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Soulo Journey: Life from the Soul’s Perspective
Soulo Journey: Life from the Soul’s Perspective
Soulo Journey: Life from the Soul’s Perspective
Ebook389 pages7 hours

Soulo Journey: Life from the Soul’s Perspective

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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  • Personal Growth

  • Self-Discovery

  • Meditation

  • Human Origins

  • Genetic Engineering

  • Ancient Astronauts

  • Past Life Regression

  • Spiritual Awakening

  • Hero's Journey

  • Wise Mentor

  • Lost Civilization

  • Forbidden Knowledge

  • Soulmates

  • Hidden History

  • Evolution

  • Human Evolution

  • Consciousness

  • Karma

  • Healing

  • Spirituality

About this ebook

Empowering and enlightening, 'Soulo Journey' draws from Regina's 30 year background in esoteric studies combined with having had access to more than 400 brilliant thinkers of our time as the host of Conscious Media Network.
Soulo Journey takes the fear out of understanding humanity's deepest roots and reflects back our true entitlement to limitless creation.

Release dateFeb 2, 2012
Soulo Journey: Life from the Soul’s Perspective

Regina Meredith

Televised media has been the framework for Regina Meredith's lifelong media career. Beginning in the late 1970's as a sports anchor in Sacramento and progressing to NBC sports New York, she was one of the first female sports casters in America. This was followed by her roles as a news anchor, show host, documentary producer, writer, cookbook author (Regina's Vegetarian Table and Regina's International Vegetarian Favorites), series host of the PBS national series Regina's Vegetarian Table and from 2004 onward, journalist and host of Conscious Media Network. Regina lives in the rural Sierra Foothills of California with her husband, Scott, and their two dogs Finbar and Angel.

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    Book preview

    Soulo Journey - Regina Meredith

    Chapter 33: Is Our DNA Meeting the Challenge?

    Chapter 34: Sunshine in a Glass

    Chapter 35: The Journey Home

    Part Four - Meditations and Practices

    Chapter 36: New Chakra Meditation

    Chapter 37: Meditation on Connecting with Self

    Chapter 38: Positive Energy Meditation



    About the Author



    It has become evident to me that humanity might benefit from making just one leap, call it a leap of faith. We have been conditioned by academia and the sciences to have a reductionist and materialistic view of life, and thus ourselves. At the same time many of us have experienced something so sublime as to change our worldview, something that lies beyond the firing of neurons in the brain. It is these events in our life that point us to another path of inquiry - who or what is motivating these inspirations, passions and intuitive insights?

    For centuries science and religion have been at odds with one another over the subject of God and Soul. Is there a God? Do we have a Soul? Where does it live? Does it die with us or live in some realm beyond throughout eternity? These are common debates, which have not been resolved through any empirical or logical means. So science points fingers at religion as promoting blind faith. Religions blame science for limiting their examination to the material world. Meanwhile, none of this is serving us in the greater exploration of what I have come to embrace the Multi-Dimensional, Highly Intelligent and Creative NonPhysical aspect of ourselves that I will, for simplicity’s sake, call the Soul.

    My explorations have led me to embrace the theory that we are a physical animal that has merged with a higher dimensional Being and that few of us have tapped into the true creator at our core. I believe the Creator/Soul is within us, motivating us unconsciously, patiently and lovingly with our human conscious mind kicking and screaming most of the way. While it’s our birthright to create life the way we wish to experience it, there’s a hitch. Little in our current world view and education teaches us who we are and what we are capable of. This book was written to address this lack of understanding in clear, practical and plain terms.

    As the host of Conscious Media Network, a video portal for paradigm shifting information founded by my husband, Scott Meredith, and myself, I have had the advantage of researching and interviewing hundreds of the most visionary and powerful minds on the planet. This has been my life’s passion to understand that mysterious force within each of us, the part that can perform miracles. The question becomes, can the mysterious and powerful force behind such anomalies be harnessed for our use in everyday life as well? Do we have far more powerful creative capabilities than we have been lead to believe?

