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Glory and Empire
Glory and Empire
Glory and Empire
Ebook321 pages4 hours

Glory and Empire

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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The Terran Empire is in a state of chaos after the successful sack by the Valdi armada. As the Terran fleets struggle to reorganize, First Marshal Scott Pearson led the charge to cut into the enemy flank and stem the tide of reinforcements. With Orion help, he was succeeding, until Captain Traci Ganner interfered--again.

But Traci must bring the Terran marshal and the chief Orion councilor together to confront a new Terran threat from the future. Facing daunting new technology, Traci finds herself in the clutches of a new Terran enemy and if they force the location of the rift from her, both the Terrans and Orions will be lost.

In the final book of the Traci Ganner trilogy, Traci and her officers must endure their most difficult trials yet that leads Traci to a mystical temple that holds the keys to her very survival.

Release dateDec 2, 2011
Glory and Empire

Brian Jeffreys

Brian Jeffreys is a reader, husband, father, technologist (geek), autism advocate, and science fiction / fantasy writer. Brian Jeffreys was born and raised in Yukon, Oklahoma, the oldest of two children. He attended several universities with degree programs ranging from engineering to astrophysics, finally graduating from Dallas Baptist University with a BS in Information Science. After two decades working in high tech manufacturing, he went back to school to pursue a masters degree in mathematics. While visiting a friend who had just co-written a book, Jeffreys decided to try his hand at writing. Over the course of three years he wrote four full length novels and tried several publishing venues. But at his core, he is a storyteller who loves to read and write good science fiction and adventure fantasy. His driving motivation is to never write something he wouldn't want to read more than once. He lives in the North Texas area with his wife, three children (one with autism), and three cats.

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