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Psychology of Reality
Psychology of Reality
Psychology of Reality
Ebook261 pages4 hours

Psychology of Reality

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“Psychology of Reality” is as simple as everything in the universe. If something comes to your mind; if you see, feel, smell, hear, sense, or imagine it and all your “monitors-receptors” react to something and confirm it – that is reality. Don’t resist yourself. Even if nothing reacts on nothing – that’s the same reality. Live and enjoy creating every moment of your real life!
Release dateMar 1, 2013
Psychology of Reality

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    Psychology of Reality - Romans Nikolskis




    Every one of us is now having a unique experience of physical incarnation on the Earth-type planets that takes place within the list of superior tasks of the life flow spread. I won't load you with the intricacy of paradoxical verities and a fortiori, nor will I describe the techniques designed for the Creatures that use extraterrestrial physics of redistribution and direction of energetic formal constructions. Let's just stick to the earthly conceptions of universe.

    Throughout the history of humanity, there have existed plenty of ideas on how the world was created. You won't learn anything new in this book. You already know everything you are going to read on these pages! Some aspects could just have skipped out of your mind.

    Imagine that Earth resembles a small resort where a marvelous natural fountain containing rich sources of mineral water surrounds the building.

    For many years the welcoming resort remains at the same place. Its guests are free to drink the water from the wells and enjoy spectacular nature. The guests' arrival takes place according to the accurate schedule and their dwelling lasts for one or two weeks. Those rules remain unchanged for, say, 100 years, the only thing that does change is the resort's interior. The rooms are being renovated once-in-awhile and the equipment is being replaced with the more up-to-date. All the guests have the same living conditions; the difference is only in the level of a room's comfort. Some visitors book spacious and comfortable rooms, others stop in the cheaper ones with shared bathrooms. There may also be some difference in the cafe menu but the mineral sources and the view from the windows are the same for everybody.

    All the people discuss the same topics, they share their amazement about the mineral water, the tall fir tree that looks from behind the Hazy Stone to the left of the resort building, and about how cutely the doctor's lips were painted that day. Of course everybody's individuality affects the way people tell about all that, but the main point is – the topics of conversations remain the same. History repeats itself from one arrival to another. Each new group of visitors occupies the same rooms, eat in the same canteen, drink the same water, observe the same views and talk about the same things. The peculiar thing is, those experiences are something new and unseen for the newcomers, but for the resort it's the everyday reality. Of course there are some people visiting the place more than once in different times and for different reasons. Some go there for the fresh air near the mineral springs and want to enjoy it again, somebody may have met his future mate and wants to refresh his memories, while some believe that only these resources benefit his health, etc. The progression of time brings only some changes in the appearance of the resort, its spirit and the quality of living remain the same. Nothing groundbreaking happens there.

    The same is fair for Earth – it's just a resort with its own features and qualities of environment that don't change too much. Different groups of Minds (resort visitors) keep coming here to use the comforts offered by this place in the Universe (the given resort). All those groups talk about the same things, think about the same things and write about the same things that have passed through the prism of their individual perception. Often it occurs to us that everybody in every time of history talks about the same things only using his own peculiar phrases, examples and analogies. That is the main reason we arrive hear – to live an emotional and loving life in this place and to leave our trace in the chronicles of the resort called Earth.

    This example illustrates that Earth has a perpetually defined quality of environment with its unique physical states. Also, our planet has certain rules of existence that create Earth's distinct character. It's just one of many places where Minds recognize themselves and learn life, and we, who use the services of this guest house today are just temporary visitors who came for a short dwell in this corner of the Universe. We are here to recognize its individuality, learn its history and facts about those who used to live here. We are here to leave our names in the register too. Everything that we are seeing and experiencing now has already been seen and experienced by many Minds (pension visitors), and we discover all those phenomena just for ourselves in the given time cycle. Those who received the invitation to Earth will always have the same topics to talk about!

    Earth is an incredible area with an amazingly pure and infinitely hospitable living environment. This planet cordially welcomes its creatures by providing them with its abundantly rich resources. For thousands of years it has been accepting guests from all over the Universe and refuses no one of its resources and treasures. Planet Earth is one of the few planets within our light ring which are referred to as Planets of Free Choice. Every creature in the Universe has freedom of choice but it is on Earth where this freedom takes a more open form. This planet gives everybody equal possibilities to express free creativity in the name of Love. We, the present inhabitants of Earth have a great opportunity of being in the state of free choice, filled with spirit of Universal Love. Oh dear, these lines are going to make me burst into the tears of happiness that fills my heart.


    It's an interesting time the planetary interaction lives in at the moment. The old forms of thinking are going down, replaced by the new ideology of society development that is a novel notion for most of humanity and one that couldn't have been imagined in the most daring surmises and forecasts. We are entering the new era of technical revolution but this revolution isn't about the impact on material forms, it has to do with the new informational-vibrational techniques of directing our consciousness and consciously creating of our reality using our wishes and thoughts. We've always had those opportunities but often realized them spontaneously and unconsciously. Now, we are standing on the verge of the revolutionary transition.

