In a world where wellbeing and self-care have taken centre stage, there’s one aspect that remains somewhat ‘hush hush’ despite its numerous benefits – masturbation. It’s a topic that can sometimes be shrouded in secrecy and met with raised eyebrows and hushed tones.
Let’s come together (no pun intended) and break the silence to explore the profoundly positive impact that masturbation can have on our mental health and overall wellbeing.
Why so taboo?
First, let’s address the elephant in the room – why canconsidered ‘taboo’? One reason is undoubtedly societal norms and expectations. From a young age, many of us are conditioned to believe that these topics are private, even sinful. This conditioning can make it difficult for us to approach the subject openly, especially if we didn’t grow up in an environment where such conversations were encouraged.