The right company can turn a quiet, uneventful trip into something memorable. And hey, sometimes, even my own company is good enough. When it comes to the trophy, it’s easy to want something big, but age is what really makes it meaningful.
A mature animal carries the weight of survival and resilience, which makes it more rewarding. As for the area, the perfect spot is where the landscape holds something special. I’ve had plenty of good hunts on private land, but there’s something special about doing it on public land, where everyone has the same opportunity, especially on the Main Divide. And the adventure? Well, that can range from a big expedition filled with type-two fun to an all-day mission. Some hunts might only tick one of those boxes, but sometimes that’s all it takes to make the experience truly remarkable. Whether it’s the camaraderie, a big trophy, a stunning location, or the excitement of the adventure itself, any single element can stand out and turn the hunt into something memorable.
Luke and I used to make a point of doing a winter trip together every year. We’ve had