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Reason3 min read
The SEC’s War on NFTs
SHOULD ARTISTS HAVE to file paperwork with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) just to sell their own creations? Should they be required to warn buyers that art values might fluctuate? Should the SEC get to say if art sales count as an “inve
Reason11 min read
Materiel Loss
KEEPING TRACK OF inventory is hard for any large organization. Workers misplace items, administrators fill out the wrong paperwork, and things just go missing. But losing $85 million in inventory? That’s a job for the U.S. military. In 2023, the Gove
Reason3 min read
February 2020 “By accident as much as design, our system makes it painfully difficult to remove a president. And the political culture makes it harder still, by erecting barriers nowhere to be found in the Constitution. We’ve come to view the process

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