    I believe these powerful and far-reaching expressions of our spirit have been bound up and restricted from our conscious use because of our belief about who we are and where we come from. For this reason I intend to start our journey together with a story that you may find shocking, and perhaps, unbelievable. I too was startled by it upon first exposure. In spite of my initial reaction, for the past thirty years this story has kept coming back into my mind, providing a context for the inexplicable traits and behavior of the human species.

    Once this foundation is laid, we will look at some of the ways in which our life takes on new power and color. The book is broken down into three parts: Becoming Human, Being Human and The Future Human, or as one long time friend humorously called it - The Gospel According to Regina. I laughed and cringed at the same time when he said this, but perhaps it’s the truth. Indeed, we will examine a great variety of topics that take on new meaning when viewed through the lens of the Soul.

    Along the way I will share some of the anomalies and otherworldly experiences I’ve had to illustrate how these phenomena work, at least in the case of one person. As you will see, this is not a classic text in any way, rather a collection of reflections and experiences I hold dear at this time of our movement into a finer field of consciousness. The book simply exists for whom it exists in the words of Anastasia.

    The journey begins with understanding how we lost our connection with our true self from the beginning of our history. Foundational to the story is a woman I interviewed on the news at KTXL-TV, Sacramento, in the mid-1980s. Though this is a strange and unfamiliar tale, I would simply suggest that you open your mind to examining our origins in a new way. As you join me on this journey inward, get ready to examine a brave new portrait of life from the Soul’s point of view.

    Part One - Becoming Human


    Chapter 1: 1985: KTXL Newsroom


    If people only knew what they were, they would live life differently.

    – Bernard Haisch, astrophysicist, author of The Purpose Driven Universe

    As I wrote the headlines for KTXL-TV’s late night show, I was struck by new questions surfacing in my mind as to why these events had occurred. Why did the man turn his gun on his own wife, then children and finally himself? So many people’s lives ended in a few moments of violence. This was still on my mind as the teleprompter cued me to read the story to our nightly news audience already tucked into bed, watching the last news of the day before dropping off to sleep.

    I was fully aware that I was an agent of bad news, unsettling people sitting in front of their television sets with stories like this and others. I had learned to use professional, credibility preserving words such as ‘reportedly’ and ‘allegedly’ liberally throughout my media career as sports anchor, news anchor, reporter, documentary producer, writer and PBS host. These words create a buffer around you, and the television station, from lawsuits.

    But, this time such cautionary words did not enter my mind. I was reflecting on an extraordinary experience I had recently, one that had led me to look at this situation in an entirely different way than I would have only weeks before.

    If we all have Souls and there are is a destiny for each one of us, then what could have been the agreement between the members of this family now shattered by such a shocking act of violence?

    As I entered the dark parking lot, the guard nodded good night and I sank into the seat of my maroon Honda station wagon. All the way home I pondered the notion of Soul agreements and karma, all of which were new concepts to me. I would make a mental note to ask the nonphysical entity I had recently met about these things at the next opportunity.

    Chapter 2: Encounters with 'The Guardian'


    ‘Channeling’ was not a common word in the early 1980s. But, I had lived long enough to develop questions about unresolved events and relationships that made no sense to me when run through my ordinary lens of understanding.

    This was a time in modern history when clairvoyance was being publicly examined for the first time. In Sacramento, a prominent clairvoyant astrologer, Sheri Bolling, was appearing on mainstream news broadcasts, while privately reading for members of the California House and Senate. The public was becoming aware of the use of psychics and astrologers at the top levels of government all the way to the White House itself in the case of the Reagans, on to royal families throughout history. At the highest echelons, psychics, clairvoyants, astrologers, numerologists and channelers were commonly, though secretly, used to gain advantage over one’s adversaries and to pinpoint opportune times of doing business. As a television news anchor, even I had been allowed to feature segments on psychic experiments on the nightly news. This was the opening of a portal, which has since been closed, in educating the public as to esoteric means of accessing information.

