Europe needs to keep producing chemicals, steel, and cement while reducing emissions from those industries. Here’s how companies can slash carbon output while at the same time improving their competitiveness.
Chemicals, steel, and cement industries emit about 311 million tons of carbon a year in Europe – accounting for more than half of its total industrial emissions.
Tackling climate change and at the same time meeting consumer expectations requires businesses to rethink how they make and market things. This is increasingly needed for the materials that scaffold modern life: steel, cement, and chemicals. These industries have outsized footprints on our daily living, from the homes we live in, to the cars we drive, to the office buildings where we work. In Europe, they account for almost 6 million jobs and 3% of its GDP. But current processes of making them also emit high amounts of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
Chemicals, steel, and cement industries emit about 311 million tons of carbon a year in Europe – accounting for more than half of its total industrial emissions. And the numbers likely will