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The Modigliani Scandal
The Modigliani Scandal
The Modigliani Scandal
Audiobook6 hours

The Modigliani Scandal

Written by Ken Follett

Narrated by Justin Avoth

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

The Modigliani Scandal is a high-speed, high-stakes thriller of heists and forgeries from Ken Follett, the bestselling author of The Pillars of the Earth.

A Priceless Artwork
When art historian Dee Sleign hears of a lost painting by Amedeo Modigliani, one of the greatest artists to have ever lived, she becomes determined to reclaim it so it can be viewed by the world.

A Desperate Race
However there are others who also want to claim it for their own corrupt motives; Dee’s Uncle Charles Lampeth, for whom art is a commodity to be traded; Julian Black, the penniless owner of an art gallery; and Peter Usher, a struggling artist who spies an opportunity to get revenge against those in the art world who have unfairly wronged him.

A Deadly Victory
So begins an epic chase around Europe, from the streets of London to the Italian countryside, in an effort to claim one of the great lost artworks of the twentieth century. A dangerous hunt that could have deadly consequences for all involved.

PublisherPan Macmillan
Release dateAug 30, 2018

Ken Follett

Ken Follett es uno de los autores más queridos y admirados por los lectores de todo el mundo, y las ventas de sus treinta y seis libros superan los ciento ochenta y ocho millones de ejemplares. Su primer best seller fue La isla de las tormentas (El ojo de la aguja), un thriller de espionaje ambientado en la Segunda Guerra Mundial. En 1989 publicó Los pilares de la Tierra, que alcanzó el número uno en las listas de más vendidos en un gran número de países y que se ha convertido en su novela más popular. Sus secuelas, Un mundo sin fin y Una columna de fuego, y la precuela, Las tinieblas y el alba, fueron también grandes éxitos y la saga en su conjunto ha superado los cincuenta millones de ejemplares vendidos en todo el mundo. Follett vive en Hertfordshire con su esposa, Barbara. Entre los dos tienen cinco hijos, seis nietos y tres perros labradores.

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Rating: 4.363636363636363 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Great narrator, reads with real insight. UK speaker sensitive to class and social nuance. Unusually light fun story from Follett. Set in the art world, suitably sardonic, covering the business aspects well.