Debian 10 for the desktop

Debian GNU/Linux, known simply as Debian, is one of the most thoroughly tested and reliable Linux distributions. It can be configured to work as a file server (i.e. without a desktop manager) or as a fully functioning desktop system, including software for office, internet, multimedia, scientific, programming compilers, editors, and lots more.

There is very little literature available concerning Debian Linux on the desktop, but it’s not difficult to set up. Complete beginners are advised to read the excellent Linux In Easy Steps by Mike McGrath, which is based on Linux Mint. Linux Mint is built on Ubuntu Linux, which was derived from a development version of Debian. There are many, many distros that have been derived directly or indirectly from Debian.

Debian can run on pretty much any modern PC. An old Pentium or Core 2 Duo laptop will do (but will be slow), as will a modern Core i7 PC, or a PC using an AMD processor. Debian includes drivers for most kinds of hardware used in PCs.

Most recent main stream Linux distros, including Debian 10, will install with the recent display server. However, is incompatible with some older and well-established software (see the boxout on page 72). will be disabled on your system.

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