    I had been exposed to the day’s guru of out-of-body experiences and all things metaphysical, Shirley MacLaine, through her book Out on a Limb. This book awakened millions of sleeping mystics throughout the United States and elsewhere to the notion of consciousness beyond the physical realm. While her experiences intrigued me in a deliciously covert sort of way, I was also drawn to know the science behind it.

    Michael Talbot had just written a book called Beyond the Quantum, which was deigned to take the layperson into the world of quantum physics and quantum consciousness. Among the other books I had begun to devour was the entire range of books on color healing. I found a deep resonance with the work of Ledbetter, R.B. Amber, Burmester, Baker and others who wrote on the subject in the days when few of such books were available.

    Because I was in a unique position to give voice to subjects at large, I had also begun using my position as news anchor to air my pet projects. It was then that I began interviewing men such as Russell Targ, Keith Harary and Charles Tart, each involved with remote viewing programs. I had set foot on a path that would last until this day - the quest for understanding the greatest potential hidden within the Human Being.

    As it often happens to those of us on this journey, we stumble across the most unexpected sources of information.

    During the 1980s channeling had risen to public awareness. A plethora of channelers, mystics and spiritual authors emerged with their work in the 1980s such as Dolores Cannon, Barbara Marciniak, Darryl Anka, Esther Hicks and the Abraham Group, Sheila Gillette and the Theo Group and many others. This decade appears to have been a portal of sorts, a time in our continuum in which information would begin seeping to the surface to plant seeds of awareness set to blossom in the future. There were metaphysical shops popping up like crystal-studded mushrooms in cities across the United States. Metaphysical newspapers went to press and people began engaging with esoteric information in a more public way.

    While other channelers were making their way to the public eye, a woman named Linda Davis worked in obscurity. Her connection with a nonphysical Being called The Guardian was established at this special time in our history, a time that was ripe for the resurgence of spiritual information.

    Like most people in the 1980s, I had never heard of the term channeling. I had been drawn to the subject via a picture of Linda Davis in a local metaphysical magazine.

    I read the description of her service, which included telling people of their past lives and assumed it was some kind of intuitive reading. I had already begun to wonder if the dynamics of human relationships and trauma might come from some other place in time and space. It made more sense to me than the seeming randomness of every day events. I never resonated with the thinking of Coincidence Theorists with whom nothing has to make rational sense. They seem to be content with the mantra S--- happens but I was not. I was ready to see a larger view of my life so I called Ms. Davis to request a channeling.

    When the day of the ‘channeling’ arrived, I was nervous. If what she advertised was true, I was about to be confronted with the deeds of my past – good, bad or indifferent.

    I arrived at Linda’s home and was instructed to quietly enter the living room and take a seat. I was told I would be brought back to see her in an adjacent room once she had ‘connected’ with her source. The ‘source’ of information was called The Guardian. This Entity was said to be from a far away dimension and had never incarnated physically. Linda had reportedly been connected with the Guardian throughout her Earth incarnations. It had been a while, however, since they had demonstrated the ability to communicate in this direct way.

    To create a ‘meeting’ place, Linda had to go through a protocol involving geometry and symbols that shifted her own vibrations so she could reach out into another dimensional field. The Guardian would do a similar thing from his dimension, to step-down into this agreed upon field. Both could be comfortable enough to function in this neutral place between their worlds. Upon connecting with the Guardian, she would go into a passive role and allow herself to be a conduit for information.

    From her point of view she would be positioned off to the side, passively listening to what was being said in real time. Once the connection was strong, and the client had begun asking questions, a giant screen would appear. On it was hundreds, or even thousands, of pixels. Each pixel was of a different experience within the person’s past/future that exists within their aura. When a question was asked, one of the pixels would blow up to fill the entire screen and Linda could see what the Guardian was speaking of.

