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70x7 Accelerated Change Manifestation Technology
70x7 Accelerated Change Manifestation Technology
70x7 Accelerated Change Manifestation Technology
Ebook122 pages1 hour

70x7 Accelerated Change Manifestation Technology

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

You're about to discover the fastest, easiest and most powerful way to create specific changes and accelerate the the law of attraction in your favor by as much as 100%, 200%, Or even as much as 425%.

Read my 70X7 Accelerated Manifestation Manual and you will have in your hands the fastest and simplest method for putting your brain on auto-pilot to magically create anything you want effortlessly and easily.

The 70x7 Accelerated Manifestation Manual describes an ancient method to "Magically Create Anything You Want Effortlessly and Easily"

It is a method I have personally used over and over again for the past 20 years to achieving a life of maximum enjoyment and prosperity. This powerful 70x7 manifestation method accelerates the Law of Attraction and makes your personal desires, goals and dreams show up so fast it will literally make your head spin.

The best part itt is very simple and easy to do.This amazing little method is so pragmatic and simple but yields results like nothing I have ever tried before and I have tried just about everything. Years ago I paid $650 dollars to attend a seminar of which most of it was dedicated to explaining this method and it was worth every penny.

I have used it hundreds of times over the years and it has paid me back a million fold.

This 70x7 Method actually has its origin in the bible in Mathew 18:21-35. Many of the world's faith traditions are heavily laced with references to sevens and this number seven has always been an ancient, mystical number.

Here is what a few people had to say:

It is certainly magical in every sense of the word. Heck it's worth literally an easy million dollars if you wanted to put a monetary value on it.

In a nutshell, this 70x7 Accelerated Manifestation Method is the prime blueprint for manifesting thought / belief into this dimension. What more can I say?"
Cian Mumar
San Francisco

The blessings in hitting rock bottom are that I have learned many, many lessons and will never again visit where I've been before. A couple of retreats with T. Harv Eker, Holosync, the 70x7 manifestation program, and becoming a part of a church have been hugely healing for me.

To tell the truth, the 70x7 is so effective it scares me. The "stuff" which I believed to be gone was only hiding - however deeply - and needed to resurface, be acknowledged and released. The 70x7 is incredibly effective at doing this.

Shelly Chandler
Vancouver B.C. Canada

I am so incredibly confident that once you read this book and use this method one time you will be so amazed at your results you will be calling and emailing me in a state of ecstatic elation from the results of your success.This is literally the key to the vault.

This is possibly the most important investment you'll ever make in your life in creating change and manifesting your dreams.

I assure you that you'll be able to use the 70x7 technique that you'll learn in my book within the first few minutes of reading the manual and see incredible changes within days.

If you knew what I know about the effectiveness of this tool you would pay thousands of dollars for it. Unlike most books and CD's you have bought over the years that sit around on your shelf this is one of those rare gems that you will use on a regular basis I assure you because the results are so immediate and powerful. It is amazing, it's like black magic.

PublisherDavid kendall
Release dateMay 1, 2012
70x7 Accelerated Change Manifestation Technology

David kendall

David Kendall is a professional magician, author and entrepreneur. He has performed magic in Canada,USA, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand and Australia. He is currently the house magician for the Strathcona Hotel in Victoria BC where he lives with his partner and two children. He founded his personal growth company Magical Mind Enterprises Ltd. in 2000 promoting high tech meditation, subliminal reprogramming as well as writing his own and co-authoring the best selling book "Wake Up and Live the Life You Love" with Deepak Chopra Wayne Dyer and Mark Victor Hansen.

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Reviews for 70x7 Accelerated Change Manifestation Technology

Rating: 4.625 out of 5 stars

16 ratings5 reviews

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Readers find this title to be a highly recommended and interesting book. The exercises in the book are effective and have a positive impact on the reader. Some reviewers mentioned that the book could have been clearer in addressing certain issues, and there were some broken links to the author's websites. However, overall, readers love this book and find it great.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I love each word that is very precise and express what and how we feel and think. I identify many things about my thought patterns while reading the book.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Actually a work book that works. Almost done with my first 70x7 exercise and feeling like something switched in me.
    Highly recommend.

    3 people found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Great book one must try this i love this book

    2 people found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Méthodique, précis , simple d'application dans la vie de tous les jours à la maison.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A very good and interesting little book. The idea is really cool and I will try it. The only reason I didn't give the book a 5 is it could have been a little more clear on how to address the issues that will be revealed that are blocking one from what you want. Also, none of the links to any of his websites work. He may not even have a site anymore....still... Give this book a read.

    1 person found this helpful

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70x7 Accelerated Change Manifestation Technology - David kendall

70x7 Accelerated Change Manifestation Technology

How to Put the Law of Attraction on Steroid


David Kendall

Smashwords edition, copyright 2004

License notes: Published by Magical Mind Enterprises Ltd at Smashwords. Copyright 2004 by Magical Mind Enterprises Ltd. All rights reserved. This manual, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission. Cover image © iQoncept -, Cover composition by Katrina Joyner.

