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Squirrels in Frankfurter Highlight
Squirrels in Frankfurter Highlight
Squirrels in Frankfurter Highlight
Ebook29 pages23 minutes

Squirrels in Frankfurter Highlight

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Jing and Gyp used to live a good life with their mother on the moon, but their father took them for a weekend visit and abandoned them on Earth in a dark arcade called Squirrels in Frankfurter Highlight, a 24-hour gamblers’ haven of vidmind games. Jing must save her brother from the arcade's ogre, Base, the security, who hunts the boy to trade him for cash to the cruit-joes who will sell him as cheap offworld labor. A bad gamble costs Gyp his consciousness; now his mind is lost and locked inside a Gamm, the arcade's gaming machines, where bleeders lurk. Gyp can only be saved by Jing, but she's never played a game in void link.

PublisherRhea Rose
Release dateApr 17, 2012
Squirrels in Frankfurter Highlight

Rhea Rose

Rhea is a Vancouver, BC writer known best for her short stories and many of those are posted here at Smashwords. I'm mainly a short story writer and a writer of poetry although lately, I've made a foray into novel writing. I've been nominated 3 times for the Canadian Aurora award, twice for short stories, once for poetry, also nominated for a Rhysling award for poetry. I've made the preliminary nominations for a Nebula award (did I mention I like to write "Science Fiction?") I've also made Ellen Datlow's honourable mention list 3 times for horror. Here at Smashwords, you'll find my shorts that have been traditionally published but those rights have now come back to me and I republish the stories here. As well, you'll find short stories that are published here for the very first time. These stories are ones that editors loved, held for tons of time, shortlisted, longlisted and then decided the piece couldn't fit the theme or some other aspect of their needs. Those are very frustrating times for a writer, but the beauty of Indie publishing is that you can publish them at some point and get them out to your readers. When posting my work at Smashwords I try to show diversity in writing and select stories that I think are relevant, and might surprise the reader; a good story will usually be relevant until the end of time. The work I post here has been worked on quite a bit so hopefully, it satisfies the reader. My wish: I'd love to have more reviews from readers and stars. Those are so important to writers. That's how we know that there's anyone out there...

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    Book preview

    Squirrels in Frankfurter Highlight - Rhea Rose

    Squirrels in Frankfurter Highlight

    Rhea Rose

    Copyright by Rhea Rose, 2012

    Published by RainWood Press at Smashwords, April 2012.

    Images from

    Cover design by RainWood Press.

    Squirrels in Frankfurter Highlight

    Jing's brother blew into Squirrels' deep-fried aromatic atmosphere like a bird caught in an up draft. His clothes billowed as he stepped from the winter street into the twenty-four-hour-entertainment-center’s entrance. He peeled his new winter wear from his body, folding the clothes over and in on themselves until they were small enough to fit in the nylon pouch on his belt. The white stripes on his T-shirt and sneakers took on a purple hue in the lighting.

    Jing walked on her toes as she made her way through the moving crowds and line-ups toward her brother. Above the heads and from between her black skinny beaded braids, she strained to keep him in sight.

    Hey, Gyp, she called. Gyp.

    He was fifteen, tall and had black hair like hers, only short. His eyes were lighter, hazel, almost yellow. Hers were dark, deeply set. Like a Chinese artist's brush strokes, someone had once told her, a Eurasian-Afro heritage flowed in their features. Emotion breezed over the planes of her broad smooth face like cloud shadow, never settling. She was fourteen and they'd been living at the twenty-four hour entertainment center for nearly two weeks.

    She lost him in the crowd but knew where he was headed and cut through the viewing lounge. There a barrage of luminous color Gamm images--cars, screaming military space ships, and gentle scenes of fantasy lit the large dish-screens displayed in all corners of the cavernous lounge. Private cubicles were filled with the curved backs of anonymous viewers.

    She sat inside an empty viewing stall and dumped her purse. Sorting though the pile of bills and change, she found a few tokens and popped one into a slot. The screen lit,

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