More from Mindful

Mindful1 min read
Mindful Or Mindless?
Thanks to its updated Merriam-Webster dictionary, the classic language-lover’s game Scrabble just got kinder. The new edition adds many contemporary terms (like adulting, skeezy, and embiggen) while omitting hundreds of racial, ethnic, and otherwise
Mindful1 min read
A New Kind of Social Movement
With so many wants and needs in our lives, the need to move our bodies more is often the ball we drop. Yet, until very recently, movement was not a separate “ball” for humans to hold; movement and community were woven into the tasks that made up dail
Mindful1 min read
Creating BRAVE Space at Work
There is consensus among those who study organizational psychology that compassion at work matters. Workplaces are not devoid of emotion, nor are they places where we can check our personal baggage at the door. When managers and colleagues learn to m

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