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A Woman's Book of Rituals and Celebrations
A Woman's Book of Rituals and Celebrations
A Woman's Book of Rituals and Celebrations
Ebook265 pages3 hours

A Woman's Book of Rituals and Celebrations

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About this ebook

This is a handbook on how to perform sacred ceremonies in the tradition of Goddess spirituality in one's own home with ordinary household items. An annual cycle of celebrations is included, as is advice on how to set up an altar and use simple tools. The author, a practitioner of Wicca (witchcraft), expounds the life-affirming, eco-feminist values of that tradition. Suggestions for rituals and ideas for inventing one's own are given.

Poetry and blessings blend in a title which supports celebration of the Goddess image in daily life. These rituals are personal, moving rites which celebrate love and peace, and which act as meditations for considering new rituals, old traditions, and the course of women's lives.
Release dateDec 11, 2011
A Woman's Book of Rituals and Celebrations

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    It's been a while since I read this, but I recall greatly enjoying it when I read it several years ago.

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A Woman's Book of Rituals and Celebrations - Barbara Ardinger, Ph.D.



Awoman is sitting on a deep-green floor pillow in front of her altar. She’s wearing comfortable clothing, perhaps her bathrobe, perhaps a favorite T-shirt and soft, roomy pants, and around her neck lies a string of cowrie shells she bought for $5 at a thrift store. The people she lives with know that this is her private time, so they’re somewhere else, though the cats have, of course, strolled in to help with whatever’s going on.

Music is playing (maybe Mozart, maybe Suzanne Ciani), and a vanilla potpourri is simmering nearby. On her altar (her mother’s hope chest covered with scarves or a yard of paisley-print cotton from the remnant table) stand a carved wooden owl, a pack of Angel™ Cards scattered in a shallow dish, and a Christmas tree angel surrounded by a circle of round black stones.

The woman takes half a dozen deep, easy breaths, strokes the purring cat snuggled up beside her, and lights the two violet candles on the altar.

Most of us were introduced to religion in a church that looked pretty much like a courtroom. The spectators (us) were lined up in rows and it was expected that we would pay attention and be on our best behavior. Between the front row of spectators and the place where the important people stood was an empty space or even a low rail or a fence. The officers of this church/court were mostly men who stood between us and the holy place and talked to us like fathers addressing not-quite-well-behaved children. The judge was absent, though we all knew he was an old man in a long robe, and the altar, which was on an elevated platform, always reminded us that he was both powerful and judgmental. He knew if we’d been good or bad.

There was no question about who was in charge.

Many of us are no longer satisfied with this setup. We want open access to the divine, and we’ve figured out that the divine essence of the world manifests as the world—in people, in plants and animals, in rivers and rocks. Many of us have read the books that explain how people used to worship a Mother Goddess who created the world and embodied the earth. We’ve read how people used to honor each other, how thou shalt not kill once really meant something. We’ve read some of the standard works, like When God Was a Woman, The Civilization of the Goddess, and The Great Cosmic Mother,¹ that describe the remains of the earliest religions, religions that were all but erased from existence by the later steppe-and desert-born religions. We’ve read what once was and wondered if it could be again.

Not only that, but we’ve also seen with our own eyes the condition of our planet, the polluted air and water, strip-mined and dumped-on land, overdevelopment at the expense of forests and plains. As more and more people begin to understand that the earth itself has value, we understand the value of an earth-based religion that teaches us to nourish and protect the earth and all of its inhabitants (even the ugly, unfriendly, and inanimate ones).

We’ve also begun to recognize the harm that imbalance between the sexes has wrought on all of us—on the violent men who have never learned any other way to be, on the abused and poverty-stricken women and children who remain at the bottom of the pecking order, on both men and women who want to explore their sensitive and intuitive natures but don’t know how. If we’re going to survive as individuals or as a planetary community, we need the Goddess and all Her gifts.

Intuitively, seriously, playfully, we’ve come to a new apprehension of what faith is about and we’re creating an equal-opportunity religion. Based on images and figures found in caves and rubble and on hints found between the lines of the standard-brand holy books and dissertations, we’re reinventing and re-creating the genuine old-time religion. We’re building modern versions of the archaic religion of the Great Goddess, who was, and still is, the Queen of Heaven, Earth, and the Underworld.

When we can, we gather together to celebrate the eight festivals that mark the turning of the wheel of the year, the events that change our lives, and the phases of the moon that touch our lives.

Most of the time, however, we seem to be alone. We’re not always sure we can reveal what we really believe, and we feel, deep down, that what people believe is a private matter. So when we attend to the Goddess, we do it alone or with a few close friends.

This book and its rituals were created to be used by a woman (or man) at her private altar in her personal space. These rituals are personal and unencumbered; that is, they don’t require special equipment or elaborate scripts. They’re personal, mystical poetry and visualization that touch the heart as well as the mind and help Everywoman practice the presence of the Goddess in her everyday life.

