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Astral Travel - How To Have Out of Body Experiences
Astral Travel - How To Have Out of Body Experiences
Astral Travel - How To Have Out of Body Experiences
Ebook100 pages1 hour

Astral Travel - How To Have Out of Body Experiences

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Have you ever wanted to Astral Travel, (consciously leave your physical body)? If so, then this book is for you. Learn how to easily Astral Travel to other dimensions, foreign countries and out into space to visit other "Off Planet" Worlds. Anyone can learn to develop this psychic ability by following this short course. One of our best selling books. Great value for money.

PublisherThe Abbotts
Release dateDec 1, 2011
Astral Travel - How To Have Out of Body Experiences

The Abbotts

Who Are The Abbotts? The Abbotts have self-published over 150 books on many different alien/extraterrestrial, psychic and spiritual subjects including the paranormal, self-improvement, love, relationships and inspiring fiction. They also have another 300 plus books that are being prepared for general release! All of their published books and courses are available through most online book stores, app stores, book retailers and digital libraries. The Abbotts goals for the future includes writing more books and branching out into other forms of mass media including social media, audiobooks, translated books, animation, and films etc. The Abbotts hope that you enjoy their free and low-cost books. And please recommend us to your family, friends and work colleagues. Thank you. Love, Light and hope, The Abbotts Tony J. Abbott and Robyn Abbott. .

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    Book preview

    Astral Travel - How To Have Out of Body Experiences - The Abbotts


    Welcome to our new, improved course on Astral Travelling. We are The Abbotts, Tony and Robyn Abbott. We will explain in this simply written and easy to perform book, how you can learn to perfect this unique and very special paranormal talent. It is our philosophy, as The Abbotts, that everyone has innate, yet dormant psychic and spiritual skills, which can be re-remembered, re-taught and easily performed with some genuine practice and faith!

    We ask you, during your study of this incredible subject, to suspend your three-dimensional (3D) mind and instead allow your four-dimensional (4D) mind to come to the fore.

    What do we mean by this? Everyone is born with paranormal skills and talents developed over many lifetimes, both on Earth and on other levels or dimensions of reality. These include the ability to use telepathy, see auras, heal your body naturally, speak to spiritual beings on other dimensions, prophesize, remember past lives and many other psychic gifts including astral travelling!

    But from the moment you are born as a baby on Earth, everyone around you tries to convince you that you are merely mortal and have no angelic abilities or paranormal talents. In time, most people come to believe this depressing propaganda and don’t even attempt to try to reactivate these dormant abilities. Your angelic guides, who are often called Guardian angels, however are trying to get you to remember these special abilities, as is the entire spiritual Universe.

    You will be often sent psychic coincidences, known as synchronicity, to make you wake up! You may for instance one day, begin to think about astral travelling. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to leave your heavy earth body and travel anywhere that you wanted at any time! Then coincidentally, you will see a program on television about this strange ability, or see a book about it at the library or overhear on a bus, someone talking about astral travelling!

    Do you understand that the Universe is trying to wake you up to the possibility, that it is time for you to NOW begin your search for and practice of astral travelling techniques! We salute you for buying this course and following the prompting of your spirit guides and the Universe!

    Most people would say to you, Let me see it first, then I will believe it!

    However, we have found that the very opposite is the way to make great spiritual and psychic growth - When I believe it, then I will see it!

    Don’t be trapped by the propaganda that pervades Earth at this time, that psychic talents don’t exist. They do exist! We have experienced ourselves, all these amazing skills and talents. They can be developed with practice and used daily to enrich your life!

    Just follow our simple guides of spiritual and psychic practice and you will soon discover a new world of paranormal experiences, all performed in a safe and controlled manner. Please do not skip the stages in this course. To get the maximum effect, you will need to do each progressive exercise, fully and slowly.

    If you are a complete novice or beginner to the spiritual and psychic world, you will first have to look at meditation and protection techniques, to ensure that any astral journeys you travel on in the future, are conducted in a secure and professional way. Your safety is our concern!

    Here is a Glossary of Spiritual and Psychic Terms that we will use in this course on astral travelling. It is well to familiarize yourself with them.

    Spiritual and Psychic Terms

    Adonai has two meanings. As a farewell it means May God Be With You and as a title it means Master or Lord.

    Ankle Bands are etheric anchoring straps.

    Archangels give guidance, love and support to humanity. Archangels never incarnate but oversee the Earth and the Universe as representatives of the Godforce. Amongst the most well known are Uriel, Michael, Ariel and Gabriel.

    Ascended Masters are divine beings such as Mary, Isis, Sananda, Buddha who once lived as human beings etc.

    Astral travelling is the ability

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