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From Behind: The Best Anal Erotica
From Behind: The Best Anal Erotica
From Behind: The Best Anal Erotica
Ebook85 pages1 hour

From Behind: The Best Anal Erotica

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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  • Anal Sex

  • Power Dynamics

  • College Life

  • Adventure

  • Intimacy

  • Casual Sex

  • Sexual Awakening

  • Friends With Benefits

  • Forbidden Love

  • Friends to Lovers

  • Road Trip

  • Anal Play

  • Stepfather-Stepdaughter Relationship

  • Fish Out of Water

  • Coming of Age

  • Relationships

  • Friendship

  • Travel

  • Erotica

  • Pleasure

About this ebook

From Behind: The Best Anal Erotica

Do you enjoy the feeling from behind? Do you love erotica that specializes in your sexual needs and desires? Is ass play a turn on, a lifestyle, a vacation from your troubles? This collection brings some of bestselling erotic writer Julieta Hyde’s anal sex stories together for the first time. Get the specific thrill you want from stories that cater to your specific sexual desire. Erotic, explicit, exciting.

Content Warning: contains explicit sexual situations and language. For adult use only.

Julieta Hyde is the bestselling erotica writer of the Daddy’s Girl series, the Belinda Silverthorne NecRomances and many series and anthologies. Her erotica has brought joy and titillation to thousands and thousands of satisfied readers. She is excited to bring you this wonderful collection of themed stories, put together with your excellent tastes in mind.

Release dateJun 6, 2012
From Behind: The Best Anal Erotica

Julieta Hyde

Julieta Hyde grew up on the wild coast of Oregon.Her whole life she knew she wanted to be a writer and as she grew older she knew what she wanted to write: romance, paranormal and erotica.She currently lives in Rockaway Beach, Oregon and spends her nights writing and learning more about her subject. While it’s hard to find real supernatural creatures to study, she has found more than a couple lovers to help her with the romance part. Some are better than others, but all are worth it!

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    Book preview

    From Behind - Julieta Hyde

    Published by Rutting Good Press

    All content copyright 2012 Julieta Hyde

    All Rights Reserved

    This book is a work of fiction. All characters, incidents, locations and dialogue are drawn from the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Smashwords Edition, License Note

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.  This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people.  If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient.  If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy.  Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table Of Contents


    In Cancun

    Anal Admissions

    Anal 101

    Earth Day Ass Play

    Step Daddy’s Little Ass Whore

    Step Daddy’s Little Beach Slut

    Taking It In The Outback(side)

    Ass Up In Australia

    Author Bio

    Free Excerpt from From Behind 2: More Best Anal Erotica


    A note from Rutting Good Press:

    This collection was put together from previously released erotic stories. Many fans and readers were looking for a collection that brought the Julieta Hyde anal sex stories together so they could access them right away. No one wants to wait when they want to get off! So here is the first collection of stories about anal sex and ass play. Many were written for specific collections, so if you like what you read we suggest you check out all the original collections also. They are hot, hot, hot!

    Enjoy! Be safe! Cum hard!

    In Cancun

    I love spring break. It was something I looked forward to every single year. Freshman year we went to Ft. Lauderdale. Sophomore year we went to Daytona. Junior year I was fucking this guy whose parents had a place in the Hamptons. That was amazing!

    Senior years was Cancun, though. Cancun, Mexico. Wild, wet and lawless! It was the best time of my life and probably the best lay of my life.

    I got introduced to anal that week.

    My girlfriends and I got off the plane and walked into a hot, wet world. It was unseasonably humid that year and all of us were dripping with sweat by the time we got to the resort.

    Ugh, Belle said, stripping off her dress and deciding the bikini was all she needed. It better cool down at night.

    I hope it heats up, Candice grinned. I’m so horny I could fuck one of you guys.

    At least we’ll lose weight from all the sweat, Tana said. Better than a spa.

    We ditched our things in the room and went down to the poolside bar, ready to check out the action. The place was packed, the music was thumping and I had my ass grinding against as many guys’ crotches as possible by the time I’d finished my third drink.

    I was ready to party and make my senior year the best ever.

    By the sixth drink, I was struggling to keep my bikini on. I’d bought a small one, ready to show off my body I had been working on all winter long. Morning workouts, afternoon jogging, light weights. My bod rocked! My bottoms slid off my ass and I started laughing as a hand helped pull them up.

    You may want to change, a guy said from behind as he leaned over me.

    I bumped back against him and looked over my shoulder, Nothing else is going on this bod. Just coming off.

    He grinned and leaned in and kissed me. I spun about and my tongue attacked his in an instant.

    I have my own room, he said when our mouths parted. Wanna party?

    I reached between his legs to feel what I was getting into, or what was going to get into me, and I nodded.

    Yeah, stud, I laughed as my top slipped up my tits. I pulled it back down and rubbed his cock. Take me fast. I’m so ready.

    He led me through the crowd and up to the top floor of the resort hotel. His room was one of the great ones with a total ocean view and I watched the parties below as he turned on music and handed me a margarita.

    I’m Dan, he said.

    I don’t care, really, I answered as I downed my drink and finally let the bikini fall away. I was done with that thing. But, I’m Nicky, if you care.

    Well, Nicky, he said, finishing his drink. He slid his shorts off and his cock stood out hard and dripping. Turn around and bend over. You’re gonna get fucked.

    I laughed and immediately spun about. I loved his directness!

    He slid his cock into my waiting pussy, but I didn’t bend over.

    Fuck me standing up, I moaned as I reached back and wrapped an arm around his neck. The angle his cock was at was just right and I didn’t want to ruin it. I’ll bend over in a second.

    He grabbed me about the waist and his cock pounded into my pussy. His hips were strong and steady and he slowly built up speed until he was nearly lifting me off the ground with each thrust.

    Oh…god! I screamed as we came together. His hot cum spurted up in me and I pushed down on his cock as my pussy became wet with my own cum. Oh…shit…

    I ground on his cock a little longer, but even then when I pulled away his cock spurted jizz all over my ass.

    Damn! I laughed. You must have an extra ball to keep shooting like that!

    I spun about and sucked his face for a while, loving the taste of his tequila soaked tongue on mine. We pulled away and I caught him looking over my shoulder at the mirror behind us. I looked back and laughed at the cum that was dripping from my ass.

    You like it in the ass? he asked. I do.

    I haven’t ever done anal, I said. All my girlfriends say it’s gross.

    All your girlfriends are lying, he said, his hand sliding across my ass cheek and into my crack. He got his finger wet with his cum and rubbed it against my asshole. Trust me. You’ll love it.

    With how his finger was feeling as it massaged my ass, I didn’t doubt him.

    It won’t hurt, will it? I asked.

    That’s why they make lube, he grinned as

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