Some of these rituals can also be used by groups, staged with choral reading and dramatic costumes and props. You can use them as a point of inspiration to create additional poetry, beautiful altars, and wonderful music and movement.

What do you need to use this book? Not a lot, really. Here’s a starter kit:

•   Your active, fearless imagination

•   An hour or two of quiet time in your living room or bedroom, where you won’t be disturbed by phone calls or other mundane business

•   A table, shelf, or chest to use as the foundation for your altar. (You can even bring the kitchen chopping block and lay it on the floor)

•   Candles and holders, herbs, flowers, Goddess images (but only if you want to use them)

•   Cherished objects to help you remember and to serve as props for your sacred drama (which is one definition of ritual)

•   An intention or purpose

•   Kindness and love for yourself and the Goddess’s other children

Part I of this book focuses on thealogy.² We will explore mystery, power, and cosmic issues. Since we are dealing with mysteries, Chapters 1, 2, and 3 use paradox and extravagant language to get at who this Goddess is that we worship in ritual.

Part II of this book sets forth the rules and tools of mystical, practical, poetical ritual. It’s what I call unencumbered ritual. We need to know how things have traditionally been done, and we need to try out those things for ourselves to see how they work and feel. But we also need to put ourselves into our rituals, for rituals should not be recipes we follow without thinking about what we’re doing. We need to add and change and move around until we’re doing what feels right to us. We need to be creative. The Goddess values humor and creativity, and intention is more important than form.

Part III of this book takes us through a year in the path of the Goddess. It’s a year of rituals and celebrations devoted to both light and dark. These ritual occasions are the phases of the moon and the sun (the calendar year). Also called sabbats, the eight yearly festivals keep us aware of the turning of the wheel of the year, which is mirrored in the sky, on earth, and in the events of our lives.

The rituals are new ones, but they also contain echoes of old wisdoms and customs. Try them alone, try them with your friends, adapt them to your own times and circumstances. This book is intended only as a starting point. It can be your runway, but you have to fly on your own power. Consider my ideas. Try out the rituals I’ve written. But don’t make this book your bible. Soar on your own power.

This is a personal book. Just for the record, it’s the creation of a well-educated, middle-class WASP from Middle America. I hold a Ph.D. degree in English Renaissance literature with an emphasis on drama (Shakespeare) and I’ve been a teacher for a long time. I’ve also been a technical editor, and I’m a double Cancer whose Moon is in Gemini. That’s what I am. Nevertheless, an individual’s unique experiences reflect the whole and contain universal elements, so I know that my life experiences and yours share common ground.

This book is not all totally original thought, of course, and I happily acknowledge my debts to the ovular works in women’s spirituality: Starhawk’s Truth or Dare, Carol Christ’s Laughter of Aphrodite, Riane Eisler’s Chalice and the Blade, and several books by Z. Budapest, Barbara G. Walker, and Mary Daly.

Are men invited to participate in these women’s rituals?

Yes, they are, but with the following consideration. For the past 5,000 or more years, men have tended to think they’re entitled to be in charge. Men have tended to take over and women have tended to let them do it. This has been true even in so-called women’s professions like nursing, in conferences for professional women, and, most obviously, in religion. Some women resent this takeover: things were going perfectly well until they came along and took charge. Some of us prefer to worship alone, therefore, or only with women until we’ve reclaimed our power and our creativity and the world is back in balance. (Some women believe balance will be a long time coming.) We do need leaders, of course, but leadership should be based on ability and knowledge, not on aggression and control.

So, dear brothers, if you can behave yourselves, please join our circles. Do the rituals yourselves, alone and in your own private spaces, and let yourselves feel the poetry. You’re welcome in our circles when your presence and energy complement ours.

Let us all worship and work and play and dance the dance of life together. Let us all honor each other as beautiful, individual people and as best-beloved children of the Great Goddess.

Let’s begin with a self-blessing, a blessing for our foremothers, and a blessing for our children. It is thus that time keeps turning.

A Self-Blessing

For this ritual, arrange to give yourself an uninterrupted hour in a room where you will not be disturbed. After your bath or shower, dress in your very most favorite clothes and jewelry (formal or casual or a combination of styles—something that makes you feel really good). Costume and adorn yourself so you look and feel like the real you, which is not necessarily the person seen by your business associates or anyone else in your public life.

Spend a few minutes gathering twelve things or representations of things (photographs or symbols) that you believe make an accurate picture of who you are. These things can include your daily organizer, the keys to your 1954 Edsel, a worn silver spoon your grandmother used in her kitchen, baby clothes from your ancestors or your children, or whatever you collect, your favorite childhood copy of Swiss Family Robinson or the paperback thriller you bought yesterday.

In addition, find a pink or bright spring green candle, a holder (preferably black, but it can be anything you like), and matches.

If you have a pet who wants to help, invite it to help, but keep it away from the candle.

Sit in the middle of the floor and ask yourself, Who am I? What makes me really Me?