    We are so used to hearing this phrase, The history of mankind was preparing us for a new one.

    The late 19th century has seen some works by H.P. Blavatsky and others who started preparation for the transition. Due to them it became apparent that people have to learn about the existence of certain states that allow the whole of humanity's consciousness to move to another quality. That triggered the revolutionary changes that soon commenced on our planet. Helena Petrovna Blavatsky described the experience of numerous divinity schools and directions that implied that the humanity would gradually move towards the realization of the new reality being created.

    Now I'm going to describe the planetary interaction transition into the third millennium without getting too far into the history.

    The modern society life is accompanied by constant changes. The last century saw the changes of the whole social-ideological system of society: socialist revolution and world's split into new forms of government; two world wars that took lives of millions; Stalin's repressions and purposeful annihilation of the intellectuals and those in spiritual search, in a word – those who were ready for individual forms of thinking. All that was a part of preparing humanity for a conversion to another paradigm of thinking.

    If we consider those experiences from the social institution's viewpoint without going beyond the framework of the material world and its cogitative standards, we would find lots of opinions that condemn this kind of civilization progress. Just visit any bookstore that offers publications on this topic and you'll see that. However, if our thoughts are pure, true and are impelled by Love of our inner Light, if we want to find beauty, good, joy and a certain appropriateness in everything we see, let's take another course for our judgments in achieving a deeper understanding of what has and is happening. Let's try to be less emotional about that – approach it not from a judgmental point of view, but analyze the events while trying to keep in mind that everything that's going on around us is nothing but Good and Love. This mindset gives us more chances to see the real beauty and love in the world, space and the events that surround us. Thus we can see certain natural laws behind the events of the last 100-120 years.

    Thousands of years have taught humanity to follow the leaders who defined and showed the ways to progress. It never occurred to the majority of people that there exists ways to act as their inner voice tells. They can't imagine that they can do everything the way they want to. So, the main goal of all those revolutionary movements of 20th century was to turn humanity to the way of self-confidence. The preparations of people's transition to this new, more independent form of thinking takes its beginning a long time ago – not even in our time and society. From the very beginning Earth was intended as a Planet of Free Choice, the place where all the Minds inhabiting this segment of the Universe could freely create in the name of Love. Freedom of choice! It's the main state of the whole Universe that gives the whole Wise community opportunity of unlimited creation. If the mind doesn't have enough freedom of full-fledged creativity, the result is going to be less then ideal. I define any action aimed on reaching your goal as creativity. You may even call wishes creativity. Creativity doesn't necessary mean playing the violin or knitting.

    If a person isn't free in choosing the way of his development, he gets constrained in his actions and becomes a slave of certain states and life conditions. This reminds me of the whole ideological orientation within the Soviet policy – nations' right for selfdetermination. In other words – the right of every Mind to freely choose the direction with which to move. The thinking that is oppressed by the memories about how a person should live is way too inert. The human brain has no switch that could cut off the memories of previous knowledge and initiate the new type of thinking. This inertness hampers the transition to the new way of thinking. It's absolutely natural that entropic wave of thought forms (entropy is the measure of chaos and disorder) may cause destabilization of people's thinking and is intolerable because it doesn't provide stability and harmonic development.

    The super powerful outbursts in minds of people that inhabit the planet won't benefit the tranquil existence of the planet and the whole universe. This fact is now being actively discussed so I've just refreshed the memory about it. That's why the preparation of any significant transition in the development of the planetary interaction to the new level begins much earlier than the relative, mathematically calculated date of its commencement. This is made instead to give human minds the opportunity of a gradual ascent towards new knowledge, understanding and thinking.

    This is called principle of three-dimensional spiral filling of thinking space (of three-dimensional earthly space).

    The mathematically calculated date of transition is being discussed by numerous groups of scholars and is approximately assigned for around the year 2012 AD (this date is very much approximate and is set between 2000 and 2015). That doesn't mean that New Year's night between 2012 and 2013 will see dramatic changes in the way of human thinking as if caused by magic or by universal switch. Not at all: 2012 is just a mathematical point that kicks off the countdown to the new phase of humanity's ascent towards the new system of consciousness dominated by such concepts as sincere benevolence, true freedom of will declaration, love, joy, extensive knowledge and unlimited possibilities.

    Also, the confluence of two schools of civilization progress is going to happen. The first one is the school of esotericism and philosophy that developed through the first millennium of our era; the second one is the school of fundamental technical sciences, the major one throughout the second millennium. Now we are entering the school of the third millennium – The Oneness of Consciousness School. There has been much written and spoken about that recently.