    Clients would often ask her, upon her cresting back to this reality, to tell what she had seen regarding a particular portion of the channeling. They would often learn a great deal more when she would explain what it looked or felt like. This information offered more nuances than what words alone expressed. This would only work, however, if she were asked directly after the session. Otherwise the images would fade very quickly and not be available for recall.

    On the day of my first channeling, about twenty minutes after my arrival, I was taken to an adjacent room. Linda was laid back in a La-Z-Boy lounge chair. Her eyes were closed and her face was expressionless. I was told by her husband to gently take her hand in mine and state my full name three times, which I did. After a few minutes the connection had been established between The Guardian and me. I was told I could begin asking questions.

    The communication was spare in nature, responding only to what I had asked with no embellishment. I found that the entity refused to give predictions or prophecy as to my future. The rule was that you were free to ask anything about your past, your Soul’s choices and life lessons. The Guardian stated that this information should be food enough for a person to make better choices as to their future. He explained that on this free will planet, the quality of our lives is created through our choices. They said it was against some universal law to rob people of the creation of their own lives.

    I was admittedly disappointed. Like most people, I wanted to know how certain things were going to turn out before they had even begun. Knowing I wasn’t going to be given that information, I quickly adjusted my list of questions to focus on my relationships with the significant people in my life, my own past and life’s lessons.

    Throughout the channeling, in which I learned of my past connection to my husband, my son, sister, past lovers and others, I kept sensing that I was connecting with some deeper truth within myself. I have always gone by the feelings in my stomach and nothing I was hearing created a tightening, friction or rejection from my gut.

    The exchange with this entity felt accepting and profound. In addition, the energy in the room was noticeably invigorating and healing and I became more ‘charged’ as the channeling progressed. The information felt like a perfect fitting glove.

    During this first channeling, ‘visions’ I had experienced were instantly ferreted out and reflected back to me. I had told no one of the things I had been seeing prior to this reading.

    I had been having flashes of my then husband Kurt’s hand with lace poking out from under a black velvet sleeve. The Guardian told me of my life with him during Colonial times, a life in which he was a banker during the time of America’s breaking free of British rule and the penning of the Declaration of Independence. Velvet coats with lace trimming on his shirts sleeve were his attire.

    I had also been having visions of Kurt’s eyes on a Native American Indian in the Plains with a wolf standing by his side. It was such a strong vision I secretly inquired about having this image captured in a painting. I had not mentioned this to the Guardian or anyone else. Shortly, thereafter, the Guardian told Kurt of one of his lives as a Native American. This is the first time I realized I wasn’t making things up – I was having bona fide visions of the past, which was a relief. As a lifelong journalist, I value validation and corroboration.

    I wondered how this Being could see what my thoughts and psychic visions were, no less actions. But, that’s how it worked with most people who sat with the Guardian. If they were skeptical, the Guardian would immediately identify something deeply personal within them to get their full attention. They paid much closer attention to the answers once they felt fully seen and understood, if a bit more vulnerable. It is indeed disconcerting to have your own thoughts reflected back to you. It makes one feel naked.

    I had many questions during these early encounters with the Guardian and was using the Guardian as an oracle for everything that posed confusion for me or for that which I had not yet found an answer.

    The Guardian was patient and accommodating. After a short time, however, he suggested that I look for the answers to the questions myself, which, he said, I was perfectly capable of doing. I doubted this, but did begin the arduous process of learning to connect with this higher dimensional aspect of myself, which I will call the Soul for purposes of consistency. Still, I did ask the Guardian about some everyday challenges, particularly those I was so close to emotionally that I could not dial in.

    Two such sessions were dedicated to two dogs that were ill. The first had developed cancer and had a very short time to live. Panic stricken, I asked what could be done. The Guardian told me that I could feed her a diet rich in certain nutrients, but that it would only buy her a few weeks. I followed the directions and she perked up, giving me hope. But, as was told, it effect was to be short lived. She died three weeks later.

