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How to Publish and Promote Your Book Now!
How to Publish and Promote Your Book Now!
How to Publish and Promote Your Book Now!
Ebook221 pages3 hours

How to Publish and Promote Your Book Now!

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About this ebook

Publishing and promoting made simple!

Have you dreamed of publishing a book but didn't know where to begin? This book guides you through identifying markets, budgeting, building an online presence, and generating publicity. Get the current scoop on:

• Traditional publishing & self-publishing
• Print and e-book setup, formatting, and distribution
• Finding your target audience
• Generating reviews and media interest
• Networking and developing an online presence
• Promotional materials and appearances

Uncover your ideal publishing path and various marketing options before you begin. Writing is your dream. Give it the best chance for success!

"She gives an unbiased take on the advantages and disadvantages of traditional publishing and self-publishing and publishing paths that combine the two… It's the perfect book for those who want an overview to begin the decision-making process." - Carolyn Howard-Johnson, author of the multi award-winning series of how-to books for writers

Release dateJan 22, 2013
How to Publish and Promote Your Book Now!

L. Diane Wolfe

L. Diane Wolfe Professional Speaker & Author Known as "Spunk On A Stick," Wolfe is a member of the National Speakers Association. "Overcoming Obstacles With SPUNK! The Keys to Leadership & Goal-Setting", ties all of her goal-setting and leadership seminar's information together into one complete, enthusiastic package. She also conducts seminars on book publishing and promoting, and assists writers through her author services. Her YA series, The Circle of Friends, features morally grounded, positive stories that appeal to both teens and concerned parents. Ten years associating with a motivation training system and experience as a foster parent gave her the in-depth knowledge of relationships, personality traits and success principles. Wolfe travels extensively for media interviews and speaking engagements, maintains a dozen websites & blogs, and contributes to several other sites and newsletters.

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    How to Publish and Promote Your Book Now! - L. Diane Wolfe


    The publishing industry is changing, and fast! Options for writers continue to expand every day. In the avalanche of new information, it’s difficult to see a path through the publishing forest.

    You’re in luck! Spunky is here to help

    Within these pages, you will discover the basics of publishing and promoting a book. Your goals and resources will determine your personal path. Do you want to secure a publisher? Do you want to self-publish? Are you active online or able to travel? What is your time commitment? You’ll need to answer these questions before you begin the journey.

    So, take a moment to decide. What do you want to accomplish? What are your goals? What are you willing to do to see your dreams come true?

    Now, let us begin!

    The Writing Phase

    Some Industry Facts

    The publishing industry is very competitive; close to a million books are released yearly. Factor in eBooks, and that total swells. Publishers Weekly once estimated that the average book only sells 500 copies. That’s not a lot of books.

    For other publishing statistics:

    BISG –

    Publishers Weekly –

    Publishing statistics reveal a harsh truth: Selling books is a difficult business. Many authors never sell over 100 copies. As more titles enter the marketplace, those numbers decrease and competition increases.

    The ease of self-publishing and the digitation of older titles have contributed to the increase of releases per year. While this is great news for readers, it means even more competition for authors and publishers who have to worker harder and smarter to gain the public’s attention.

    The computer age is changing the way we read, too. EBooks have been around for years, but portable e-readers created a major shift in the balance. Compact and portable, e-readers allow us to carry hundreds of books with ease. We have instant access to the bookstore 24/7. Even better—people who own e-readers find they read more books.

    Regardless of the changes, the industry is still challenging. Old systems are failing, options open and close. Writers need to prepare for a market as full of upheaval and uncertainty as it is opportunity.

    This journey is tough. Believe in yourself and learn all you can. Keep writing and keep believing and one day everything will pay off.

    - Donna Shields, author

    Ghostwriting and Co-Authors

    Writing begins with a dream and a desire. We envision smooth sailing and great rewards. However, before we set sail, we need a plan. Will we be able to accomplish our goals alone?

    Not everyone is a master storyteller. Some can envision the tale but lack the proper words to convey the message. If you struggle with writing, don’t give up hope. You can always employ the services of a ghostwriter.

    Ghostwriters take an idea and write the story. They work with the creator of the storyline, capturing the person’s intentions and visions, and write the actual book. The ghostwriter’s name never appears on the work; the originator of the idea receives the credit. Ghostwriters are often mid-list authors and the good ones guarantee to produce a marketable manuscript. It’s not cheap, but it is a possible option for storytellers who lack the proper writing skills.

    Another option is co-authoring a book. Two or more writers contribute to a book’s creation, pooling their resources. Unlike ghostwriting, all the writers receive author credit. A written contract between all parties is a must in this situation. Address contributions and compensation before embarking on this journey.

    Working with another author has distinct advantages. Usually one has more experience and can enhance the project with his or her expertise. With several authors, marketing efforts are multiplied because there’s more than one person promoting. In addition, established authors already have a fan base. You will reach a far greater audience than with a solo project, especially if it is your first.

    Working with another author also spurs creativity. You are able to bounce ideas off each other and the story never grows stale. It requires teamwork and compromise, but you’ll grow and stretch as a writer.

    Quotes and excerpts can also be added to a book’s content for credibility, enhancement, and variety. Be sure to get express written consent and use footnotes when necessary. Just giving credit is often not enough. You need written permission.

    It’s helpful to set completely attainable writing goals for ourselves. Even a goal of a double-spaced page a day means a completed first draft in less than a year.