Now survey your collected things and begin to arrange them in a circle around you in this general order:

Behind you. Three things from your past or childhood. Things passed down to you. Things you’ve always loved.

Before you. Three things new to your life. Recent acquisitions, evidence of new interests. Things that indicate where you’re going.

To your left. Three left-brain things. Things associated with words and numbers, logical thought, order, business, rational and intellectual thought.

To your right. Three right-brain things. Things associated with art, creativity, comfort and luxury, feelings, the religious or spiritual part of your life, beauty, and nature.

If you can, distribute these objects evenly throughout the four quarters in this circle of your life. If you can’t, however, that’s all right. Very few people are truly symmetrical. Put each thing in the quarter where it belongs, even if your circle ends up lop-sided.

Now light the pink or green candle and set it before you so it becomes the thirteenth element of the circle of your life.

Close your eyes, take several deep, easy breaths, and visualize or imagine the pink or green light from the candle surrounding you, filling your space, illuminating your life circle. Breathe in this light so it also fills your body. Feel the peace and love, the freshness and joy of this light in your life.

Feel the energy of the things around you rising and joining the candlelight. Feel this energy flowing into every cell in your body.

You can open your eyes and read the following blessing or tape it beforehand and listen to it. You can also use it as a model to write your own words of blessing.

I bless myself

and these things around me

these things that make the circle of my life.

I bless myself

and my past

For in blessing my past

and these things that I bring from ages past

I become who I am now.

Good or bad, cheerful or painful, my past is a blessing,

for it has formed me

shaped me

held me

released me

thrust me into the present.

I bless my past in me.

I bless myself

and these things to my left and right.

I bless myself

in my present

the two halves of who I am today.

For in blessing both my intellect and my emotions

and these things I gather into the life I live now

I recognize who I am now.

Left and right

rational and spiritual

words and images

austerity and comfort—

I bring divisions together.

My present blesses me

for it is how I am in the world

how I think and feel

how I act and live.

It pulls me out of the past

and thrusts me into the future.

I bless my life as it is today.

I bless myself

and the things that point to what is to come.

I bless myself

and my uncertainties, my potentialities, my future.

For in blessing what is new in my life

I move toward what I can be:

unknown but shown

unpredictable but mapped

potential to be fulfilled.

My future is waiting for me

more of who I am is waiting for me to be reborn.

I bless my life as it is now,

every day of my life.

Sit quietly for as long as you want to, feeling the energies of the things in the circle of your life. Contemplate who you have been, who you are now, who you are becoming. Realize that you are blessed in your life, that you are a blessing to other lives.

At the end, blow out the candle, put all your things into their proper places, and go on with your day.

A Blessing for Our Foremothers

For this ritual, first get out the old family photo albums and family souvenirs. Select photos of your mother, your aunts, your grandmothers, great aunts, great grandmothers, as many female ancestors as you can find. If you can’t find photos, select artifacts—an antique silver spoon, a cameo broach, a crumpled ribbon, a hankie, a quilt. Lacking photos or objects, you can write their names on small pieces of white or lavender paper (parchment is best), and if you don’t know their names, write titles like father’s great great grandmother. If your family doesn’t save things, write something like all my female relatives, living and dead or my foremothers, back to the beginning of time.

Line these photos or mementos up in front of you either on a table or simply on the floor and, for a few minutes, think about what they represent. Can you visualize this long line of female relatives? What are the countries of your origins? Where are these women? How far back does this line reach? What are these women doing? Visualize a web of women from all parts of the earth. This is most likely the best representation of your family tree.

Next, add to your collection photos of women you admire but are pretty sure you’re not related to: Eleanor Roosevelt or Eleanor of Aquitaine, Cleopatra or Jinga Mbandi, Amelia Earhart or Marie Curie, Golda Meir or Indira Gandhi. Cut photos out of magazines or, if you don’t want to mutilate a book or magazine, make a photocopy or hold the book open so that the photo you have chosen is visible.

Contemplate your collection of heras.³ These are some of the women you will be blessing. You will also be attracting their powers to yourself.

Light two candles, lavender and red. Lavender is a traditional color of the Goddess and red is traditionally associated with the Mother aspect of the ancient Triple Goddess.

Lay your collection of photos and mementos in one or more circles (or a spiral) around the candles. Let the photos overlap; neatness doesn’t count here, inclusiveness does.

Close your eyes and take a few deep, easy breaths. Visualize your mother, your grandmothers, aunts … all the women of power in this long line encircling your candles. See yourself in your place in this line. Feel their power, their love, their labor, their successes. Feel their energy.

Sit quietly and think of the old family stories. Think about books you’ve read that have had active female protagonists, movies about women, myths of goddesses and heras. Remember the stories of strong, interesting women.

You can open your eyes and read the following blessing or tape it beforehand and listen to it. You can also use it as a model to write your own words of blessing.

In the presence of the Most Holy Ones—

the Mothers of my body


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