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Symphony of Psalms
Symphony of Psalms
Symphony of Psalms
Ebook69 pages34 minutes

Symphony of Psalms

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At the center of the Christian Bible is the book of Psalms. This great symphony of songs and prayers expresses the heart and soul of humanity. In them, the whole range of human experiences is expressed. The writers honestly pour out their true feelings, reflecting a dynamic, powerful, and life-changing relationship with God. The psalmists confess their sins, express their doubts and fears, ask God for help in times of trouble, and praise and worship him. As you read the book of Psalms, like listening to the wide range of grief and joy in one of Beethoven's symphonies, you will hear believers crying out to God from the depths of despair, and you will hear them singing to him in the heights of celebration. But whether despairing or rejoicing, you will always hear them sharing honest feelings with their God. Use these devotionals as personal enrichment, small group discussion starters or tools to aid our prayer habits.

PublisherStan Baldwin
Release dateJun 14, 2012
Symphony of Psalms

Stan Baldwin

Stan Baldwin is from Texas. He is married to Lorrie. They have three children and eight grandchildren. He graduated from Yale University Divinity School, Austin Graduate School of Theology and Oklahoma University. Stan has served in the U.S. Air Force and has been in full time ministry for 30 years. He serves as a Chaplain at a maximum security prison; writes and edits for Mercy Street Ministries.

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    Symphony of Psalms - Stan Baldwin

    Symphony of Psalms

    by Stan Baldwin

    Published by Stan Baldwin

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2012 Stan Baldwin

    Cover Art & Photography: Michael Tift & Lorrie Baldwin

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

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    Also by Stan Baldwin, Published at Smashwords:

    That Awful Silence

    Fasting Is Feasting


    Beethoven dramatically expanded the symphony, much more than earlier composers. His symphonies had a scale and emotional range that set it apart from earlier works. One reviewer of Beethoven’s 5th Symphony described it this way: No doubt the whole rushes like an ingenious rhapsody past many a man, but the soul of each thoughtful listener is assuredly stirred, deeply and intimately, by a feeling that is none other than that unutterable portentous longing, and until the final chord - indeed, even in the moments that follow it - he will be powerless to step out of that wondrous spirit realm where grief and joy embrace him in the form of sound…. Some parts of the symphony were quick and tight, others light and carefree, still others slow and serious. That’s the way it is in the movements of Beethoven’s concert performances.

    And too, that is the way it can be with life, relationships and ways of expressing ourselves. Some times in life things are quick, tight and seem to go our way in rapid succession. Those times are great and we wish we had more of them. Other times we’re carefree with few worries. Those times are relaxing and provide much needed rest and down time. Yet, other times life and relationships can be slow and serious. Life can be a struggle during those times. Each movement in life impacts the way we express ourselves and relate to others.

    Some times we express ourselves with cliché sound bites. They saturate our sentences and permeate our paragraphs. Some use them more than others. But if this is the essence of our speaking or writing, relationships stall on superficial plateaus. Facts and opinions can also fill our verbiage. These words go deeper, but the authentic person still lies hidden beneath them. In reality, it is only when honest feelings and emotions are shared that real people can be known, loved and helped.

    Often, patterns of superficial communication spill over into our talks with God. We easily slide through well-worn lines recited for decades, or we quickly toss a cliché or two at God and call it prayer. There is no doubt that God hears and understand these feeble attempts. Actually the apostle Paul says that the Holy Spirit takes

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