What are STL’s fundamental ESG drivers? Please highlight some ESG achievements.
Our approach to ESG is proactive and an essential enabler across our value chain, both within and beyond institutional boundaries. We believe that risk to business operations can be mitigated only by addressing environmental, social, and governance issues. Our efforts are, therefore, driven not just by national priorities, but also by global goals. In a physically diverse and climatically demanding region, our low-carbon strategy has preserved shareholder interests while simultaneously delivering a healing touch to the subcontinent’s teeming millions.
Akanksha tells how STL is creating a greener, more digitally inclusive world by building sustainable digital networks for the future.
Akanksha Sharma
Global ESG Head, STL
These include comprehensive environmental stewardship converging verticals like climate action, water positivity, building circular economies, and greener business operations. On the social front, STL is dedicated