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Science Illustrated1 min read
5 Best: Earth’s Spongiest Cities
1 Auckland, New Zealand, receives an average of 1210mm rainfall annually, but lots of green vegetation helps make the city spongy. Not only is the city rich in parks, many houses have large gardens, so a high percentage of the city absorbs water. Yet
Science Illustrated2 min read
Pain Mechanisms Shown To Vary Between Men And Women
If you fall and hurt yourself, or cut yourself with a knife, or have an infected wound, then you feel pain. Specialised nerve cells, called nociceptors, are activated by the injury and send signals to the brain which trigger the pain. So this type of
Science Illustrated2 min read
Test Yourself
Solve problems designed for different types of intelligence, and find out in which you excel! ANSWERS ON PAGE 79 1 Look at the dice to the right and use the clues to work out the correct combination of the three. Which of these solutions works? A: B:

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