
Making muscle

If you are inactive and do not exercise as an adult you lose between 3 and 8 per cent of your muscle mass per decade. That’s the bad news, but the good news is that just 10 weeks of strength training can reverse a lot of that loss and boost your metabolic rate at the same time. Training to build your strength and muscle is very good for you and it is not new. Lifting things to build muscle has been practised by human beings for millennia.

It is entirely possible that our Mesolithic and Neolithic ancestors noticed that lifting rocks made them more ripped and stronger in the process. In earlier times our Palaeolithic forebears may have been even more motivated to pump rock so that they could flex over their neighbouring Neanderthals and Denisovans, but then again they may have been too busy developing recipes that could be used in 21st century cafés. So, while our Stone Age relatives probably did do strength training, they just couldn’t be bothered drawing pictures of themselves doing it.

With the coming of the Vanity Age (otherwise known as the Bronze Age), however, humans decided that what they do deserves to be recorded, and in the process we find evidence of strength training dating back around 4000 years.

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