More from Your Pregnancy

Your Pregnancy6 min read
Your baby’s 6-week check-up is a big moment, and the visit with the paediatrician is precious – you’ll want to find out as much as possible about your baby’s development. It will help to know beforehand what to expect and draw up a list of all the qu
Your Pregnancy2 min read
What You Need To Know
Q I don’t see the point of vaccination, as nobody gets these diseases anymore, because we live healthier lives. A Deadly diseases that were common long ago are indeed now very rare in developed countries. The only disease that is officially eradicate
Your Pregnancy2 min read
Bleeding During Pregnancy
Q I am 10 weeks pregnant, and I have had light bleeding for three days now. I went to the doctor who said that the baby is perfectly fine, but I’m worried, as it has been a few days now. This is my second pregnancy. I have never had a miscarriage bef
