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Touring Washington DC
Touring Washington DC
Touring Washington DC
Ebook76 pages39 minutes

Touring Washington DC

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About this ebook

Overviews from general safety tips and using the metro to packing check list and places of interest both on and off the National Mall are included. This book was originally compiled in the mid-1990s as a complement to a genealogical research and sight-seeing trip provided by our company. Its last major revision occurred in 1999. However, some brief updates have been made to this book since then.

Release dateDec 13, 2011
Touring Washington DC

Carrie Cook

Carrie Ann Cook is a published author, illustrator and free-lance photographer. She holds an AA and BS in Elementary Education. Having certified for teaching in several states, she has taught elementary grades as well as genealogy, writing and computer classes at the Northeast Technology Center, Afton, Oklahoma. She has also served the Miami (Oklahoma) Public Library as Genealogy and Local History Specialist. Currently, she is the owner of Gregath Company, Inc. and Webmaster of assorted sites. Carrie has been active in various genealogy, speaking and history organizations (including service and lineal) throughout the years. She served the Oklahoma Division UDC for the 2008-2010 administration as state Historian as well as currently holding several assorted chapter offices in other organizations. At the age of 40, she has been public speaking on genealogical, historical and writing/publishing topics for nearly two decades. A life long learner, she enjoys new insights offered while attending educational opportunities such as Historical Preservation Conferences, NIGR, and recently, the National Land and Genealogical Record Symposium, Beatrice, Nebraska, 2011.

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    Book preview

    Touring Washington DC - Carrie Cook

    Touring Washington DC

    Compiled by Carrie Ann Cook for Gregath Company, Incorporated

    Copyright 2011 Carrie Ann Cook

    Smashwords Edition

    Discover other titles by Carrie Ann Cook at Smashwords

    This book is available in print through Gregath Company, Incorporated.

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This electronic is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Author Notes

    This book was originally compiled in the mid-1990s as a complement to a genealogical research and sight-seeing trip provided by our company. Its last major revision occurred in 1999. However, some brief updates have been made to this book since then.

    Table of Contents

    General Safety Tips

    Guided Tours

    Checklist of Items for the Trip

    Major Places of Interest

    The National Mall

    Monuments and Memorials

    Jefferson Monument





    The Smithsonian Institution


    Arts & Industries

    Cooper Hewitt – Design

    Freer Gallery

    Hirshhorn - Museum & Sculpture Garden

    Air & Space

    The National Gallery of Art

    American History

    Natural History

    American Art & Portrait





    Kennedy Center


    Some Other Points of Interest

    Arlington National Cemetery

    Botanical Gardens

    Bureau of Printing and Engraving


    Dumbarton Oaks

    Federal Bureau of Investigation


    Holocaust Museum

    Mount Vernon

    Old Post Office Pavilion

    Old Town Alexandria


    Supreme Court

    U.S. Capitol

    Union Station

    Wolf Trap




    General Safety Tips

    Maintain a self-assured presence. If you act like a tourist, you will be noticed as a tourist. Act as if you belong in the city. Here are a few specific tips to help a new traveler blend in and not be noticed:

    When possible, maintain soft eye contact. To do this, let your peripheral vision expand beyond what you are paying specific attention to. It lets you be more aware of what's happening around you, as well as making you look less like a deer caught in the headlights.

    Try to dress without outwardly showing you belong to a certain (tourist) group. Name tags, specialty ribbons or jewelry, etc. are dead giveaways to those looking for a tourist.

    Keep all facial expression neutral when you are not sure of the situation. Women often stare limply (a real smile causes your eyes to wrinkle) out of discomfort, which makes them look weak and approachable. Keep your mouth relaxed without frowning or tightening your lips.

    Keep moving when going somewhere. Walk with purpose at a comfortable gait, like you know where you are going, even when you don't.

    Never travel anywhere alone. Safety is truly in numbers. Even a quick cab ride could turn into trouble if one is alone.

    Upon check-in at the hotel, locate the nearest exit to your room, other than the elevator in case of fire or other emergency.

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    Guided Tours

    Gold Line/Gray Line Tours: (301) 386 - 8300.

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