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The Jesus Mind
The Jesus Mind
The Jesus Mind
Ebook50 pages1 hour

The Jesus Mind

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This book may change your life forever! Inside of "The Jesus Mind" you will learn the secrets of having a renewed mind, the mind of Christ. As you read you will be provoked to break out of religious tradition and step into your God-given calling!
Release dateJul 6, 2012
The Jesus Mind

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    The Jesus Mind - Vernel Samuel



    And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love (1 Cor. 13:13 NIV)

    Christianity is the way of faith, hope and love. It is the practical life we live in obedience to the hope we have in Christ. It is the stepping out of self and stepping into Christ. It is a process of discovery in which we realize that in this life, all things are summed up in Christ. Our lives should now be hid in Him as we live our lives AS Him. In other words there should be no difference between seeing Jesus as He lived on this earth and seeing the average Christian live on this earth. John told us in his letter that As He (Jesus) is, so are we in this world (1 John 4:17). Jesus on this earth didn’t just live an incredible life just so that we can worship Him and fantasize about the things He did. His desire is to see us finishing what He finished. My prayer for you through this book is that the information in here will help remove any excuse we use as spiritual crutches that leave the body of Christ handicapped. As a believer, you and I are called without excuse to do every single thing that he did, and even more! Jesus expects us to do greater works than him. That standard has not changed and it is time for us as His body to live up to this standard He set for us. In order for us to begin to tap into this reality, we first need a renewed mind. The power of God functions at its peak within one who has his mind totally renewed and a renewed mind is the mind of Christ. It was this mind that enabled the man Christ Jesus to live supernaturally in a natural world. Jesus showed us what you and I can accomplish once we put our faith, hope and love in Him and Him alone. Let us "be transformed by the renewing of (our) mind".

    Jesus’ intention with His church is not only for us to celebrate Him but to imitate Him to do what he did and even greater works. Sitting inside of this book remains an incredible revelation about the Father’s desire to see us all One with us in His Son. The title of this book is straightforward. Anyone seeking to transform their lives must be transformed by the renewing of their minds. Through personal experience and in-depth study of the Scriptures, I will share with you key insights that once applied can radically increase the frequency of encounters you have with God and the heavenly realm. The scriptures will be your doorway into the heart of Heaven as revelation knowledge will elevate your consciousness to the highest realm there is…the very throne of God; a place the average believer is already seated in.

    In order for this book to be any good to you, you will need to engage in the learning and doing process when it comes to receiving revelation. It’s not how quickly you can get out of the book but what you can get out of this book. Transformation is not enforced by simply hearing the Word but by doing the Word. Your responsibility is to be involved in the growth and action method that will transform your mind and ultimately your life. Get a pen and pad ready to record the revelation you’ll receive in your heart as you broaden your perspective of the Word through this book. It’s in the application of the word into your life that will transform you. Let the word become a part of you. When it becomes flesh you’ll become more like Christ who was the Word made flesh. Every time you obey the Word you grow into the Word. Your life takes on a new shape, a new form of godliness that is similar to Christ. Action speaks louder than words. Pray and obey. Be transformed as you discover how to renew your mind. Let us begin

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    For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23 (KJV)


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