    In despair, I went to the animal shelter and adopted another dog, a little white mixed breed named Ziggy. Within days I began to see the symptoms of distemper, a common and fatal disease dogs and cats contract while in animal shelters. By the time I asked the Guardian about Ziggy, she was in bad shape. She had stopped eating and drinking, her back legs didn’t work anymore due to the ravaging nerve damage of distemper. She was all but dead. My heart sinking, I asked what I could do. Again, I was told to give her specific foods, vitamins and minerals. He went on to say that she would recover from this normally fatal disease, however, there would be one remaining function that would not recover properly, which could cause some problems for us. He did not tell me what the dysfunction would be, but he wanted me to know that it would be my decision to save her life, which would be compromised, or not.

    I chose to save her. I watched in awe as her devastated little body came back to life. One function did not recover however, which ultimately led to my having her put to sleep. That she had recovered from distemper to that extent was considered medically impossible. Still I could not cheat her fate.

    I was so impressed with the quality of information that I began bringing friends over to Linda’s house to ‘meet the Guardian.’ Similar results were had by all who were open to the information. Lives changed radically for the better. Clarity replaced confusion. It was a time of great exploration.

    There seemed to be no limit to what we would be told as long as it had nothing to do with our own future and choices. Perhaps most profound information in my experience, however, was the non-personal information. I wanted to understand the deep divide, the duality that seems to live within each one of us. Why is it that so few people know why they are here, no less what their life purpose is? We are capable of such exquisite beauty, compassion, love and creativity. We are also mean, greedy, controlling, violent and manipulative. Why do such contrasts exist within our nature?

    After my first channeling I learned that Linda had written a book, direct translations of some previous channeling sessions with The Guardian. The oddly laid out book, which seemed to jump all over the place from topic to topic, covered a vast array of subjects. While I found much of it fascinating, the most intriguing parts were snippets of a story regarding the beginning of human life on Earth. This touched my deepest questions regarding the human Soul.

    The following is a short sketch of the subject, which was abbreviated by me. Anytime there is editing involved, nuances can be skewed or missing entirely. For this reason the full story, mostly in the original words of the Guardian recorded between 1984 and 1987, is included in the addendum of this book if you would like to delve deeper. It has been expanded on over the years by a second ‘source’ of information, which also communicates through Ms. Davis, whom I will refer to throughout this book as Ara. Ara and the Guardian are two entities from the same nonphysical dimension who work together in their communications with Linda.

    This is the first time this story has been released since the mid-eighties as Linda Davis has retained a quiet life throughout the years and has had no public profile.

    Chapter 3: A New Story of Human Origins


    Before sharing this story about the origins of the human species, it’s important to understand the nature of frequency and dimension. Throughout the universe(s), all things are made of vibrating energy and matter. Quantum physicists have observed some of this.

    While we are aware of a limited range of frequency within our third dimensional reality, there exists unfathomable numbers of dimensions, frequencies and planes of existence that we are completely unaware of. The Beings within the other frequencies and dimensions are, likewise, unaware of us. Yet, the mind-boggling truth is that many different realities can exist within the same space.

    Wherever you are at this moment, stop what you’re doing. Look at this space you are occupying and imagine that there are other civilizations of Beings and creatures that are living in the same space, except at frequencies that are out of your range of perception. Imagine you are sitting in a city far into the future of an unknown civilization, or in a primitive environment with unrecognizable animals. Such is the stuff of science fiction novels and films, but the concept is quite real. It has only been in the last few decades that science has identified separate dimensions, yet indigenous elders and the ancient civilizations have always been aware of the existence of other dimensional fields and the life forms that exist within them.

    One simple example of life in another dimension would be that of ghosts, which many people can see. They exist in a dimensional field, or frequency range, that is just slightly removed from the one in which we live and breathe often referred to as the Astral realm. There are Beings, however, who live many dimensions removed from us, who have no physical bodies and exist as pure light and consciousness. What I am about to share with you illustrates that these Beings are Us, they are You.

