Linux Format

Immerse yourself in a first-person shooter

This issue we’re going to have a go at designing a first-person shooter. Wolfenstein 3D (1992) and Doom (1993) are arguably the most notable early successes of the three-dimensional first-person shooter (FPS) genre. Both were released by id Software and designed by John Romero and John Carmack. These games featured the player seeing the game world through the eyes of a protagonist, roaming around levels looking for bad guys to eliminate. The graphics were, of course, pseudo-3D because true 3D graphics hardware hadn’t been invented yet. A lot of isomorphic project and trickery with sprites was used to create an illusion of three dimensions. We’re going to replicate that method.

To get started, we’ll need a few, and engine. To install Python, open a Terminal and type sudo apt-get install python3 , followed by sudo apt-get install pip3 . Then you can install with pip3 install pygame . Finally, grab a copy of by Raul Vieira from github with git clone https: .

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