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Colour Me Happy
Colour Me Happy
Colour Me Happy
Audiobook8 hours

Colour Me Happy

Written by Brandi Hofer

Narrated by Brandi Hofer

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About this audiobook

Want to turn your ho-hum ordinary day into the best day simply through outlook and inspiration? Realistically, this doesn’t always happen. We get tired, worn out, sick, lonely, or scared. Life happens, we embrace it, we roll with it, but aren't you exhausted by it all? What would happen if instead you flipped your outlook upside down and see that ordinary day as a day filled with memories that you can hold on to for the rest of your life?
The most common thing that people say to me is? "I don't know how you do it all?"
Well, I can finally share with you just how I do! All my secrets and life lessons shared in one place!
This book is honest, authentic, raw, and vulnerable. It will take you on a rollercoaster of emotions. This book will move you, motivate you, and give you the strength to greet each day with passion and love.
You may not look around and see what you want to see, or be present in what is happening to you right now. If that is so, through appreciation for where you are, who you are, where you came from, what you’ve already done: through appreciation and acceptance of those life lessons, the building blocks and foundations of what you can become, know they were all for a reason.
"Know that every moment you live is a worthy moment, just as you are; your everyday life is extraordinary, just as you are equally extraordinary. You are abundantly beautiful, and you should share every part of your stunning self with the world."
- Brandi
Join us for some for some laugh out loud, cry your eyes out moments in this beautiful book about motherhood, creativity in the author's journey through life and loss.
Brandi is a mother, artist, muralist, author, podcaster, motivational speaker and educator. Hofer is most well known for being a successful and collected Canadian Artist, exhibiting internationally and across North America. In 2021 she was featured by Create Magazine in their article 28 Contemporary Artists You Need To Know About. Her podcast Colour Me Happy
Release dateNov 20, 2022
Colour Me Happy

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