    A New Earth

    As is true with other celestial bodies, the earth was formed by the winds and vibrations of creation, along with gasses and molecules all organized by a force that was spinning very rapidly – much faster than today. In addition, new elements were beginning to materialize to help in the formation of the planet.

    Over a vast period of time these elements came together to create not only this third dimensional planet but the massive array of life forms she hosts. Another way of phrasing this is that the process of creation, of all kinds, is in bringing thought into a physical manifestation. This is true of everything from a piece of furniture to stars and planets. (One would presume there was a vast intelligence involved in a creation of this magnitude.)

    From the beginning, the earth was a place of great curiosity due to its variety of life forms, which was almost frivolous in its bounty compared to many other stars and planets. There were trees, plants, great bodies of water, mountains, insects, birds, animals and sea creatures, all of which had been developing over a vast stretch of time, stepping down in their density until they reached third dimensional physicality.

    Two Separate Dimensions Co-mingle

    As this earth’s formation was under way, there was a group of Beings from another dimension (area of frequency/density) who became aware of the newly forming Earth. We must know from the beginning of this story that the earth is multidimensional in nature, as are we. So from another dimension of what is now the Earth we know, there were Beings of a highly intelligent and creative nature who would appear to our eyes to be made of light, or electricity. There was no density to their bodies and their world functioned at the speed of thought. As thought, or mind, is the basis for all of creation, they did not have the obstacle of physical density to overcome in their creative process. (The denser the physical world, the longer it takes to bring thought into physical reality.)

    These other dimensional Beings had become aware of the creation of third dimensional earth and had a great curiosity as to its unique and varied lifeforms, i.e. plants and animals. Some of the more curious and adventurous of spirit, Beings that we could consider to be scientists, chose to participate in an experiment. This was possible because there was an area where their dimension overlapped with, and could see into, the newly forming earth dimension. At this time the earth was still spinning very fast and had not lowered its spin rate to what we now know as the third dimensional energy field. Because of this high rate of spin and the interpenetrating dimensional fields, the other dimensional Beings made a decision to traverse into this newly forming reality.

    It needs to be noted, according to the Guardian, that this is not a normal thing. Dimensions do not generally interpenetrate each other to where Beings of one particular dimensional field can come through to an environment of a very different dimensional vibration. Because of this anomalous opening between dimensions, the Beings who came through were called the Portal Beings.

    Playing With Earth’s Life Forms

    The Portal Beings watched the developments for a long while and, when they felt it was safe, began to come through this area of intermingling dimensional fields, the Portal, to look into and experience existence from a new point of view.

    During the Portal Beings’ time in this new world, they were able to use their mental and creative powers to create a ‘thought form’ reality in which they could observe and interact comfortably. It was not as concrete as our third dimensional reality, but it was solid to their perceptions within this newly forming environment. This lighter physical reality they were creating was a thought form precursor to what later became the physical continent of Lemuria.

    As the Portal Beings continued their explorations on the newly forming earth, it was known that the rate of spin was beginning to slow down and becoming denser in its physicality. After coming and going for a very long time, the Portal Beings were arriving at a shut off point where it would become impossible to return to their native dimensional field as the variance between the two dimensions was too great.

    Over time, some of the Portal Beings decided to intentionally lower their vibratory rate so that they could easily merge with some of the plants and animals for short periods of time. They found this interesting and amusing. It needs to be noted that no harm came to the Beings with whom they were merging energies, which included trees, fish, birds and other species at the beginning of this experiment. This arrangement was entered into only with those species that were agreeable to the experience, after which the Portal Beings would raise their frequencies back up so they could return to their native dimensional field.

    These simple life forms were enjoyable, but offered only a small range of experience and expression so they decided to attempt merging with more complex and intelligent life forms. To do this, however, would require making vibratory changes within the

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