    Nowadays humanity starts asking what's going to happen within 5-7 years. What will the modern economical situation, the ways of political influences and management as well as spiritual and ethical development and earthmen healthcare bring us? What are the reasons of terrorism and the stratification of the community between the superwealthy and the super-poor and how on Earth are we going to move forward towards love and overall prosperity? Today this question bothers millions of minds.

    To start thinking about making some changes a person often needs some premises that would urge him to address those changes. There is a wonderful proverb they won't lock the barn door till after the horse is stolen. Everyone knows well that only love, caring for others, and kindness are going to save the world, not the armament drive, creating financial pyramids, worsening of life conditions, slavery or the drug industry. I look at Today with the eyes of a person that doesn't judge what happens. I just accept the world the way it is, without trying to label anything good or bad.

    One should live today and live worthy. That is, I believe, the desire of the majority of people. So what happens to the society where the majority can't create for themselves comfortable living conditions that would give them opportunity to set free their creativity? Is it an economical crisis? Are those someone's deliberate actions against people, or is it a flow of love and welfare? Think this over. How would you comment the situation, when the prices don't match the possibilities and desires of most people? This concerns not only commodity prices but also many other things.

    As for me, I consider those positive factors for the people's thinking. I reckon that everything today points that we shouldn't think the way we used to anymore. The previous form of thinking causes incomprehension of what is going on and overall exasperation towards surrounding reality. Those are the rules of transition to the new thinking ideology. The conversion to a new form of living always implies the fall of a previous one. The only way to erect a new building on the place of an old one is to bring the latter down and only then lay a new foundation and build a new building using up-to-date technologies. The same is fair for the human consciousness. The old forms of thinking collapse or go away replaced by the new thinking paradigm. There's virtually no other way. So everything that we witness today gives us demonstrable hints that we should choose a new way to build our reality.

    A mind gets only what he has given to the surrounding world. That is how the universal cooperation system operates. If humanity continues pushing the policy of conquest and self-destruction, it will deprive itself of freedom and accelerate selfdestruction. This policy may be observed all over the world. To make the society replace the old thinking with a new one, some kind of brain stimulation is needed. So here come consciousness shakeups like thunder, lightning, flood, tsunami, terrorism, anti-globalistic acts, etc. Do we really need any shakier hints to make us think of what we give to the world, what we bring to the world? When are we (at least the majority of us) going to stop demanding, demanding, demanding and start just loving, sharing our love with those who surrounds us, and creating in the name of Love, not in the name of lucre and lust for power?

    To make a man at the turn of the 21st century take some time and consider himself, some changes were needed and those have successfully happened. Not many people can listen and hear themselves. The majority hears others and acts like others reacting only to their surroundings. If everybody remains on their places, why should I move? – most people think. Often they say: Do you always need to show off? Live like others do! How do those others live? That's why most people got used to living like others – without their own point of view and obeying somebody else's decision, unaware of what is I and what are my actual thoughts and desires.

    The shakeup had to happen in an appropriate time and the powerful process of transition commenced in 1917 (almost 100 years before the assigned beginning of new earthly development process) with the cruiser Aurora volley that initiated the decisive stage of the October revolution in Russia. The totalitarian one-party regime of 1917 was a necessary step. The screws had to be tightened to show society what following the leader, the chief, the idol was. The biblical commandment saying, thou shalt not make thee any graven image teaches us that we should have our own vision on processes that form personal reality of being.

    After the socialist experiment in one particular country that occupies one-sixth of the world, a new experiment took place – we are talking about World War II. It was a confrontation of two leaders: Hitler and Stalin. Both led their people in showing how much the way of following with blind faith would cost. That's the case when concepts of faith and stupidity become synonymous. All this has played an important role for us, who live today, to start analyzing and comparing our present qualities of life, to ask ourselves do we like living the way we do and is there something we feel intuitively but can't reach, something that could make us happier and more cheerful and often healthier and wealthier. It reminds me of a wise saying: being wealthy and healthy is much better that being ill and poor. Millions of people who died in 20th century wars and peacetime camps have made a conscious decision to show us where the blind faith in leaders may bring us.

    After the war finished, the United States government made decision to conduct two atomic bombings against Japanese cities. What was the point? The war was over; Japan was no threat for anybody. What was the reason of that attack? The planet's transition to the new vibration frequency spectrum is always accompanied by rising of environment frequency. The discharge of radioactive elements causes this rising. Those two explosions were an evidence of earthmen conversion to a new form of living going forward at a steady gait.

    1987 saw a massive discharge of radioactive elements in Chernobyl which showed the planet's entering the final stage of transition. The last 25 years of transition were described by the Maya. The Jose Argüelles's Mayan Factor confirms this information.

    The totalitarian system was replaced by a new form of community development called perestroïka. This is Russian for restructuring – much the same thing as transition. In fact, the 25 years from 1987 to 2012

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