    - Elizabeth S. Craig, Author of the Memphis Barbeque, Southern Quilting, and Myrtle Clover mysteries

    Finding Your Genre

    Writing is a passion. Some write because they have a story to tell. Some write with the goal of providing information. Regardless of the reason, there is one question every writer who seeks publication must answer: Will others want to read it?

    No one has ever written a book that the whole world will read. Even at 3.9 billion copies sold, the Bible is still not a book everyone wants to read. You must think in terms of your target audience and the niche your book will fill.

    This may take a little detective work!

    Every book fits into a genre. You may want to be a trendsetter, but your book must fit into an established or emerging genre. It can be a blend of several, but one must stand out from the others. It can be horror with romantic overtones or a thriller with science fiction elements. However, a fantasy-romance-western with historical facts will be difficult to pitch to publishers and agents.

    The Book Industry Systems Advisory Committee has established fifty-three major genres. (Visit their website at Check the listings to discover which category and sub-category best describes your book. With hundreds of possibilities, this will give you an idea how many categories exist. These genre descriptions also determine where your book is placed within bookstores and libraries.

    Now for the fun part: Research today’s market. Go online and into bookstores. Read online articles concerning the industry. What are the current trends? Which genres are growing and which are declining in popularity? Who is your competition, both authors and publishers? Are there many books on the shelf similar to yours? This shouldn’t determine your genre but rather guide your writing.

    You need to discover your particular niche. Some genres are well represented already. Will you stand out or be lost in the masses? Is your niche so small there’s no competition? That may not be a good thing! No books could mean no demand or an audience so small your book won’t sell. Unless your idea is revolutionary, the book might be difficult to pitch and market.

    Other considerations are your knowledge and reputation. Do you have the credentials and expertise to compete with other authors in your genre? Are you established enough in your field of study? Are you famous enough? These are all aspects to consider.

    You should still write what you enjoy. Don’t force yourself into a particular genre or trend. Your main objective is to write the best story possible. With the help of this book, that is exactly what you’ll be able to do.

    If your heart and mind and soul are urging you to write, then the wisest thing to do is listen. The rest is just a things to do list.

    - Karen Walker, author of Following the Whispers

    Target Audience, Benefits, and Filling a Need

    Now for the tough questions! Ask yourself:

    Who is my target audience?

    What are my book’s benefits?

    Does my book fill a need?

    Let’s consider audience first. Create a reader profile sheet. This can guide you when writing the book, but the greatest benefit comes when you’re ready to begin marketing. Write down the following aspects as they relate to your target audience:



    Income bracket


    What are their hobbies and interests?

    Where do they shop?

    Where do they frequent?

    What magazines, websites, and news sites do they read?

    What are their needs?

    Where do they hang out online?

    Fill in as much information as possible. Refer back often to your reader profile and continue to add details. The more you know about your audience, the better you can tailor your book to appeal to them. (Still write the story you want to write but be aware of what your audience likes.) It will be that much easier to reach them when you’re ready to promote.

    Now, what are your book’s benefits? How will it enrich your readers’ lives?

    Are they reading for entertainment? Will your book amuse them? Will you help them to escape their everyday lives? Will they enjoy the experience?

    Are they reading for enrichment? Will your book deliver meaningful and deep views? Will readers be moved by the experience?

    Are they reading for information? Will your book expand their knowledge and understanding?

    Are they reading to better their lives? Will your book help them save time or money? Will it provide healthier options? Can your book solve their problems?

    This is where you really need to place yourself in your reader’s shoes. There are millions of books on the market. Why should they read yours? They’ll enjoy it is not enough. You must give people compelling reasons to read your book, appealing to their logic, their emotions, or both. Brainstorm every possible benefit.

    Finally, does your book fill a need? There are several aspects to consider.

    Does your book provide information people are actively seeking? Is it new information or a unique take on a subject? Are changes in the world (technological, political, etc.) making this information necessary or beneficial?

    Is your book tied to events, locations, or people? Is there a demand for this information? If other books already exist, will you provide new or more current details?

    If a work of fiction, is it part of a new or growing trend? (Current trends will be on the slide by the time your book hits the market.) Is your story unique and fresh? Is there a demand for the storyline?

    That’s a lot of questions! However, the more you can answer, and in as much detail as possible, the better equipped your book will be to succeed.

    Don’t be in a hurry. Work on the writing, as the craft it is. Understand what story you are trying to tell, through the characters. Write about what you know.

    - Dirk Robertson, Author of Highland T’ing and Urban Arts Fiction Writing Winner


    Once you’re ready to begin…

    Writers fall into two camps—those who use outlines and those who go with the flow. (Known as plotters and pantsers, respectively.) Some prefer a roadmap and a known destination. Others like the freedom of making up a story as they write. Every person has a personal preference, and you must decide what works for you.

    If your work is non–fiction, an outline is more critical. It helps you organize ideas and topics. Publishers and agents often request a detailed outline first, so keep that in mind if you intend to query your manuscript.

    A very crucial point one should be aware of at all times: You want to avoid legal issues with regards to your manuscript. After pouring time and effort into a book, the last thing a writer needs is a lawsuit.

    Exhibit caution when using real life people or events in your book. This warning extends beyond memoirs or biographies, too. Incorporating real people into your work of fiction might cause trouble. Uncle George may have lived a colorful life and one he isn’t afraid to discuss. However, when stories of his wild youth appear on the printed page, he might not feel the same way if they are easily recognized as his escapades.

    Uncle George might not take legal action but you

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