
A Productive PATIO


Breeding for reduced size has touched all categories of edible plants. Little Ragu is a container-friendly sweet bay. Bountiful Baby blueberry grows just two feet tall.

Imagine biting into a sun-warmed tomato, freshly plucked from a mature plant just inches tall. The rise of compact edible plants—everything from eight-inch tomatoes to three-foot berry bushes and columnar apple trees—offers gardeners a way to grow delicious, fresh produce in almost any space. Thriving on windowsills and patios, these pint-sized powerhouses make growing food easier and more accessible while reducing our carbon footprint and fostering biodiversity.

As cities become denser and growing space is more precious, we’re asking our plants and gardens to work harder. In addition, 43 percent of Americans are growing some of their food at home, according to the National Gardening Association, and in a recent Axiom

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