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God, Love and Tow Trucks
God, Love and Tow Trucks
God, Love and Tow Trucks
Ebook76 pages57 minutes

God, Love and Tow Trucks

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Bizarro fiction by David Estrada. If you like his other work you are sure to love this...

PublisherDavid Estrada
Release dateJul 19, 2013
God, Love and Tow Trucks

David Estrada

Born on December, 4 1975. Lives in Anaheim, California.

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    God, Love and Tow Trucks - David Estrada

    God, Love and Tow Trucks

    By David Estrada

    God, Love and Tow Trucks

    Copyright David Estrada 2013

    That this work may pay homage to the Blessed Trinity and for the benefit of all life…

    Someone told me that nothing is impossible because the word says I'm Possible to which I replied: 'Equality is Possible'

    for My Family

    As always for Zelda... Prologue.

    I went to a party once and a woman I may have hit it off with but because of my personality we agreed to disagree, and she said she would be the Zelda to my Fitzgerald apart from marriage... maybe she was talking to the guy behind me. He was tall...

    This is a work of fiction. Any similarity with actual persons is merely writer's license.

    Chapter 1 Gospel according to Salome

    This crazy chick picks me up at the Coachella music festival. My name is John, and this is an accurate account of what happened to me in the five years following my twenty-fifth birthday. I was born in 1982. I am going to say it that way because one day I was in Indio listening to The Black Keys and a cute girl starts chatting me up. This never happens to me. Most of the time I go ignored. But she just started talking to me... And the next day I was in a time machine.

    Hi, my name is Salome. Shalom, it means peace. She says staring into my eyes. And you are John. John, what I want you to remember is that you can call me Sal.

    How she knows my name is irrelevant because I am wearing a backstage pass with my name on it. She takes my hand and we watch the rest of the show. It is good to meet you, Sal. I am pretty drunk.

    When I started to keep this journal, I decided I would name it after Sal...

    And so, a couple days later I was in the Ancient Middle East. This is the best account of what happened to me and Sal over the next ten years. Depending on the time when you are reading this, you may have heard of the Heaven's Gate cult... they thought a comet was hiding a spaceship. Well the propulsion system on the Silver Platter works by creating a point in space heavier that the ship is pulled toward. The thing is that water and dust and so on in space followed the event horizon and these ships looked like comets, sometimes comets are spaceships, but we won't beam you up, if you commit suicide. Things don't work that way...

    Time travel is like doing a brake stand in a muscle car then doing a donut...poof one second you were in California choking on the smog. The next second you are in Jerusalem masquerading as Salome and John the Baptist, but it isn't a charade I am really John the Baptist...She picked me up because I have always been that person I just needed to be taken to the right time.

    There is a queer paradox to time travel. The more it is explained to me, the more I think that all of time is predestined. I am not really changing anything if not going back in time would change more than what I would change if I went along with Salome's plan. One day she tried to explain to me that the creator of the universe was the last being at the end of time that went to the beginning to start it all over again the same way it has always been. The universe is on reruns, the universe is a rerun. Just one continuous loop of life and death; creation and destruction...that is what the universe is; it is just that...the destruction of the universe is the creation of the universe and that is time travel. The more the devises were used the more they tore apart time but when the creator went on his final joy ride which destroyed the universe he created it again...poof the death of the universe...poof the birth of the universe the big implosion and the big explosion. He saw it all. People from Salome's time know who the creator is, and they call him by name and never capitalize his title as the creator or god...he insists that there must be something greater than him and that is why he built the machine from notes that were given to him by an Air Force scientist who was just passing the note from his friends

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