Table of Contents

Welcome To the Magic of 70 x7

Quick Start Guide

Daily Application of the 70 x 7 Exercise

Don’t Give up - It’s a Trick!

You Will Notice Change Right Away

Don’t Show Your Hand On This Exercise.

Why 7? Why 70?

Introduction – The Dynamics of Change

Off To See The Wizard

Decide what you want

Defending our Fears

We Are Already Living Our Dream – Well Sort of….

My History is NOT My Destiny

Time to Make your Dream Wish List

Focus on What You Want

Setting Goals

Eliminating What You Don’t Want

Be Willing to Stretch Yourself

Making the Connection – Filtering our Possibilities

Creating Fertile Ground for a Magical Mind

Interconnectivity - or How Everything Connects

The Challenge of Change

The Magic of Seven GREAT Habits

Stephen Covey’s Seven Habits

Habit 1: Be Proactive

Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind

Habit 3: Put First Things First

Habit 4: Think Win/Win

Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, then to be Understood

Habit 6: Synergize

Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw

It COULD happen to you – so let’s Increase the Probability

Understanding the Comfort Zones Concept

The Magic of Meditation and Subliminal Programming

Appendix 1 – Examples of 70 x 7 Statements

To Feel Wonderful

To Lose Weight and Get Fit and Healthy


To Release Relationships Harmoniously

Personal Qualities/Spiritual Growth

Disciplined, Orderly, Peaceful Life

Money/Career/Financial Success


For Yourself

Appendix 2 – Declarations

Welcome To the Magic of 70 x7

What follows in the next few pages is an extremely powerful technique I have used effectively for several years now. I can’t begin to tell you the good fortune I have been able to create for myself because of it.

This manual is designed in two parts – a quick introduction to the process so you can get started right away, and then some more in-depth reflections about the nature of change and what we might want to know when we approach creating any kind of dramatic life changes as well as a little metaphysical perspective on how this technology might actually work.

I am very excited about hearing reports of your results. Please feel free to write me, email me or fax me with your stories of how powerfully this has effected your life.

You are going to be extremely surprised at how quickly life can change and opportunities can come your way. Use the technology for whatever you please. I have provided some examples, but use your imagination as there are no limits. This is, in the best use of the word, Magic! Also you can check out my subliminal video programming resources at -

Quick Start Guide

Choose a goal or desire you would like to manifest for yourself. Define it as a short statement. The statements should be present centered (not future tensed, i.e. I will be confident) and contain positives (i.e. I am outgoing rather than I will not be shy. Keep the statement short and precise and focused on only ONE issue or subject.

(I use an Excel Spreadsheet for this because it makes it easy to keep track of the 140 statements – 70 statements and 70 responses, you can use something like that, or simply sheets of paper if you count the lines so you know precisely how many times you are writing your statement and responses). After each statement, write down underneath it whatever the response is that comes into your consciousness. The first thing that pops into your mind after writing your statement. Here are some examples;

Statement I now lead a disciplined and orderly life.

Response: I miss the drama of not being able to find things.

Statement I now lead a disciplined and orderly life.

Response: "I am afraid of being so organized.

Statement: I now lead a disciplined and orderly life."

Response: Being organized makes me feel people will expect more of me.


Statement: I am now in perfect health and shape.

Response: I haven’t been able to lose weight before.

Statement: I am now in perfect health and shape.

Response: "I don’t have enough willpower to really lose weight.

Statement: I am now in perfect health and shape.

Response: I’m afraid if I look great people will love me.

Statement: I am now in perfect health and shape.

Response: I’m afraid of being loved.

(Note to compulsive readers – I formatted this a certain way because I like the way it looks, NOT because it’s supposed to be formatted that way and if you don’t format it the way I do, you’re doing the exercise wrong. Got it? If you follow the simple directions you won’t go wrong.)

A response can be a thought, feeling, emotion, or even a blank sense of nothing coming up. In the last case, you would write simply No Response. And move on to writing your statement again. It’s important to write whatever thoughts come up, even it seems like mind chatter or very familiar, habitual thinking. By writing down these responses we begin to identify the self-limiting and defeating thinking patterns we have adopted to stay stuck. Being stuck keeps us safe (and being safe means we live in the realm of the familiar, even if it’s not what we want or isn’t satisfying) and knowledge of what keeps us stuck gives us a very powerful tool that we can utilize directly and efficiently to begin effectively creating the life we really want. That tool is the choice to believe what is resourceful to us and let go of beliefs that are not resourceful. These patterns of thinking, when we put them together, may represent critical thinking patterns that have become blocks to living life happily and fully. Later in this manual I will go into considerable detail about how important it is

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