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Coaching Science: Theory into Practice
Coaching Science: Theory into Practice
Coaching Science: Theory into Practice
Ebook266 pages6 hours

Coaching Science: Theory into Practice

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Coaching Science and Coaching Studies courses are appearing in increasing numbers in many universities. The textbooks used in most of these courses are either theoretically based sports science texts or practically based coaching books. The former are generally lacking in application while the latter rarely have any scientific input. The reader is, therefore, left to make the links themselves.

Coaching Science will bridge that gap covering both theory and practice and, most important, showing how theory informs practice. The book will be multi- and, to some extent, inter-disciplinary, as it is not possible to examine the interaction between coach, performer and task from a single discipline perspective.

Each chapter will include overviews of the main theories, but the bulk of the material will be concerned with how such theories can be applied in practice. Good and frequent use of examples will be provided. Throughout, the student will be given problems to solve. At the end of each chapter there will be revision notes, recommended readings and questions on chapter content.

Release dateAug 30, 2006
Coaching Science: Theory into Practice

Terry McMorris

Terry McMorris is Emeritus Professor of the Cognitive Neuroscience of Exercise and Sport at the University of Chichester and Visiting Professor at the University of Portsmouth. He initially trained as a schoolteacher and taught for 17 years before undertaking a Master of Physical Education degree at the University of New Brunswick, Canada. He obtained a PhD from the University of Southampton in 1997. His main interest is in the effect of physiological stress, especially exercise, on cognition. As well as exercise, Terry has examined the effects on cognition of sleep deprivation, heat and dehydration, and vibration during sea travel. He has also published in the area of skill acquisition and performance and published two test books on the subject.

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